Anyone here eat a lot of junk food?



  • kaylor908
    kaylor908 Posts: 42
    Thanks for the advice guys. Although the healthy foods don't appeal to me for now I am going to try to incorporate into my life(slowly) and I think the restricting eating out to once a week is a good idea but I'm probably going to make it the whole weekend. I know a lot of people aren't going to agree with this but right now alot of my life does revolve around food. If I stay up late with a study group there's going to be snacks, a meeting with an organization you can guarantee pizza and cookies, hanging out with friends and date nights almost always include going out to eat first, football game tailgates definately don't include salads and brussel sprouts. I just don't want to miss out on some of the best years of my life because im skipping things and worrying about food. Plus I have a hard time passing up free stuff lol.
  • kaylor908
    kaylor908 Posts: 42

    Didn't know if you had seen this story yet or not, LOL

    Wow lol I'm not THAT bad but its still really interesting
  • Brandie6004
    Brandie6004 Posts: 87 Member
    Somebody just posted this today... It's pretty handy I think, i like the site :)
  • Clonekuh
    Clonekuh Posts: 92 Member
    I love that stuff, too. One thing I try to do is to compromise. Like if I want a peice of chocolate, I have to eat a banana first and then I can have the chocolate if I still want it. Or drink a glass of water, etc. Might help keep the junk in moderation a bit more? If you're so inclined.
  • steph8008
    steph8008 Posts: 9 Member
    i think your doing it the right way! small life style changes at a time usually stick with you better! and over the long term!
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Lol, I cannot relate. I never eat fastfood unless I absolutely have to due to running out of cereal or in a busy moment and don't want to starve myself. And as far as eating at home goes I enjoy homecooked meals and whole grain products, nonfat foods, and smart choices because it tastes AMAZING, and makes me feel GREAT. Especially since I'm working out and want to supply my body with nutrients that I need to get through the day and recover from weight lifting.

    Junk food is so boxed and processed its not even funny. I appreciate it once in a rare while when that's all you have on hand to eat. But it makes me feel bloated, gross, and even starved since its not very filling in the first place.

    So I think it can go either way but I would say that eating healthier, which does NOT have to be perfect, will make your body function more efficiently and make you feel better. But by any means DO NOT let yourself get bored. You can be healthy and NOT BORED.

    And I'm 22!!!! So this can be for anyone at any age. :flowerforyou:
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    add me if you like i eat a lot of processed and junk foods :) although im not losing any more (thats no longer my goal) my diet has stayed the same its just the amount thats different :)
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    oh! pick me! I'm like this! :D I will not give up the foods I love for a diet, rather I will eat less and keep track of them to lose weight. You can check out my food log and be my friend if you'd like, I'm seriously glad I'm not the only one.
  • Kera885
    Kera885 Posts: 59
    While you can lose weight eating junk all the time, you're going to be limiting yourself to only a little food (for the calories in a single cheeseburger, you could eat multiple other things in larger portions that are better for you and fill you up longer) which can lead to binging and when you go off of your diet because you've finally reached your goal, you'll stop "dieting" and your eating habits will not have changed at all and you'll gain it back and you'll end up heavier than before (believe me, every pound will bring a friend or two). I've been dieting on and off for years. So if you just moderate what you're eating and mix in other things then you'll be able to do it forever and keep the weight off but if you're just wanting to look good for an event or something then it can work. However you won't have that much energy because you won't be getting proper nutrients which will make exercising harder which means that the process will be a lot slower, etc. and it will also probably screw with your metabolism making any future attempts at weight loss even more challenging. So in short, it is possible.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys. Although the healthy foods don't appeal to me for now I am going to try to incorporate into my life(slowly) and I think the restricting eating out to once a week is a good idea but I'm probably going to make it the whole weekend. I know a lot of people aren't going to agree with this but right now alot of my life does revolve around food. If I stay up late with a study group there's going to be snacks, a meeting with an organization you can guarantee pizza and cookies, hanging out with friends and date nights almost always include going out to eat first, football game tailgates definately don't include salads and brussel sprouts. I just don't want to miss out on some of the best years of my life because im skipping things and worrying about food. Plus I have a hard time passing up free stuff lol.

    Oh trust me I get it. College was a junk food eater's paradise for me! LOL

    But can I suggest something? When you have your date night, parties, football games etc. before you start snacking, drink an entire 20 oz bottle of water before you take 1 bite. You'll find that you won't eat nearly as much food as normal and that will help aid in your weight loss/calorie count. I do this every time I crave something that's unhealthy. 1 bottle of water and I eat about half (or less) than what's there.

