Will 1 cheat meal hurt my diet?

lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
I have been on my "change of life" since March 31st i haven't had junk ONCE besides skinny cow ice cream, Weight watchers ice cream, and WW frozen meals. Besides that it's been subway 6" all veggies with oven roasted chicken NO cheese and no mayo. I am wanting something relatively healthy and a treat but not something HORRID for me.. i worked too hard to get where i am and i don't plan on ruining it with 1 meal. But i've been good and i think i am at the point where i can control myself with these foods that made me fat to begin with. I was thinking a slice of pizza or a chicken sandwich meal from Wendy's? And maybe my nestea still sitting in my fridge from weeks ago... i wanted some insight. Will 1 meal kill my change of life? I love my new life but i don't feel like i should be depriving myself the way i have been either.


  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    Nope, I do it from time to time and I'm doing fine.They key is just to be sure you don't turn every meal into a cheat meal. :wink:
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    It doesn't hurt to live it up every once in a while...
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    No it will not.
    You need to eat more protein though. How much weight have you lost so far in these 3 weeks?
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    One cheat meal won't kill you-but do it smartly. Instead of a fast food sandwich + fries + a soft drink, JUST get the sandwich. Or if you really want something unhealthy, work out a little more to help burn it off. If you eat a piece of pizza, go for a walk when you are done to jump start your metabolism. If you deprive yourself of everything that you feel is tasty, it will be even harder to stick with it.

    My inspiration for not wanting junk food is working out. After I burn 400 calories for an hours worth of sweating, I don't want to blow it on just a side of fries- I'd rather be able to eat a baked chicken breast, a salad, lots of veggies, AND a glass of V8. It puts calories into perspective so that you don't want to do all of the work just to make it worthless.

    :) Good luck!
  • navs52
    navs52 Posts: 40
    Dunno if 2 weeks is long enuf to say you can control yourself but having something "bad" every once in awhile won't hurt. Especially if you make sure you dont' go over calories.
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    No it will not.
    You need to eat more protein though. How much weight have you lost so far in these 3 weeks?

    I have lost almost 21 lbs.
  • Jenn421
    Jenn421 Posts: 56
    dont sweat it i cheat atleast onces a week lol. and i been losing weight pretty good.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    no but be aware (because i wasn't) that you may weigh the next day and be up more than 1lb but it's all sodium and will leave in a day or 2. I weighed a day after a birthday and was up (i think 1lb) and I weighed the next day and it was gone. I had a FREAK OUT when I weighed the day after but was reassured it would come off because it was all sodium. make sure you drink lots of water!
  • So you are about 3 weeks in...I say get off of those frozen meals...full of SODIUM!! You can make healthy pizza at home or a chicken sandwich...the other day I made Parmasean Chicken and whole wheat spagetti and was well within my calories! My advice is to figure out what you want and then tweek it healthy with real food girl...you can only live on those frozen meals and subway for so long...I know... i tried frozen meals a few years back...i don't think I could look at another one.
    All recipes.com is a fabulous site! Every now in then it is ok to have a higher calorie day to shock your metabolism...but only if you think you can bounce back the next day! If you eat fresh, whole foods you can eat much more! If you don't have one, invest in a food scale...it is worth its weight in gold...no more guessing at how much a piece of meat weighs or fruit/veges...I find when I was guessing, I was grossly under estimating...I can eat so much more now! Good Luck :happy:
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    most of the people around here get comfortable enough to allow themselves 1 free meal a week. i, personally, have "screw it" days. but don't risk that. i'm a little goofy about stuff like that, and they usually spawn from depression anyway.

