Anyone starting Insanity this week?



  • I am starting tomorrow
  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    Did day 2 (cardio power and resistance) thi morning. Had to take yesterday off, I was so sore yesterday after plyo cardio circuit plus had to mow my 1 acre yard before days of rain ahead that it just didnt get done. I hate skipping, but realize that life is gonna go on even though Im doing insanity. Todays workout didnt sem as intense, but the moves seemed harder and I didnt feel like i did a very good job. On Tuesday, I actually did plyo cardio circuit twice Tuesday because I did it before work then in the evening with husband an kids. I know that is not probably a good idea considering that yesterday I felt as if I had been in a car wreck! But, I did feel like the second time I had the moves down better. I have actually gained 3 pounds this week even though I have done good with diet and have even done elliptical as well as insanity. Anyone else having the same thing happen? I am not obsessed with the scale but do weigh every day just to stay to track and know there will be ups and downs. I have also drank tons of water. Do you think this is normal when first starting insanity?
  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    Have we started a group? Do we just keep posting to this? I would love to hear from those who are at the sme place I am.
  • alingle77
    alingle77 Posts: 24
    I am on week 2 day 10 plymetric cardo circuit !!! LOve it
  • I am starting on Monday. I was hoping to start today but I have a stomach virus. :(
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Did Pure Cardio today. Great workout but boy is it hard!!! Looking forward to tomorrow!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    bumping to follow along...
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Ok I REALLY didn't want to work out today but I pushed myself to do it. Did plyometric cardio circuit today, and it was an awesome workout! Burned a whole lot of calories and made up for my lazy, feel sorry for myself and eat crap morning lol! Going to enjoy my Saturday and my day off tomorrow! Happy Easter everyone!
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    How's everyone doing? I just finished Cardio Power and Resistance, even though I'm running on 2 hours of sleep. My motivation is a family vacation coming up in June. Did I mention my sisters all have awesome bodies? I don't want to be the fat sister anymore. Anyone else still working on Insanity???
  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    I just posted asking how long pure cardio takes. thomalu, you seem to be doing great. My other post explained that I am trying to do this with my family, so we are not following the calendar just the order. I still do elliptical or walking 6 days a week just for me. Did you do just pure cardio on Saturday or that plus Cardio Abs? How long is just pure cardio if that is what you jut did?
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Pure Cardio takes about 40 minutes I believe. It was my first week so I only had Pure Cardio scheduled. I think I am scheduled to do Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs this week. My workouts are going well, it's the food I'm struggling with. I gained 2 lbs over the weekend and I'm feeling absolutely horrible about it. I'm trying not to pay too much attention to the scale and concentrate on the changes in my body. I tend to bulk up easily so I don't want to get discouraged. Maybe I'll weigh myself at the halfway mark.
  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    I did Pure Cardio this morning, asI said, I am unable to follow the calendar, just the order. It was pretty tough. I look forward to the time whenI feel like I am really giving it all I can. As I go on, I feel more confident that I am doing things right. I think that learning the moves is part of the struggle, then pushing yourself to do more and more. I too, gained over the weekend, its constant with me! Two steps forwar each week, then one step back. This weekend we actually had out of state company and I gained 7 pounds from Sat to Monday!I know I really didnt gain that! It was all the poor eating and too much drinking! By this morning I was back down to only having 4.5 extra pounds, worked out hard yesterday, ate well, and dranka TON of water! I hope it will fal off quick. During the week, I plan doing the elliptical Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, Insanity Monday, Wed, and Friday evenings, Insanity Tues and Thurs mornings and walk during my daughters softball practice Tues and Thurs evenings. I have been trying to work out at least an hour or more a day for the last 3 months and it feels great! I may not be able to stick to Insanity 6 days a week, but plan to push myself to get at least 5 in. The weekends are always so hectic, that there will be times I am unale to exercise at all. Well, that was just a lot of thinking out loud! Anyway, good luck to all with Insnity, lets try to keep each other motivated!
    BTW- I will try to get a picture soon, Im lazy about stuff like that!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Did my first fit test last night! So excited to get started! Just completed P90X and ready to get these last 10 lbs off!
  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    I did pure cardio twice yesterday, in the morning before work and again in the evening. I was not planning to be home in the evening, but it ended up that I was. I recieved my Polar FT4 yesterday and wanted to try it out. I ended up burning 60 more calories than MFP estimated using circuit training. This morning, I tried it while on the elliptical and MFP overestimated my calories burned by 13. I am so glad that I got that, so now I can be more accurate in the calories I eat back. I look forwar to being able to have Insanity sessions where I can really max out and burn a lot more. Im still taking a lot of breaks, although not for long at all and I try to always stay moving, even when I have to stop to catch my breath. Tonight, its back to plyo cardio circuit, ugh! But it feels so good once its done. I am already starting to feel my body getting stronger.
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I had a horrible snacking day yesterday, so really pushed myself when I was doing Pure Cardio yesterday. I was so pumped and so mad at the 400 snack calories I ate that I also did Cardio Abs. I ended up burning close to 1000 calories!!! And, this morning I feel I have so much energy, it's awesome! So far today's snacks haven't been bad, but it's not 3pm yet so we'll see how I do. I'm going to try and drink more water while at work so I don't have the cravings for bad snacks. I also packed my lunch today so I'm hoping that will help too. I think I have plyo cardio circuit today, so I'm going to try and give it my best today too. I did weigh myself this morning, although I told myself I shouldn't. The scale shows I gained 4 lbs in the last few days. That can't be right, right? I can't let it discourage me. That's what happened to me back in January and that's why I didn't complete the full 60 days of Insanity. I am determined to keep going.

