can you make up for a bad day?

Sooo....Olive Garden last night. Yeah.

Obviously, even with working out I'm way over my calories for yesterday. (and I'm so not talking a little over)

So, can you catch up on calories? If I eat like a rabbit today and work out, will I not lose all my effort this week?


  • GuilhermeRocha
    The best you can do is ignore that day and continue their normal diet.

    This day will be a Cheat Day.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    You're better off just eating normally (healthy) today and getting back on track. Eating like a rabbit will just set you up for a binge. See if you can squeeze in some extra workout time, and drink LOTS of water to help flush out all of the sodium in the restaurant food. I eat out a lot and travel, and have managed to still lose over the course of a week with a 'bad' meal thrown in :-) Don't beat yourself up, just get back to doing what you know you should be doing.
  • sandman27959
    Here's my 2 cents worth...

    I'd treat each day individually. You screwed up yesterday. You know that, but if you starve yourself today trying to "make it up", you might be so hungry you overeat again. This is a marathon - at least for me. One bad day shouldn't derail your commitment to a healthier lifestyle. This is not a diet. It's you being healthier for the rest of your life. Do better tomorrow and don't beat yourself up for backsliding. Just don't make a habit of it. One of my favorite weight-loss quotes is "If you do what you've always done, you're going to get what you've always got."
  • cckeimig
    cckeimig Posts: 194 Member
    Just make sure you don't overdo the exercise and make sure you eat your minimum calories and drink your 8 glasses of water. I've gone over my share of times and am still making steady progress--just make sure you don't do it all that often, and you'll be fine. :happy:
  • EvanR
    EvanR Posts: 17
    Yes! I do it almost every week, haha.

    I generally allow myself a cheat meal once a week, and while I don't usually go over by much, there have been a couple instances of going way over (we're talking 1,000+), and still losing weight that week.

    You just have to get right back on the horse and pretend it never happened. If you dwell on it, it's likely that the one bad day will turn into two, maybe three, or worse, a week.

    If anything, just work out a little harder or for a little longer for the next few days following the bad day.
  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member
    Well we're all here for one reason or another but if you don't think you can make up for one bad day how do you expect to make up for years of bad days? That's how most of us got to where we were at some point and it takes just as many good days as it took bad if not more to get back to an even keel. The hardest part with all of this is consistency, but just because you fall down doesn't mean you won't try and get back up.
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    If I'm feeling quite guilty about how I ate the night before, I'll do an early morning workout and log half of it in as yesterdays workout. I eat my exercise calories anyway, so that justifies it in my book!
  • tammaldo
    tammaldo Posts: 3
    Don't beat yourself up too much, I think everybody has a bad day sometimes. Start tomorrow off like nothing ever happened. Just don't let that happen too often. You will be just fine:smile:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I take things one day at a time, not week by week. So if I have a "cheat day" or day off from counting calories (I typically have one or two a week) I don't try to make up for it. It is what it is. For my body the exercise is more important for my metabolism and weight loss than a calorie deficit. I don't believe in saving extra calories burned for cheat days and I don't believe in eating less and burning more the day after a cheat day.

    You have to look at the big picture. If the majority of the time you have good exercise habits and a healthy, balanced diet, you'll still lose weight. You also need to make smarter choices at restaurants so you don't feel the guilt of going over on calories. You need to remember that this is supposed to be a lifetsyle change, not a weight loss diet. Once you've reached your goal weight there will be times that you eat out a restaurant, have some cake, etc. It may put you over your calories but as long as it doesn't happen every day you won't gain the weight back. So, live your life now the way you will once you reach your goal weight. If you'll indulge then without feeling guilty about it, you can do that now. As long as it's just once a week (or less) you'll still lose weight. It's ok to give yourself a little freedom. Relax!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I would call it your cheat day and move on. Don't try and make it up. Don't beat yourself up for doing it. Start fresh today and go forward -- no looking back. It'll be fine. Once in awhile won't kill you. So. No worries!
  • sunflowerkb
    sunflowerkb Posts: 7 Member
    Your brave to even step foot in that place! Each day is itself. No re-do. As said before, start fresh and for the week.. no more cheating. But by thinking you can eat like that and make it up later would be a mistake. Unless your metabolism is changing and can help you balance that day out. Maybe if you put your meal in for that day for Olive Garden you'll be so shocked you won't eat there again until you hit your goal weight! LOL. I do agree with a cheat day but for me, because I'm still big and don't really deserve much cheating yet... it's a hamburger or an order of fries, or a few pieces of gooey yummy something.. pizza maybe.. whatever I've been craving. But not a high sodium 1500 calorie meal in one sitting. And on that day, I will for sure hit the gym - same day and do a full body routine with cardio.
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    You can't make up for it but you can learn from it. I love dining out and would rather adapt my behavior than think that I can't do it without failure.

    When dining out, try looking up the menu online and the calories, plan what you're going to order in advance. OG soup may be a lesser evil choice.

    Ask others if they want to share a meal, restaurant portions are too large

    Ask for to-go box then split your meal before taking a bite.

    Don't start on the breadsticks if you're like me and can't stop. Same goes for tortilla chips, hush puppies, cheese biscuits, etc.
  • gtm124
    gtm124 Posts: 179
    Here's my 2 cents worth...

    I'd treat each day individually. You screwed up yesterday. You know that, but if you starve yourself today trying to "make it up", you might be so hungry you overeat again. This is a marathon - at least for me. One bad day shouldn't derail your commitment to a healthier lifestyle. This is not a diet. It's you being healthier for the rest of your life. Do better tomorrow and don't beat yourself up for backsliding. Just don't make a habit of it. One of my favorite weight-loss quotes is "If you do what you've always done, you're going to get what you've always got."

    Good advice and I like your quote.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I don't eat out a lot (usually only on special occasions), but when I know I'll be eating out -- I eat very small meals during that day. If I do that, I can basically eat whatever I want when we're out and won't have to worry about it.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I've done it before, so it can be done without binging. It depends on your willpower and determination.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    i wouldnt worry about it too much just continue as you would do normally now because on average it will bring down the cheat day anyway :) the iphone app shows weekly averages and thats been really helpful to me
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I had a major crash & burn day yesterday. I fessed up to it, wrote it all down & posted it to my "friends". We all got a chuckle, then got encouragement & I moved on. It's not the end of the world. I got back on track today & good to go. Don't beat yourself up.
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    Excellent advice, all! Add me to the chorus. One day at a time.
    I had a bad day Tuesday - a dinner meeting, and that big piece of tiramisu was sitting in front of my plate THROUGH THE WHOLE MEAL!
    So I reminded myself that I had set myself back just 1 day - a drop in the bucket compared to all the other days in the past 18 years - and got back on the plan the next day.
    So will you!
  • kmb2522
    kmb2522 Posts: 48
    I did the same thing yesterday but a lot worse than olive garden i was jsut eating all day and bad things too. Today I didn't have time to workout in the morning but I was able to do some walking during the day and some swimming at work. For food I just ate a light breakfast late in the day a salad for lunch and a cheesestick and some veggies as a snack. I try to just ignore yesterday and eat better today. I know tomorrow will be easier.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    Thanks all. I wouldn't say I was beating myself up. I had a fantastic time with friends and honestly--wasn't even thinking about it. Then the shock when I got home and put it in made me want to throw it all up! How can the salad have more calories than the soup!!!

    I go out to eat once in a blue moon so I really enjoy it when I do. The bread was really my downfall (and probably always will be).

    I also have a new slogan...

    Dam you tiramisu!!!!

    Also, I'm pretty sure my body fought back today, that workout nearly killed me.