    ONE free meal won't undo the entire 20 lbs you've lost, unless it causes you to lose control and go on a helpless downward spiral. however, you've said you feel like you're in a place where you can limit yourself - and that's a good thing.

    but if it makes you feel better, figure out how to work it in under your calories, or decide "i'm gonna let myself go 200 calories over my target today". remember, if you have your goals set at lose 1 lb a week, you can go over your MFP-dictated target by as much as 500 calories and still not technically gain - even if you do see some salt and water weight for a few days.

    lots of luck on the rest of your journey. i'm sure you can make it!
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Have your cheat meal and enjoy it, but make it worth it!! For me, fast food is not worth the calories. I would rather go to a real restaurant and have a grilled chicken sandwich and fries. But that's me! If Wendy's is your thing, then go for it! Don't feel guilty, just enjoy it.
  • NoPyForYou
    NoPyForYou Posts: 44 Member
    Definitely indulge yourself every once in a while, otherwise, it's a diet. Denying yourself everything that might be considered "bad" isn't a long term solution. In the beginning, it's easier for almost everyone to cut those things out cold turkey, because they trigger our body's pleasure response. Once you've broken the addiction that response (and the time of that is different for everyone), then re-introducing those things, slowly and in moderation is a GOOD thing. You won't feel as though you're being deprived of anything.

    Case in point - my husband LOVES his once weekly fast food/pizza. I've learned to make better choices for myself at those places so that I'm not denying either of us that weekly indulgence. Usually, I can plan my meals in such a way that I can have foods I like at those places without exceeding any of my calorie or fat goals.

    When you're talking about a life change, there has to be moderation. Life happens. Your family is going to want to eat out, you're going to have a bad day and crave those foods. It's about learning to moderate your intake without denying yourself those little luxuries.
  • yannethfr
    yannethfr Posts: 18 Member
    You should absolutely not feel bad for having one "cheat" meal. In fact do not deprive yourself that only makes it harder to stick to the plan. Just be more careful of your choices. I agree with the other poster who suggested you expand your diet more. Try different food and try to make them more healthy. And don't feel bad about that Chocolate Cake or burger you have. If you want a sundae and feel bad then go for frozen yogurt instead and save on the calories. The exercise does help A LOT!!! So be sure you are keeping that up. This is a life-style change that we MFPers are doing here. We are learning how to enjoy the food we eat and love and not feel guilty because we have a cookie every once in a while. So keep up the good work and enjoy your food....sensibly.

    Best of luck!
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    Opening a hole in the floodgate can lead to major water damage if you aren't prepared for the onslaught that my occur. You have spent weeks and or months making good choices for yourself, you won't undo all of that in one meal, calorie wise, but you can set yourself up for cravings and backsliding. It's not a reason to not do it, just steel yourself, the subconscious cannot be mocked. :)

    Also, when you come to the day in question, eat throughout the day. Don't try to save up all your calories for the binge. Better to keep feeding your metabolism and have one meal that sends your calorie count out of bounds than to starve yourself all day and then slam a bunch of not so good for you food into your belly. Keep in mind, too, that your ability to cope with high fat, high salt, and high sugar foods may well have diminished. Bring some TUMS.

    Plan a great workout for the next day and get right back on the wagon.
  • if you dont splurge everyonce in a while you will go crazy!! enjoy your 20lbs lost!!! give yourself one meal and then get right back on track :)
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    I will go over today. Party time and maybe once on the weekend but come Monday i regroup and still lose lbs 1-2 lbs a week. Moderation means you can have your cake and eat it too.
  • PaulaDDN
    PaulaDDN Posts: 162 Member
    Look, i cheat on my diet 1 meal every week, i need to do it if not i get bored and i dont want to diet at all, i dont say its good, im sure i would loss more weight if i wouldnt cheat that meal but i know my self and if i dont take a break one meal a week i get really bored and in a bad mode
  • webbstace
    webbstace Posts: 17
    You need to indulge every once and a while...as long as it is not your pattern you...I find the more I deprive myself of something the more I want it and thats when I have the tendancy to overdo it. I also find that my "cheat" meal is not near as bad as some of the regular meals I used to have normally. You are doing great! A small reward won't hurt :)
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    No it will not.
    You need to eat more protein though. How much weight have you lost so far in these 3 weeks?

    I have lost almost 21 lbs.

    How much do you weigh now? And what is your height?
  • I'm a "good boy" all week, but on Friday's, my fiancee and I have our "date night". I allow myself some flexibility on my diet on Friday evenings. I might allow myself a long island ice tea, and maybe a small cut steak, etc. I try not to go over my maximum calories by too much.

    If I really enjoy myself, I'll just make sure I work it off, the next day :smile:
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