    On a good note, my size 8 pants fit me a tad bit loose around the waist today so that's a good sign. I need my Mommy Tummy to go away and never return!!!!

    Have a great day everyone, stay on track!!!
  • paleonyx
    paleonyx Posts: 32 Member
    I just started Insanity after doing P90X for months and months. I needed to bump it up a little bit. Does anyone else feel like they hate Insanity more than anything else in the world? Because I'm pretty sure I do. I'm really trying to convince myself that I can do 60 days. P90x was SO much easier!
  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    It's one of those things that I hate and never look forward to doing, but feel so good after its done. I tell myself, YES, I DID IT! I am trying to push myself now in the second week, but it's still HARD! Good luck!
  • wilblnd7
    wilblnd7 Posts: 10
    Started round two of Insanity 4/20. Feeling great so far. Can anyone tell me anything about asylum? I've been hearing a bunch about the program but has anyone tried it? More intense? Is it going to kill me? I was thinking about doing that after I'm done with this round.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Started round two of Insanity 4/20. Feeling great so far. Can anyone tell me anything about asylum? I've been hearing a bunch about the program but has anyone tried it? More intense? Is it going to kill me? I was thinking about doing that after I'm done with this round.

    Starting round 2 of Insanity on May 2nd, so that I can move on to Asylum when I complete it. I have heard only good things about Asylum. Imagine doing Insanity with some weight training thrown in for good measure. CRAZY!!!

    Ask your Beachbody coach if they can send you any information on Insanity.
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    I just started Insanity after doing P90X for months and months. I needed to bump it up a little bit. Does anyone else feel like they hate Insanity more than anything else in the world? Because I'm pretty sure I do. I'm really trying to convince myself that I can do 60 days. P90x was SO much easier!
    I've felt the same way :blushing: I got done with P90X on April 2. Then completed 2 weeks of insanity. My knees started hurting and then I got sick so I have not been back yet. I think about it every day but I am scared. I'm on my first week of Chalean Extrem combined with a half marathon training program. My goal is to complete the 60days but I am going to wait until October to do it.