Hello good health, goodbye depression!

Someday I want to be medication free. Proper fitness and eating habits will get me there.
myfitnesspal will help me track my progress along the way.

greetings to all my fellow fitness hopefuls (:


  • judyschick
    It is amazing the rush you get from exercising. Good luck to you. Move forward!!!
  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
    Welcome! I initially started here because I wanted to lose weight and was feeling down about myself after a breakup after 4 years. What ive found is amazing! Eating healthy and working out makes me feel great, and putting so much energy and focus on myself not only makes me feel better, but I dont sit and dwell and be depressed about the break up anymore. NEXT ;-)
  • carolyn28
    Yes me too, some day I want to be medication free but until then I want to be the best me possible. All the best and lets keep in touch.
  • lisam724
    lisam724 Posts: 58 Member
    I was Depressed then after I started watching what I ate and working out and seeing the scale move I have to say I am feeling a little better each day !
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    best wishes to you!