Round 2

cookiepuss28 Posts: 21
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself

I am looking to lose close to 100 lbs. About 5 years ago I lost a total of 115lbs. In the last 3 years I gained 25 of it back because I started to slack :( BUT I am ready for round 2 and to lose the rest of the weight. I am also looking for any friends to keep me motivated, so add me if you'd like :)


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    A big congrats to you for your success thus far. Good luck to you as well on your new journey. I feel confident you will do it as you have done it before.
  • Thank you! :) It was tough the first time LOL.... but I'm ready for the challenge this time so that I can finish what I started :)
  • Jesseocc
    Jesseocc Posts: 12 Member
    Congrats and welcome to MFP, im new as well, i find the community here is very helpful and supportive.
  • I need the support.... I can't seem to stay motivated. "Life" seems to get in the way, but I can't keep making that excuse. It's time to play hard LOL
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Welcome and congratulations both on your past weight loss and on deciding to get back on the weight-loss road. It's not an easy one but the support from people on this site will hopefully make it a little smoother for us all!
  • Welcome, I have only been here for about 2 weeks now. I have about 200 lbs to lose. I am only weighing once a month, so I dont know what I have lost yet. I been feeling good and th esupport here is great... I have shared this site with alot of friends and family.

    Welcome again and feel free to add me as a friend if you like.

  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome young lady.
    I know all about this up and down journey too. This is round 4 for me:). Something I have learned along the way is to change my goals from weight loss to regular exercise and good eating daily. Why is that important? Weight loss is one of those things that can stall, take time, sometimes go up or down, etc. Whereas if you commit yourself to daily exercise, in what ever form, and then promise yourself to be kind to your body and eat well (the usual stuff, no/little processed foods, lots of fresh veggies/fruit, lean meats, good balance of protein/carb/fats, etc) then you will have a success story to tell every single day.
    Plus I find this community here is also very cool and helpful plus the calorie etc tracking makes it so much easier to stay connected and on target. I wish you well.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Welcome young lady.
    I know all about this up and down journey too. This is round 4 for me:). Something I have learned along the way is to change my goals from weight loss to regular exercise and good eating daily. Why is that important? Weight loss is one of those things that can stall, take time, sometimes go up or down, etc. Whereas if you commit yourself to daily exercise, in what ever form, and then promise yourself to be kind to your body and eat well (the usual stuff, no/little processed foods, lots of fresh veggies/fruit, lean meats, good balance of protein/carb/fats, etc) then you will have a success story to tell every single day.
    Plus I find this community here is also very cool and helpful plus the calorie etc tracking makes it so much easier to stay connected and on target. I wish you well.

    The idea of being kind to yourself is SO important! I sometimes catch myself with negative thoughts, but realize that if I wouldn't think/say that about someone else, it's not okay to think/say it about me either. Thanks for the reminder!
  • Thanks for the advice! I'm trying to learn to take it one day at a time.. and not worry about 5 months from now.... It's hard to think that way.... but I know it will make things a LOT easier :)
  • Smokimeadows
    Smokimeadows Posts: 1 Member
    Good Luck and keep the faith. It will come off
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