so fustrating

i just dont understand it. i never drank 8 glasses of water or anything in my life, so after months of trying to lose weight, i decided to step it up a notch. so 8 glasses a day, working out more, and harder, eating my exercise cals, and looking at the scale my weight when up and up ( no loss of inches either) but my rant today is about water.

yesterday i did a shoot ( thats a whole other story) so i actually didnt eat dinner cause we shot for about 4 hrs at night and only got half of my water for the day..not good right, well i wasnt starving, i didnt go to bed hungry and of course today, my scale FINALLY went down almost 2 pds after weeks.

so i know its water weight, but i was under the impression that once u start giving ur body the at least 8 cups a day it needs, at 1st it will hold onto it, because its not used to getting that much, but once your body realizes ok, this is happening starts to let it go.

when does that happen? its been 2 weeks and the 1 day i dont get enough fluid or eat like 15-1600 calories cause i didnt work out, thhats when my body drops it. ive been walking around like a have a beer gut cause im so full of water and look even bigger, and been dealing with it cause im hoping it will come off soon but it hasnt, so now i suck down 8 glasses today so i can have a gut again tomorrow and go out 3 pds?


  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    I had the same problem. For some reason, all my body wants to do is hold on to it.