activity kcals

cupcakes282 Posts: 6 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
hi everyone...
Does anyone ever eat there activity kcals? Can't see how Id ever lose weight if I did.



  • I recommend to my students to eat some but not all of there exercise calories back. personally I try not too, but some days I do if I feel I really need them. best of luck in achieving your goal !
  • emmap123b
    emmap123b Posts: 17
    this is one thing that really puzzles me i eat all the cals im meant to about 1600 but i train each day and burn between 300 to 500 cals i norm just have an extra apple or something xx
  • brown34
    brown34 Posts: 5
    Well, I heard that it was a scam and I heard that it doens't matter if you eat them or not. You only need to know how to eat. It's not what you eat. It's how you eat.
  • cupcakes282
    cupcakes282 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the reply.... I think we are all thinking mostly the same. I swim for 1 hour everyday which is 1000+ kcals and I walk the dogs 3 times at 20-30 mins per time. I just cant see how eating all that would let me lose anything.. I tend to stay just at my kcals for the day or slightly under.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    hi everyone...
    Does anyone ever eat there activity kcals? Can't see how Id ever lose weight if I did.


    Yes. MFP builds in your deficit with your daily calories allowance. When you burn calories through exercise, it is added back to your daily goal to keep your deficit at the number you originally asked for.

    If you eat 1400 calories per day and burn 500 through exercise, your body is only receiving 900 kcal energy... not enough.

    You will lose weight in the beginning whether you eat your exercise calories or not. The length of time you can get away with a too large deficit will vary from person to person, but it will eventually hurt your metabolism, making it more difficult to maintain your goal weight once it is acheived; if you don't plateau first.
  • canroadrunner
    canroadrunner Posts: 203 Member
    This question comes up ALL the time and the answer is still YES.
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