Trying again to drop this 30 lb spare tire....

I've tried dieting before and about 3 years ago got myself down to 180lbs from 210lbs. Unfortunately I delved back into my old eating habits (lots of snacks and a love of movie theater popcorn and chicken wings and beer) and gained most of it back. I've been doing an 1800 cal/64g fat diet for about two weeks now and have so far lost 4.5lbs (199 down from 203.5) which I realize is mostly water, but loss is loss to me :smile: However, as was the problem last time, I don't have much time for exercise. I work til 4:30 in the afternoon and then when I get home I'm usually so tired I don't feel like doing anything else (which is part of why I'm dieting again). I'm hoping to get down to 175lbs when all is said and done, but I know it's going to be a long trip with the inability to exercise as much I'd like to. I have a Wii and play Punch Out from time to time, but it's rare I get any time to make it a regular practice. Has anyone else been successful in this without much exercise? Also, has anyone done the Wii-Fit as part of their program? If so, did it help? I'm curious because I'm willing to plunk down the money for the board if it can help. I like being able to diet and still eat some decent food, but I know I'm not going to get anywhere without an exercise regimen.


  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    hello, can you try walking at a medium pace for 30 minutes per day? even if you do it in 2 different sessions of 15 minutes each. this will make a big difference and will keep you from getting as hungry! best wishes for your success!
  • BrookeEspinosa
    Welcome. and good luck! I think you can lose weight without exercise, but you can't indulge near as much. My love of food is my motivation to exercise no matter how tired I am. You can do it, just try to find something you don't dread.
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    You can lose weight without exercise but your body will look so much better if you work out.
  • lisapickering
    You work until 4:30pm... you get home before most people... and everybody is tired! Get out there and exercise! Getting started will be tough but you'd be suprised how energized you can get from exercise. You need to exercise for reasons beyond just weight loss.
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Hello, I don't know exact percentages but I have learned that your eating is the majority of what you need to do to lose weight. Eat fewer calories ( I am sure you can go a wee little more below 1800) and just make yourself move/walk more. Be delibrate and on purpose. Park in the last parking space at work, the store, etc. and walk up the steps if there is one at your job. If you can take two 15 minute breaks at work and walk (that is a 30 minute workout) if you sit all day.....get one of those huge workout balls and sit on it for about 30 minutes at work (abs!!!!). On the days you do housework or yard work 30 jumping jacks and 30 jump ropes then begin cleaning..... hold your abs in tight and march, lifting your knees up high going from one room to the WILL break a sweat!!! can do it!!!! Also, drop the word "dieting"....that will help you. start thinking "my new life".....til death will you part:)) That way you wont be in a rush for any dream weight and whether you lose weight or not, you WILL be healthier because you'll be moving more and eating less:)) Just do those small things and have it set in your mind that I am going to eat better and less AND I am going to move more.....for the REST of my life....and guess what....that weight is going to drop off you:))
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    I have never personally used wii fit, but I know a few people who have it and they have had success. I think (as with any exercise) its a matter of finding the time, and making it work. Can you set yourself aside an hour a day 3 times a week? Even that would be better than nothing. and then try things like taking stairs instead of elevators, walking on your lunch break. I know its hard to find the time, but once you do, no matter how hard it is in the beginning, it will just become a part of your routine and eventually it will work out. Also, maybe a part of why you are so tired is the extra weight, unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. Maybe making that time will help with your exhaustion as well. Good luck...and I hope it works out for you!
  • joshuaviator
    Work out man, Nothing in life that really means anything is easy. It's easier said than done, trust me i know lol, But try to make some time do something every day. Even if it is not much do some exercise everyday. The wii fit is a start!