Good morning all!! A quote for daily reading. =0)

Hope everyone has an awesome day today!!!

“Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.”

Mark Victor Hansen quotes


  • roxanne90
    roxanne90 Posts: 95
    Nice. Thanks for this, it made my morning. :)
  • chubbachub
    chubbachub Posts: 40 Member
    We can spend our whole lives waiting for that perfect moment. have spent my life saying - I'll lose weight after I've finished this...or when this is done I'll start eating right. In life, I've always held off feeling happy because I'm waiting for things to be just right. The truth is we can be run over by a bus tomorrow, its time to make the most of now. Losing weight is a long haul trip - but if we just take it day by day, before we know a week has gone by, then a month, 3 months and we can start to feel differently but it all starts with a single step.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Thanks. hope you don't mind I will share this with friends.
  • loodoo87
    loodoo87 Posts: 33
    :smile: Thank You
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    Thanks. hope you don't mind I will share this with friends.

    That is my only charge actually for posting these daily. Is for everyone to share them with someone else they know.. We can always find or listen to negativity in our lives and world these days, but there is few sources for positive thoughts and energy. Help someone each day with something positive to start there day. You never know you may change that persons life forever.
  • lanenalatina
    lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
    wow thats awasome I couldn't have said it better then you, You really put a big smile on my face that is just beautiful, and I would like to share in with my friends, hope you don't thinki I am stocking you for reposting it

    Hope you have a great day