Dr prescribed....

Has anyone ever had their dr prescribe something to jumpstart your weight loss? If so what was it and how long did you take it?
Did it work? Im going to the dr tomorrow and Im going to give her a print out of my calorie intake as well as my calories burned.
Im hoping she will be able to give me some insight. Im feeling extremely discouraged and very close to giving up!
I dont want to give up but its very frustrating when you are working hard and seeing NO results.... :(


  • mamato3babes
    Wow lol nobody huh?
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    Not sure what is out now for weightloss that a dr can precribe. Many years ago before Ali was available over the counter my dr prescribed it to me for a year....worked at first cause you sure did not want the side effects that come along with it if you did not eat right! But, eventually I either learned when not to take it or my body became adjusted to it....lost ten pounds in that year total. Not really worth it. (Note: I later had gastric bypass surgery).

    If there is something on the market that he can prescribe and is willing to (some dr's just aren't) then do what you need to do!
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    Just to add....ANY weightloss aid...is just an aid...and without changing you lifestyle may not be all that helpful in the LONG run....
  • bouldert
    bouldert Posts: 225 Member
    well i went to check you diary and its not public,but i wouldn't want a prescription to help me,for the fear of being dependant on it and then have to stop for medical reasons or financial reasons,i would say maybe check your diet and workout plans maybe alter some
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    Just to add....ANY weightloss aid...is just an aid...and without changing you lifestyle may not be all that helpful in the LONG run....

    I totally agree......you're going to want, I imagine, long term results,,,so in order to attain that you need to "relearn" the whole portion/eating control.

    It is very frustrating to not see results, and to wonder when and how all our hard work will "show" to pay off. I tried to look at your diaries, food and exercise, but they are closed unless you're a friend,,,,having some insight and suggestions from those might help give yourself that little jump start that you're looking for.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,114 Member
    According to your signature, you have 15 lbs left to get to your Goal. How did you arrive at that Goal Weight? Because the small amount of weight that you have to lose is likely causing your prolonged "plateau". I hesitate to even call it a plateau, because you may be at a healthy weight and you could be eating too little. You can't set your goals at "Lose 2 pounds a week" when you only have 15 lbs to lose - if in fact you really need to lose 15 lbs. I don't know what you have set as a goal - but change it to .5 lbs a week to start!

    Please don't resort to pills. I doubt your doctor will prescribe a pill to someone who is not clinically obese. If he does, yikes.




  • Traci3B1
    Traci3B1 Posts: 4
    I am not a Dr. and I am sure your Dr. will tell you what is right for you but I go to a Dr. the specalizes in weight loss she will prescribe Tenuate to those she feels need it. Along with that though there is a whole program of dietary guidelines she helps you with. She has helped me discover just how poorly I was eating, what it was doing to my body and actually advised me to eat more! I am on the last leg of weight that I want to lose as it looks like you are and her program has helped me tremendously. Hope that helps
  • tanya1282
    tanya1282 Posts: 20
    I agree, please do not resort to pills. That can't be healthy. Hopefully your doctor can point out what you need to adjust in your diet or whatnot so that you can get to your weight goal. However, after looking at your height and your current weight, it seems healthy to me. But I am not a doctor, so I can't say if it is indeed very healthy.
    Maybe you are eating too little and your body is hanging on to the fat that you want to lose. I noticed that when I eat too little, I feel frustrated and the scale gets stuck. So, it's a double negative for me. I'd rather lose more slowly, eat healthy, feel good, and be happy --- no matter what the scale says. As long as you feel fit and toned, the number on the scale should not matter that much.
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I am on Metformin, but that is because I am insulin resistant. MY husband on the other hand is diabetic and is on Metformin and glipizide, which helps diabetics lose weight easier. It has brought his levels into a healthy range and he has lost a lot of weight. But it is only meant for diabetics.
  • tanya1282
    tanya1282 Posts: 20
    Actually, I just went ahead and looked at your food diary and it seems to me that you are indeed eating too little. If I were you, I would eat a bit more and eat at least half your exercise calories. Also, try adding more fruits and veggies.
    I can't even eat as little as you if I tried. I don't know how you do it. I would feel famished. Even now, I eat more than you but sometimes I still get a little dizzy when I am hungry.
  • JujiBean
    JujiBean Posts: 187
    Believe it or not, I went to the Doctor about 30 years ago and complained I couldn't lose my last 20 lbs. He prescribed SPEED! I kid you not. Hope he's not still practising.
    (It was great, BTW!)