Weekends are ruining my weight loss journey...HELP!!!

During the week my routine is pretty set, meal are planned, work outs are scheduled, everything is perfect. BUT when Friday rolls around it all goes down hill. Whether its going out to eat, hanging with the girlfriends, going to a club, or a back yard bbq...it never fails there is always alchohol consumption going on. Dont get me wrong I do not think I have a drinking problem, but my friends might hehe...I do like to kick back a few brewskis every now and again.

My question is: Does anyone else seem to have a problem with weekend fun? and if so how do you deal with it? What do I do? Especially this weekend, its Easter!!! 2 seperate backyard bbq's to go to...OH NO!!!

I just want to be successful in my weight loss journey and I know that this has always been my problem, but at the same time I still wanna have fun with my friends(who drink)


  • AzIceQueen
    AzIceQueen Posts: 5 Member
    Get in some extra exercise to make up for having the beers.
  • burnguru25
    Moderation! I cannot stress that enough! I have much to do this weekend as well and I will be in full control of my desires to eat everything in sight. :drinker:

    I also mitigate all extra calories with planned workouts, either day of or next day. Good luck!!
  • crystal10584
    at parties... don't graze. mingle and keep away from the snacks. take about half of what you normally would and the beer should offset the rest. drink lots of water and throw in some extra exercise :D
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
    Im a weekend fat girl! WHEN IM IN SERIOUS DIET MODE, I AVOID PPL! lol!
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    Here is just a suggestion. Come prepaird!! Like when I go visit my mother in laws. ( She loves to cook good cajun food) I bring my own food. Just explain to your friends that you have a goal that you want to meet and by eating there wonderful food you don't know when to stop. ( or whatever you feel is best to tell them) Hopefully they will understand that you do enjoy there company just not the extra calories that their food has in it. Or you could always bring something to help contribute. For example bring bonless skinless chicken breast, turkey burgers, chicken sausage or whatever else you may like that you know is what your body can have. My mother in law will be doing a crawfish boil and my lord do i love me some crawfish but instead i will only allow myself 10 crawfish and then i will make me a salad out of it by placing them on top. That way I am still eating crawfish but I am not eating a ton of them with corn and potatos. As for the booze I drink michalob ultra or cape cods with no sugar cranberry juice. Just don't let the bbq control you and you will do great!!
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    when I drink...I either drink Mic Ultra (the peach flavor is my favorite)...and I limit myself to no more than 2 (lately been just one WHEN I have some)...or Diet Coke with vanilla vodka...again, limit of 2 drinks...if you chose the DC and vodka, you can have just diet coke and no one knows you did not add the alcohol

    another trick my hubby does at his company functions (that always include alcohol)...he gets ginger ale with a lime and a little straw...no one knows what it is

    or if I am in the wine mood...I get half a glass of white wine with the rest of the glass filled with seltzer water...half the calories per glass

    OH YEAH...and use the time to focus on the SOCIAL aspect of the get together...not the eating and drinking aspect of the get together...I usually take pepper strips and hummus with me to parties so I can avoid the chips and dip (my weakness)
  • triptiu
    triptiu Posts: 11 Member
    I have the same problem! All my discipline goes out the window starting friday evening.. It seems like I lost a pound during the week and gain it right back over the weekend!

    I don't really have an answer for you but am curious to see what some people might do to get around this!
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Im a weekend fat girl! WHEN IM IN SERIOUS DIET MODE, I AVOID PPL! lol!


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • AdGalicia
    AdGalicia Posts: 84 Member
    Great Ideas...Thanks
  • melysa84
    melysa84 Posts: 3
    I think everone struggles with this...

    I try to plan ahead for activities which will make me want to indulge (going out to eat, backyard parties, hanging out at the bar, etc.) and I will be extra conscious of my calorie intake for the rest of that day (before and after) to leave some breathing room for the extra calories.

    Saturday and Sunday are definitely days that I never skip a workout, because I typically don't eat as carefully on those days. Plus I'm not rushed on the weekends so I can have a longer, more satisfying workout.

    If you are at a party where there is tons of food, you don't necessarily have to deprive yourself of everything - just have things in moderation. Instead of two heaping spoonfuls of pasta salad - have one small spoonful. Instead of standing by the chips and dip and eating them while you socialize, put a few on a plate and socialize somewhere away from the food. Alternate alcoholic drinks with water - you will only drink half the calories and will also be keeping yourself hydrated.
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    This is a bummer.....I know all too well:)) This WAS a HUGE one for me and has been one of the biggest reasons why I would keep failing at my weight loss goals....that "I'll start again on Monday mentality" This is what I have learned to do:

    1. Can you bring something to the bbq??? I am big on this. Call the host and ask if that would be okay (ask about how many ppl are coming and bring some for them.....Also bring SMALL plates to go with it for everyone (and eat off that...not the big plate)....You dont even have to tell anyone....they'll think the plates are for cake probably. You could even coordinate with the bbq colors if that is a big deal. That may help you. You can eat what you bring (and I bet others will too). I took green beans to a pot luck a couple of weeks ago and they were a hit....who knew??? Hahahaha.....I knew the calories on those bad boys:))

    2. Eat before you go (that could help).....drink lots of water before you go and while your there....that way if you do eat or drink alcohol (or drink anything for that matter...i.e. punch, soda etc.) it wont be much to KILL your entire weekly efforts....you wont go too far and you wont feel guilty:))

    3. You just got to make up your mind that NOTHING....I mean NOTHING is going to derail you:)) If you don't, you'll be making up for the weekend every week....birthday party here, holiday there, baby shower this weekend, bridal shower the next....sometimes there are events every weekend.....then what????

    Devise a plan and stick with it:)) You're a winner and you can do it!!!
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    ugh...weekends kill me too. The only way i've been able to do ok is by having a nice long workout in the a.m. That hasn't happened too consistently though. Maybe i'll look for a "stick to your calories on weekends" group/challenge on the boards. :). My goal would be to weigh the same on monday as I do on friday. :)