I WILL fit in that damn seat.

Marcellus_08 Posts: 253
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
Last night I had a dream that my mom,sister, daughter and me all went to Disneyland. It was very...in the future, but it was Disneyland.

I sat down in the seat at "It's a small world" and the guy who does the rides said, "mam, the belt doesn't fit." I looked down to see a chain that NEEDED to go over me and Khloe and it was easily a foot away from latching. I closed my eyes and said, I've been dieting all year, it fits just let me do it. Then I looked down and my belly wasn't there anymore. I latched it, glared at the man and off the boat went. My whole dream was fantastic. Mainly because my family hasn't been on a vacation together *outside of camping* since we went to Disneyland when I was probably seven years old.

I woke up in a good mood from the dream and some other things in my life that MAY be falling into place. Then I looked down and saw it...my stomach. Yuk. My worst fear is not fitting in a seat at an amusement park. I am such a fan of rides, roller coasters, ANYTHING that gives me an adrenaline rush. I hate knowing that right now I'm about...90% sure that I wouldn't fit in probably any seat at any park. That makes me sad. I have lost 37 pounds in 3 months yes...but I have SO MUCH farther to go that I see no end in sight. I so badly want to take my daughter to Disneyland next summer, and hopefully to Lagoon *utah park* next summer as well. In order for me to do so, I NEED to get rid of this stupid stupid eating habit. I'm not sure why its so hard to just simply STOP. It's rare that I eat any junk food as it is right now, but I KNOW I could do better. Everyone can always do better....but I'm just having a hard time right now and I'll admit, I'm waiting for it to pass before I gain any weight back.

I know I can do it, I KNOW I can, it's just getting me to think that way for as long as I can. Because next summer...damnit I will take my daughter on a vacation. I refuse to make her childhood boring because her mom prefers food. It's not worth it anymore. It's not even good anymore. I can't even eat ANYTHING sugary without feeling like I have failed. I LOVED my childhood, I have such great parents who even tho we didn't have money, we were always entertained, we were always happy. I want my daughter to experience that as well. So its time to put my wants aside and do what I NEED to do.



  • FatUncleRob
    FatUncleRob Posts: 341
    Sounds like you're motivated and you have a plan. You're right! You will fit in that DAMN seat!! :happy:
  • caradon
    caradon Posts: 14
    Thank you so much for posting this!! I am inspired by you. My husband and I are huge Disney fans and we go about once a year, but I always have to sit by myself and my husband takes the kids because no one can fit with me. I also live in Utah do you? I think we could really help each other!! Want to be friends? :) Good luck, girl, we can do this together!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I believe that you will accomplish your goals!! But on an up note, there isn't a seatbelt on It's a Small World, although there should be, to keep people from trying to drown themselves halfway through the ride. Once that song takes root, it wraps around the base of your brain and tunnels in... Grisly!
  • 3ur3ka
    3ur3ka Posts: 230 Member
    You'd be surprised! A lot of theme parks have at least one "bigger person" seat per ride. I know how you feel though. I'm hoping I will have lost enough weight to take my son to Disney or something like that for his birthday this year. I just dont want to embarrass myself.
  • PaulaDDN
    PaulaDDN Posts: 162 Member
    Heck yeah, you will fit in it, im sure!! You sound like you are a great mommy, im sure you will succed with your weight loss plan and you will look amazing. You can do it!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    SO inspiring! It sounds like you have the right attitude... just be careful thinking that you have "SO much farther to go" and that "you see no end in sight" those are dangerous words!

    And 27 pounds is no laughing matter.. that is a toddler you lost a whole toddler...

    congrats on your progress.. and remember it takes the body 8 years to completely regenerate its self... this next year is going to be a HUGE mile marker in how your body turns out in eight years... Don't ever give up.
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    I *LOVE* a tangible goal, it makes it so much easier to keep pressing in the hard times. Good for you and thanks for sharing.
  • Thanks to all of you for the awesome words and support:) I hope I can keep sticking to it. Add me if you want, or need ANY sort of support, or anything at all:)
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    I used to have that fear all the time. Also, the fear that if I sat on anything (besides the chairs in my house) I'd break it. You're doing great so far. The journey isn't easy or short but I can tell you (as someone who is only 17lbs away from having lost 100lbs), it's totally worth it! It's the little things that bring me the most joy, like not being afraid to go on rides or take a plane, or not feeling judged for going back for seconds while eating in public, or being able to cross your legs or put your shoes on without any problems. My favorite is not feeling like I'm being crushed by my own weight when I go to bed. I used to have horrible sleep apnea. I'd wake up completely out of breath almost every night. Now I sleep with no problems. Oh and if that doesn't make you feel more encouraged, Disneyland's small world ride doesn't have a belt. :-)
  • SSawney
    SSawney Posts: 69 Member
    I know you can do it you have a goal inyour head and you will accomplish it
  • I'm glad to know there is no belt on small world haha. In my dream it was like a HUGE chain they keep dogs tied up with haha. Or Sloth from the Goonies. Thanks to all of you for being so sweet:)

    SWEETNESS60 Posts: 24 Member
    Listen Lady stop beating yourself up and continue doing the great job that has gotten you to lose 37lbs,,, we all go through that pity phase but we must brush ourselves off and continue to fight the good fight and succeed!!!:happy:
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