    Good luck!
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    I agree with you, and I am a middle aged woman. I want to do this in a way I can live with forever, so I am not denying myself anything, but it has to fit into my calorie goals. Although I have found that as I get into this more, I am being a little more concious of trying to eat a bit more healthier. I have spent so much of my life thinking about food. I know people who eat clean and to me, they also spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about food, only in a different way. I'm not saying everyone, just some close friends of mine. When I was your age, I never gave food too much thought and I was thin. I want to be that woman again.
  • kaylor908
    kaylor908 Posts: 42
    Thanks for the advice guys. Although the healthy foods don't appeal to me for now I am going to try to incorporate into my life(slowly) and I think the restricting eating out to once a week is a good idea but I'm probably going to make it the whole weekend. I know a lot of people aren't going to agree with this but right now alot of my life does revolve around food. If I stay up late with a study group there's going to be snacks, a meeting with an organization you can guarantee pizza and cookies, hanging out with friends and date nights almost always include going out to eat first, football game tailgates definately don't include salads and brussel sprouts. I just don't want to miss out on some of the best years of my life because im skipping things and worrying about food. Plus I have a hard time passing up free stuff lol.

    Oh trust me I get it. College was a junk food eater's paradise for me! LOL

    But can I suggest something? When you have your date night, parties, football games etc. before you start snacking, drink an entire 20 oz bottle of water before you take 1 bite. You'll find that you won't eat nearly as much food as normal and that will help aid in your weight loss/calorie count. I do this every time I crave something that's unhealthy. 1 bottle of water and I eat about half (or less) than what's there.

    Good luck!

    I love this! Great idea
  • arosegeo
    arosegeo Posts: 254 Member
    i love the saltys, and hot Cheetos are my kryptonite, but i still eat what i want as long as im with in my calories, or if i work it off. and ive lost almost 10 lbs in like 3 weeks
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    I am exactly the same. I eat Chinese food when my mother nor I feel like cooking or we'll go for KFC's Famous Bowl. But we don't do it often. We do it maybe every three weeks or so. Heck, we can even go a month. I don't think junk food should be cut out of one's life completely. There are just those days when your body truly craves a doughnut or some pizza. It's just about how much of it you eat and how frequently. :)
  • beatricegreenough
    beatricegreenough Posts: 10 Member
    HI! I am soo like you with junk food! I try to eat more chicken now, but I will never give up my burgers,fries,pizza and candy etc. I work out 5 days a week for about 60 minutes and I feel good! When I was 27 my cholesterol was borderline high, I didn't exercise then. I quit smoking, started exercising more regularly and at 41 my cholesterol is 159. I still eat all the same junk as I always have, but exercise helps keep all the bad from it in check. So, In my opinion, I am not going to give up everything I love. I will just move alot more!!!
  • she_elf
    she_elf Posts: 108
    I was you two months ago. Before I started MFP, I just never thought about calories or what I was putting in my body. I'd eat an entire bag of doritos for dinner, then have some boscos, an entire two liter of Mt. Dew, probably some Taco Bell, and maybe some popcorn.

    I still really struggle with my junk food cravings. Almost every day I have to fight the urge to go out and buy a bag of Doritos. I still eat mostly processed garbage because I live with my parents (and that's what they eat), but I'm definitely more portion conscious and have started losing weight here. I'm trying to make small changes to my diet because I do eventually want to be healthy and don't want to pass my eating addictions on to my children. But I still love Taco Bell and McDonald's (which is now even harder to avoid since my boyfriend works there) and all those other things that I shouldn't love, but do anyway.
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I eat junk food everyday. Sometimes its due to cravings, other times its just because its too difficult to go out of the way when my boyfriend go out to eat. I keep with in my calories tho, so I've been losing weight still. On my planned meals, I go healthy tho. :)
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    KIng of junkfood here. I am going to have rice kripsy treats, a twinkie, and pizza tonight.
  • annarface
    annarface Posts: 77 Member
    I'd steered clear of junk food for a good few months until yesterday where I had to have lunch at Subway. Even though I chose a Veggie Delite sub, it still felt really unhealthy and I was tasting salt all day! I then went to Starbucks and had a Tall Mocha Frappuccino Light for 100 calories and that combined with the Subway left me feeling really drained and energy-less all day. Fast food has weird effects on me now, before when I used to eat it more or less all the time I'd not feel that bad!