true dat, belugas! new whale in town.

hi there, everyone!
i'm new to the forum/msg boards, but i've been using myfitnesspal for about 3wks now. honestly, it's taken me 3wks to think of a clever enough title for my new topic hahah

i'm losing weight! trying, @ least & it would be fun to make friends along the way .6_6 everyone who wants to make a positive change is welcome!


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Welcome, baby beluga!
  • NowGoWorkout
    Ms. Heather...can I give you a bit of advice? I'm going to anyway.

    The human mind has an amazing quality in it's relation to our actions and habits. How you PERCEIVE yourself is what your habits and actions tend to mimic and migrate to. What's that mean to you? Well, by calling yourself, supersized and a whale, you're going to remain that way.

    Change your mind to a positive note...change your title and profile info. i.e. "Hot Girl on the Way - only 180 days away". or "Inner Skinny ***** Unveiled Soon".

    Sound simple? It is. Proven concept, most definitely. Do me a favor, and try it. Your old habits didn't work, so it's worth a try, isn't it?
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Are you talking to me or sierracanbe? Or both?
  • sierracanbe
    i think it's important not to lose one's sense of humor .n_~
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    Ms. Heather...can I give you a bit of advice? I'm going to anyway.

    The human mind has an amazing quality in it's relation to our actions and habits. How you PERCEIVE yourself is what your habits and actions tend to mimic and migrate to. What's that mean to you? Well, by calling yourself, supersized and a whale, you're going to remain that way.

    Change your mind to a positive note...change your title and profile info. i.e. "Hot Girl on the Way - only 180 days away". or "Inner Skinny ***** Unveiled Soon".

    Sound simple? It is. Proven concept, most definitely. Do me a favor, and try it. Your old habits didn't work, so it's worth a try, isn't it?

    Ha ha! Though I totally agree we create what we cracks me up that you wrote..."Can I give you a bit of advice" ......with a screen name like "NowGoWorkOut" - - we expect advice, right? Dude, it took her three weeks to work up the courage to post! Poor thing, now you've scared her half to death!! :laugh::laugh:
  • NowGoWorkout
    Sorry Heather, meant Sierra. Sense of humor is one thing, but self-deprication isn't good. You put yourself into a mindframe of need to move on from that. Funny / humor is an excuse to stay that way and avoid failure / avoid risk.

    I know it sounds deep, but it's true. If you change your self-image in your own head, you body will follow. If you continue to tell yourself you're a fat girl (funny or not), you'll tend to make decisions that keep you in that mindset.

    Just like motivation follows action, not the other way around...the same is true for mind and body. If you change your mind, your body will also follow...
  • dragonflytequila
    Want to say hello to everyone out there new to this page as I just started bare with me as I get used to everything.....I will be enjoying seeing the new change in my life....enjoy and laugh with me...:wink:
  • NowGoWorkout
    Not meant to 'scare' anyone. But if that's what it takes to get someone going in the right direction, so be it. Tough love works. Now go workout.
    Ms. Heather...can I give you a bit of advice? I'm going to anyway.

    The human mind has an amazing quality in it's relation to our actions and habits. How you PERCEIVE yourself is what your habits and actions tend to mimic and migrate to. What's that mean to you? Well, by calling yourself, supersized and a whale, you're going to remain that way.

    Change your mind to a positive note...change your title and profile info. i.e. "Hot Girl on the Way - only 180 days away". or "Inner Skinny ***** Unveiled Soon".

    Sound simple? It is. Proven concept, most definitely. Do me a favor, and try it. Your old habits didn't work, so it's worth a try, isn't it?

    Ha ha! Though I totally agree we create what we cracks me up that you wrote..."Can I give you a bit of advice" ......with a screen name like "NowGoWorkOut" - - we expect advice, right? Dude, it took her three weeks to work up the courage to post! Poor thing, now you've scared her half to death!! :laugh::laugh:
  • my_ugly_hat
    Doesn't sound deep... mostly just makes you sound pretentious. ;D
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I agree that keeping a sense of humor is important but so is having sensitivity to others. Referring to anyone with a weight problem as a whale is downright insulting and hurtful. I grew up as a fat girl and was taunted with names like whale, haystack, elephant, wide load, etc, etc. While as an adult I don't care how you characterize yourself and could care even less what you think of me , I know that there are a lot of people here who struggle with issues of self image, self worth, and self doubt. Characterizations like that don't help.
  • dragonflytequila
    I heard that is true ,you have to tell yourself and think smaller in your mind...enjoy hearing your goals
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    hi ! (: the title made me giggle
  • schlubba
    schlubba Posts: 26
    Ms. Heather...can I give you a bit of advice? I'm going to anyway.

    The human mind has an amazing quality in it's relation to our actions and habits. How you PERCEIVE yourself is what your habits and actions tend to mimic and migrate to. What's that mean to you? Well, by calling yourself, supersized and a whale, you're going to remain that way.

    Change your mind to a positive note...change your title and profile info. i.e. "Hot Girl on the Way - only 180 days away". or "Inner Skinny ***** Unveiled Soon".

    Sound simple? It is. Proven concept, most definitely. Do me a favor, and try it. Your old habits didn't work, so it's worth a try, isn't it?

    I disagree with you, a sense of humor and being honest with yourself are great qualities to have. I am a fat pile of human flab and self depricate a lot more than others and yet I have the confidence to go on with changing my life. It's more than just thinking positive thoughts about the future, you also have to want to go in the right direction.

