Quiting smoking and eating!

dannylou81 Posts: 10
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I recently quit smoking (4 days ago) and could really use some tips to stop wanting to eat everything around me. Any tips on how to quit and keep the calories down while doing it?



  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    i quit a 8 days ago, and have had a couple of slip ups, i gave myself 3 days, to eat anything, then forced myself back to usual, drinking lots of water, chewing gum, and a stress toy to keep the hands busy.

    if you need to eat, things like chopped carrots, pepper strips, baby corn etc are a low cal way to nibble - well done so far and good luck
  • alucard75
    alucard75 Posts: 207 Member
    Sunflowers seeds can keep your mouth busy and only a few calories. Also, when I quit I keep those colgate wisp around to have something in my mouth. I lasted four months and for some stupid reason I started back again. Good luck
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I used:

    gum... minimal calories.
    water... can actually help fight cravings
    exercise... when I just needed a distraction (bonus calorie burner)
    veggies... low cal, finger fiddlers.

    Smoke free for 3 weeks (also had a couple slips in the beginning). I've continued losing through the whole process.
  • Landon06
    Landon06 Posts: 9
    When I stopped smoking Dec 26th 2010 I began exercising daily. I have been doing Turbo jam/ Turbo Fire 6 days per week ever since. I really think that without starting an exercise program, I would have slipped up and I'd still be smoking. Good luck and congrats on your decision to quit = )
  • jinnie79
    jinnie79 Posts: 1
    I'm on day 11 of being smoke free. Ice cold water and (vigorous) exercise helps a lot -- that endorphin rush is miraculous. Also, I found that it's easier to fight cravings by keeping my hands busy rather than my mouth. I want to keep my mouth still and get used to a life of not constantly having something there. It also keeps me from overeating. Anything to keep my hands busy helps -- chatting with friends online, washing dishes, doing laundry, showering, knitting, or really anything that keeps my mind off the craving.
  • Congrats of quitting! I haven't had a cigarette since February 23, 2011, so almost 2 whole months :) I chewed gum all day for the 1st 2 weeks, ate carrots, celery, & 100cal packs of popcorn... What worked the best was that I made sure that I worked out really hard every morning. When I would be out of breath from cardio & my chest would burn I would tell myself that it would hurt less & less everyday that I didn't smoke.... I hated that burning feeling more than anything! I was surprised at how fast my lungs rebounded once I quit. Good luck! You can do it!
  • Thank you everyone!! I will definetely used all the tips! and Congrats to all of you who have quit beacuse it is not an easy thing to do!!!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    I've never been a smoker, but I wanted to stop by and tell ALL of you CONGRATULATIONS on stopping. My mother died from complications of lung cancer, and you are all taking some huge steps to a healthier you.
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    I quit February 28th 2011.
    I used carrots, gum, and water.
    When I got really strong urges I would take a walk, or go up the stairs at work.
    I figured that would get me away from my desk similar to my old smoke breaks.
    After a while I would rather not go instead of huffing and puffing cimbing stairs. :)

    Stick to it, no cheating because it sets you back to day one.

    The key is the longer you go without the nicotine, the easier it gets.
    So if you cheat every once in a while you set yourself back exponentially.

    After 30 days the urges almost dissappear completely.

    Stick to it.
    You can do it!
  • glitterbell23
    glitterbell23 Posts: 10 Member
    I quit once for 2 1/2 years. I started up again about a year or two ago (slaps own hand) bad decision for me. However, when I did quit the first time, and what I have started doing again is every time I want a cigarette, which is usually in my car I eat a tootsie pop. I know we are trying to lose weight but they dont have many calories in them and they help with the oral fixation part of quitting. I use tootsie pops because they take a while to eat and its kinda hard to just bite into them and chew. I havent tried the blow pops but I guess that would work too because once you are done you have the gum to chew. It worked for me and I am trying again with success. I hadnt had a cigarette all week until last night when I went to the bar......quitting fail for me. Its hard all of my friends smoke. Just hang in there though! Congrats on quitting. You have inspired me to keep going and to push myself harder to quit. Try the tootsie pop thing! :)
    Also, if you have a phone that has the android market there are quite a few quit smoking apps that help you see your achievements and gives you updates on how your health is improving day by day without smoking. It is encouraging.
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