Feeling guilty going over 1200cals

Does anyone else feel guilty if they actually hit their target?
I'm meant to be on 1600 cals (I weigh 143lbs), but I feel if I go over about 1300 cals I've eaten too much. I rarely ever have below 1200 so I am eating enough. I just feel that MFP has trained me to feel 1200 cals is enough and I shouldnt be having loads more =/ Just wondered if anyone else felt the same?


  • philiphirons
    philiphirons Posts: 34 Member
    Dont feel guilty, more goal alone is 1500
  • loodoo87
    loodoo87 Posts: 33
    my target is 1200 i sometimes struggle to meet it but i always feel as though i have eaten enough. if i am under it is usually only less than 100 calories unless i exercise. As long as you feel full and your not just kidding yourself into thinking that you have eaten enough because you feel guilty. Listen to your body, it will soon tell you if you are not eating enough, you will feel tired and lathargic and maybe even moody! lol. just do what feels right and you will be ok! :smile:
  • yojibalinese
    MFP tells me to eat 1500 calories. I manually reduced it to 1400. And yeah...if I go over 1300 I start feeling guilty... But I usually make up for the calories on the weekend with a drink or two that I don't record but allow myself to have while out.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    No, i dont feel guilty. I feel that it took me years to get this weight on, so am banking on it taking months to take it off. I dont want to starve myself, so if I go over, I draw a line on it, and start again the next day. I dont want to never go out for a meal with my friends again etc, so am trying to be as realistic as possible.
  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    Nope do not have this feeling at all. I consume anywhere between 1500 and 2000 calories a day with exercise. Depends on what I eat. My body likes the fuel and at times I am hungry too.
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    Yes, I always feel guilty whenever I eat something I know is going to take me over my goal calories count.

    For example. I bought reese cups at the college it came with 3 cups. I ate two and that was bringing me 100 over my calorie count. I cringed looking at the last one, but didn't have the heart to throw it away. I ended up acting like a creep and offered it to some random stranger explaining "I have hit my calorie count for today. Would you like it I am just going to throw it away."
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    wow I dont know how you all stick to 1200!!! I'm on 1560 as recommended by MFP and I find that difficult at times
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    You shouldn't feel guilty! Feeling guilty about food causes eating disorders. If you go over one day, make up for it the next day by not going over. 1200 calories is a very low number for an adult. You will lose weight by staying within a range of 100 above or below. Don't be too obsesive. Try to focus on the positive... that will motiviate you to continue working towards your goal:happy:
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    wow I dont know how you all stick to 1200!!! I'm on 1560 as recommended by MFP and I find that difficult at times

    same here, I'm set at 1540 by MFP and sometimes I still feel hungry. I never feel guilty over calories, unless I'm wayyy over. But if I am still under my daily calories then I feel great.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Does anyone else feel guilty if they actually hit their target?
    I'm meant to be on 1600 cals (I weigh 143lbs), but I feel if I go over about 1300 cals I've eaten too much. I rarely ever have below 1200 so I am eating enough. I just feel that MFP has trained me to feel 1200 cals is enough and I shouldnt be having loads more =/ Just wondered if anyone else felt the same?

    If you're meant to be eating 1600 and you regularly are around 1200, you run the risk of losing much more muscle than you intended to lose. And it's very difficult to get good nutirtion on 1200--you have to eat very well to do that.

    I don't understand what you mean by "MFP has trained me to feel 1200 cals is enough". The reason that MFP sets the floor at 1200 calories for women is because most women would slip into malnutrition below that. Were you previously on 1200 and got used to it, so you're having difficulty planning for a higher number?
  • anawigela
    anawigela Posts: 25
    No, i dont feel guilty for actually hitting my target, because i think the calorie limit is not much, the only way I can stay under my cals tho is to exercise, so i exercise every day. Other wise i am ALWAYS over, and feel disappointed in myself as i really want to loose weight...