I struggle getting to me 1200 calorie limit

Hi-- just started this n Monday and i am struggling. I don't know what the eat and by the time I exercise i end up only consuming like 800-900 calories. Do most of you add your calories yourself or use the database I worry it's not accurate and this tells meI burn more calories than the ellipitical at the gym does so which is correct? thanks for the help!!!!!


  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    How long are you on the elliptical and how hard are you moving? Are you sweating, cant talk at the end?
  • fganssle
    fganssle Posts: 3 Member
    I know that it takes some time to build confidence in the database, but most of it is correct. It takes several weeks to gain that confidence. I guess you just have to work harder in the beginning, investing more time until your confidence is built upon your experience of eating and losing weight.
  • theresabell67
    theresabell67 Posts: 97 Member
    i use the data base for adding my calories, however, i "spot check" with what i have eaten if i have the nutritional info. Have you tried eating every 3 - 4 hours? smaller meals more frequently? how long are you onthe elliptical and and what speed? are you truely pushing yourself where you can't talk comfortably?
  • AEisele
    AEisele Posts: 98 Member
    I have trouble meeting my coloric intake too. But I find being aware of protiens and fruits and veggies does help. Evern if your a vegitarian you need protien to build lean muscle.

    I allways double check my calories to compair.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Getting to 1200 is never a problem for me! Staying under on a day I don't work out is impossible! Eat some higher calorie but healthy foods like walnuts and peanut butter.
  • bethany41h
    bethany41h Posts: 218
    I would go with the calorie read on the machine; I do not trust what this tells me though sometimes it is surprisingly close. I noticed that the harder I push myself the more closely the read on the machine is to the estimate on here. So I would go with the machine because I am guessing this over-estimates since it tends to be more on track with my more intense exercising. As for reaching the 1200... maybe try some fruit, it is healthy but has calories. Do you drink a protien shake after a work out? That may help give you some extra calories and it will be beneficial to you.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Use the database for the first few times with the item you're looking up right beside you so you can compare then rest easy when you find at least a closely matching item.
    To get to your calorie limit use calorie dense but healthy options like nuts, nut butters, avocado etc doesn't take much of them to give you some extra healthy calories.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Ths is why I purchased a HRM---these calorie burns on this program are way off compared to what I get on my monitor with a chest strap.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    If the machine asks you to enter your age, height and weight then it might be more accurate than this site. Most machines - and this site - have to be generalized to cater to everyone.

    Invest in a Polar Heart Rate Monitor with a chest strap. You'll get a more accurate number.

    I agree with adding nuts, peanut butter, etc. Look for calorie dense healthy foods. Our body does need some fats as long as they are healthy fats.
  • missbeezy
    missbeezy Posts: 198
    I use a heart rate monitor and I notice that this site gives me way more calories than I actually burned so if I use the calories from this site I eat about half back, if I use the HRM I eat them all. Each person is different but either way welcome to the site!
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    I think in general it is helpful to make sure you are keeping foods with flavors you really like in the house. Not your temptation items like cakes or cookies, but actual flavors that you can add to meat, veggies, a piece of bread or whatever. Make eating fun, sit down and slowly enjoy a piece of cheese toast (good calorie booster!).

    The goal of losing weight is not to teach yourself to not like food, but to come back into a healthy relationship with food. Part of that is trying new flavors and spices and enjoying them, even in limited quantities. I keep a tub of Haagen Dazs Coffee Ice Cream in the freezer, and eat a tablespoon full after my workouts. It is delightfully flavorful and cool, hits the spot for my sweet tooth and doesn't leave me feeling guilty at all.

    Anyway, don't be afraid to enjoy your food :)
  • Transform_me_now
    Transform_me_now Posts: 7 Member
    srsly....people are having a hard time consuming 1200 calories per day? I also have a hard time staying under that number..
  • jessicap2009
    Thanks for all the help!!! the machine does ask for my age and weight so I thinking that was more accurate. 45 minutes does kick my butt but it is not that bad. I do have a hard time talking but I have a kidney birth defect that pretty much limits my sweating--so weird but it takes a lot for me sweat and after my 45 minutes it is a very light sweat but that's from the kidney thing. I'll usually sit in the sauna or steam room to sweat out the toxics.
    If I don't work out it is hard to stay under but when I do I'm super low-this is my first week so hopefully once I get used to it I'll feel like my dairy is more accurate. This is so new to me- I've never dieted before and weight was easy to come and go in the gym but i'm getting older and have been doing hormone treatments to try for a pregnancy and it has seriously whacked my body out!!!! This is going to be a new lifestyle change and the bummer is I'm going to loose it!! thnks for ALL the help--I'm so excited to be here!!
  • mrfgrant
    mrfgrant Posts: 1 Member
    You can always write down the numbers from the machine. If you see a (*) next to anything, that means that the information was entered by another user. You can always make corrections. If you just started, I would say eat as you usually do for a few days, enter the calories and you will see your true consumption. Then from there, just start tapering off. It is a learned habit that you have to unlearn.

    Also, if you are really busy, just take pictures of your meal and enter them later. I went from 2400 to 1700. I lost a lot of weight within a 4 week period. Someone thought I was sick.

    PS: The key to success. Don't tell many people, just do it...