    I welcome you fellow beluga :) Coming from another short fat one!
  • Mickers36
    Mickers36 Posts: 84 Member
    LOL OMG you guys! Simmer. She's funny, she wasn't saying it to be.. Ooooh woe is me I'm joining the whale club ; ), she's funny I LOVE IT, and as we start feeling better about ourselves the little joke stop and we become the smiling, grinning little hotties we always knew we were inside, it just takes time.
  • sierracanbe
    i so didn't mean to offend any broken hearts. everyone who uses this site is obviously on the way to something greater.
    loving the honesty, but NowGoWorkout's post hurt my feelings more than referring to myself as a whale did. so i don't see how that proves to be helpful or deep.
    i've already lost almost 10lbs... & as far as whales go, belugas are quite darling... .n_n
    i get it, i rly get it. but let's just have fun.
  • NowGoWorkout
    And I'm just trying to cut that time for the little hotties to submerge. I've worked with many people on their fitness goals and transformations. From that experience, a few things have come to the surface. Severely obese people tend to joke at themselves to relieve their's a coping mechanism. Unfortunately, that coping mechanism, left unchecked, just pushes people deeper into a rut.

    If you can get someone getting a vision of where they want to be in the future, and then start living like that person today, our bodies naturally move along the path to fitness. It sounds over simplified, and it is considering the hours of sweat and pain along with the efforts to push away the 'dirty' foods for the clean foods all in the right proportion. But in the end, the simple concept of forcibly changing how you see yourself, results in amazingly more wins. An exponential amount of success stories over those that linger wth their safety nets of self-deprication.
    LOL OMG you guys! Simmer. She's funny, she wasn't saying it to be.. Ooooh woe is me I'm joining the whale club ; ), she's funny I LOVE IT, and as we start feeling better about ourselves the little joke stop and we become the smiling, grinning little hotties we always knew we were inside, it just takes time.
  • NowGoWorkout
    And I'm just trying to cut that time for the little hotties to submerge. I've worked with many people on their fitness goals and transformations. From that experience, a few things have come to the surface. Severely obese people tend to joke at themselves to relieve their's a coping mechanism. Unfortunately, that coping mechanism, left unchecked, just pushes people deeper into a rut.

    If you can get someone getting a vision of where they want to be in the future, and then start living like that person today, our bodies naturally move along the path to fitness. It sounds over simplified, and it is considering the hours of sweat and pain along with the efforts to push away the 'dirty' foods for the clean foods all in the right proportion. But in the end, the simple concept of forcibly changing how you see yourself, results in amazingly more wins. An exponential amount of success stories over those that linger wth their safety nets of self-deprication.
    LOL OMG you guys! Simmer. She's funny, she wasn't saying it to be.. Ooooh woe is me I'm joining the whale club ; ), she's funny I LOVE IT, and as we start feeling better about ourselves the little joke stop and we become the smiling, grinning little hotties we always knew we were inside, it just takes time.

    EDIT: FYI, I typed this 20 minutes into an
  • my_ugly_hat
    Now who's being negitive? You just assumed that she's severly obese... What gave you that idea? dude, just stop. seriously.
    And I'm just trying to cut that time for the little hotties to submerge. I've worked with many people on their fitness goals and transformations. From that experience, a few things have come to the surface. Severely obese people tend to joke at themselves to relieve their's a coping mechanism. Unfortunately, that coping mechanism, left unchecked, just pushes people deeper into a rut.

    If you can get someone getting a vision of where they want to be in the future, and then start living like that person today, our bodies naturally move along the path to fitness. It sounds over simplified, and it is considering the hours of sweat and pain along with the efforts to push away the 'dirty' foods for the clean foods all in the right proportion. But in the end, the simple concept of forcibly changing how you see yourself, results in amazingly more wins. An exponential amount of success stories over those that linger wth their safety nets of self-deprication.
    LOL OMG you guys! Simmer. She's funny, she wasn't saying it to be.. Ooooh woe is me I'm joining the whale club ; ), she's funny I LOVE IT, and as we start feeling better about ourselves the little joke stop and we become the smiling, grinning little hotties we always knew we were inside, it just takes time.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    Sierra, pay no attention to the guy with no clothes who is on drugs. Serious.

    He means well, I think.
  • NowGoWorkout
    Safe assumption based on her own words of beluga, supersized, etc. I'm here to help, but apparently if its not simply rah rah, go get 'em tiger kind of talk, it's not looked upon very highly. Rah, rah works for about a day. After that, if you haven't found your deep goals to change, written them down, made step by step plans to get there, then act on it DAILY, you won't change. You'll go back to the self deprication to hide your weaknesses. Though it's tougher up front to face thos weaknesses, that's what you have to do succeed...the gain way outweight the pain.
    Now who's being negitive? You just assumed that she's severly obese... What gave you that idea? dude, just stop. seriously.
    And I'm just trying to cut that time for the little hotties to submerge. I've worked with many people on their fitness goals and transformations. From that experience, a few things have come to the surface. Severely obese people tend to joke at themselves to relieve their's a coping mechanism. Unfortunately, that coping mechanism, left unchecked, just pushes people deeper into a rut.

    If you can get someone getting a vision of where they want to be in the future, and then start living like that person today, our bodies naturally move along the path to fitness. It sounds over simplified, and it is considering the hours of sweat and pain along with the efforts to push away the 'dirty' foods for the clean foods all in the right proportion. But in the end, the simple concept of forcibly changing how you see yourself, results in amazingly more wins. An exponential amount of success stories over those that linger wth their safety nets of self-deprication.
    LOL OMG you guys! Simmer. She's funny, she wasn't saying it to be.. Ooooh woe is me I'm joining the whale club ; ), she's funny I LOVE IT, and as we start feeling better about ourselves the little joke stop and we become the smiling, grinning little hotties we always knew we were inside, it just takes time.