Cellulite reduction?

I have been trying to research how to improve the appearance or reduce cellulite for a while yet and it appears that the general advice is drink water, exercise and eat a varied diet. I am currently losing about 1-2 pounds a week.
I was wondering if anyone has seen an improvement in their cellulite and what techniques/remedies/foods you have tried. Also how long did it take before you saw an improvement?
I am currently trying to increase my water intake and include more fruit and veg into my diet. My exercise regime seems to be fairly good at the moment.
Any ideas or experiences appreciated!
It would be really good if we could share some 'real' success stories rather than reading the ones that are trying to promote an expensive skin cream.


  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I would lo hear some of these answers as well!
  • summer_anne
    eat clean and build precious MUSCLE in those legs :wink:
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    I agree with the clean eating and building muscle :)

    I have had success with Nivea's anti-cellutlite treatments but mind you its to reduce not eliminate! And Jergens Skin Firming Lotion. I used Nivea's fast acting serum for 10 day recommendation then the gel-cream and I definently saw a great reduction & more smoothness but its not gone entirely. I keep using the skin firming lotion for the collagen mainly.

    Properly hydrated skin maintains elasticity and rebuilds it quicker!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    have had a def reduction in mine am drinking 14 glasses of water a day and walking for an hr daily, doing 30 shred also and have restricted fat in diet, ie ive nt eaten crisps, hardly any chocolate and i check the fat content of the foods im buying:smile:
  • janski2
    janski2 Posts: 70
    I took my daughter to preschool and and I didn't have a car. I rode her on my bike two miles there and then I would ride home and back to pick her up. After a couple months, I had lost 12 pounds and all the cellulite was gone.
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    Bump it up!
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    when i was 323 pounds i had cellulite every where but whe i lost the weight 90 percent of it went a way so im starting to think maybe it not a really special kinda fat it just fat i still have a bit on my thighs which erks me so im hoping in due time with the last 10 pounds or so it will reduce even more. but agree with the muscle building problem for me IHATE TRAING MY LEGS MORE THEN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Ampierce
    Ampierce Posts: 53 Member
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
  • dinas3boys
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    This is the rock in a hard place topic....
  • dawnfichter
    Muscle building is definately a way to reduce the appearance of cellulite. I have been running and I've lost 6 inches off my hips and I notice my legs look a lot smoother. I also see mucsle definition which is very cool! Just keep at it :) You can do it!
  • msproducer
    msproducer Posts: 101 Member
    What the heck does "bump" mean?
  • Mistykelly
    Mistykelly Posts: 47 Member
    What is Bump and why do some of you say it periodically?
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    means your "bumping" it to your topics so you can find it later on for reference.
  • Mistykelly
    Mistykelly Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you!
  • PaulaDDN
    PaulaDDN Posts: 162 Member
    I have 2 weeks using "Fat Girl Slim" cream, i dont know if its going to work or not, the jar says i will see changes in my skin in 6 weeks, i checked the reviews in =inet and it has 4 stars. I'm also walking/jogging everyday, eating healthy, drinking tons of water, i dont know what else to do
  • cha36jennings
    cha36jennings Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks to all MFP that have shared their thoughts. My sheer chance I spoke to some one today who swears by this essential oil mixture she makes so I think I will give it a try.
    If any one has any thooughts on the recipe to follow, please comment!

    Cheap unscented moisturiser (200ml.8oz)
    3 tbls witchhazel lotion
    30 drops grapefruit oil
    30 drops cyrpress oil
    10 drops juniper oil
    10 drops rosemary oil

    Mix all these together and apply every night on affected areas only. Preferably use a soft body brush before hand..

    But it looks like I will have to try an increase my water consumption if I am to see an improvement
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Unfortunately cellulite can only be reduced, not eliminated...and the best thing to do is to keep your water intake up and also work on building lean muscle underneat the skin and cellulite. Genetics plays such a big role in how much cellulite a person can have..which kinda stinks!!!! lol