I'm New, Frustrated and Could Use Friends

awf2215 Posts: 17 Member
So I've recently joined and dont know anyone on this site. I have about 15 pounds to lose. I have never been thin or ripped and I want to have that for once in my life! Also, we are going on a beach vacation in June. The weight is coming off way too slowly! I have made big changes in my diet and have went from sitting on the couch everyday to exercising 5 days a week. It's been 4 weeks and I've only lost 5 pounds. Those five pounds came off the first week when I switched to low carb, but I didn't even work out that week. Starting the second week I began to workout with my diet and have stayed the same! Any help or advice would be appreciated. I would also like to hear from success stories who have lost those last stubborn 10-15 lbs. Also anyone else use Ultra 90? Don't think it's helping. Please friend me. Thanks. Amy


  • Gwendalyne
    Gwendalyne Posts: 287 Member
    That's around the same amount I am trying to lose by June too and I am looking for weight loss buddies as well. With motivation and support we can do it!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    You can add me if you like, and you might want to open your diary for people to see it, it will help them to give you suggestions.. :)

    Oh and Welcome! This is a fantastic place!
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    Hey, how are your body measurements coming along? Weight is lean mass (muscle, bones, organs), water, and fat. You may be losing fat but keeping and gaining muscle! 5 lbs of muscle takes up considerably less space than 5 lbs of fat.
  • nkenga
    nkenga Posts: 46
    Five pounds in four weeks is fantastic! One pound a week is considered a safe rate of weight loss.

    Another way to chart your progress is to measure yourself - inches lost is also progress made.

    Set your goals, but make some of your goals non-scale goals - eating 5 servings of vegetables and fruits a day, wearing a certain size comfortably, completing a 5K, working out 3-4 days a week for 6 weeks, etc.

    If you lose the weight slowly, you are more likely to keep it off. Quick fixes don't work for long, and can be dangerous.

    You CAN do it!:flowerforyou:
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Friend request sent. Make sure your diary is open to friends and when you accept me I will take a look at what you have been eating and see if there is anything that stands out. Not that I'm an expert but I have been doing a form of low carb for a few months and have lost 30 lbs, so I know what has worked for me anyway.
  • JujiBean
    JujiBean Posts: 187
    I'm not very big either and calorie counting doesn't really work for me. I do low carb, but enter the foods on this site as though I'm just counting calories. I usually keep my carbs at 30 or below. Works for me.
    Good luck
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Hi there! Feel free to add me if you'd like. Are you logging everything you eat? Even that pat of butter, or that nibbling while you cook, everything counts. How is your water intake? If you add friends and open up your diary, we can take a look at what you're eating and maybe make suggestions. I would recommend low calorie rather than low carb because you will need some carbs to help give you energy for the exercise. Also, you could be gaining muscle weight which may be why you aren't seeing changes on the scale. Try not to get discouraged. Good luck!
  • angelawilliams29
    angelawilliams29 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi, you can add me too if you'd like! :). I totally understand your frustration!! Over the last 4 years, I managed to lose 100 lbs...then gain about 20 of them back!! I've tried everything to get them back off, but have given up every time that I haven't seen quick results. :(. I'm now determined (again!!) to get these pounds off if it takes me a year (or more!!) Slow & steady wins the race & the pounds didn't come on overnight so I shouldn't expect them to come off overnight!! ;). Sooo...I'm not sure how much that helps, but maybe at least you can see you're not alone!! Just take it one step at a time & don't obsess over the scale!!! Get out & glorify your Maker!!! :). God bless & keep it up!!!
  • Taralynngranius
    I understand your frustration as I am the same way with excercising.. it just isn't something i "enjoy doing" most of the time. I want to be fit and excited to go excercise but I sometimes fall of the wagon. I can tell you that starting off small may be exactly what you need so you don't give up because it is SUCH an overload at first. Going from 0 times at the gym a week to 5 a week is quite a change in lifestyle. I agree with what some of the others said about dropping the weight slowly. I recently have been wanting to drop about 10lbs as well but the scale wasn't budging because I had been working out so much. Then I realized my clothes were fitting differently. I really suggest taking measurments right now if you haven't yet. If you see the progress in that.. (which you will for sure if you are working out) you will realize you are accomplishing something.. Sometimes we depend WAY TOO MUCh on what the scale says.. its not about that.. its really about how we look and feel!!
    Good luck!! You CAN do it!! Stay strong!
  • Tattooedmom44
    Tattooedmom44 Posts: 93 Member
    I have been trying to lose about 10 pounds, and it is coming off so slow!!! :angry: I have been watching my calorie intake and trying to exercise more. Even before I had started to see results on the scale I noticed that my jeans were fitting better. I started to get frustrated because the scale just wasn't moving, but then I realized, if my jeans fit better and I felt better about that, what did it matter what the scale said.
    I have lost 5 pounds so far, but it has taken over a month. The most important thing though, is since I started eating healthier and exercising I feel so much better.
    Good luck and I will send you a friend request :smile:
  • margosmommy
    I have lost 15 since January. It hasn't been an easy journey but I will say I find that being dedicated to tracking my food intake and my exercise which this site makes easy. I know you mentioned low-carb. It has been my experience that low carb is a good quick way to drop some pounds but I either don't stick with it or I plateau. Just calorie counting and changing what I eat has been more useful to me.

    When I started I didn't change what I ate but simply got in the habbit of tracking it. After a few weeks of that, I began to evaluate where my calories were coming from and I made small changes like cutting back to 1 cup of coffee per day and eating pretzels instead of candy bars for snacks. Once I got that down I started looking at my meals and reading labels and it all just comes more naturally now. I don't fret it if I go over occasionally but I do still enter ALL my food even when I know I'm over. It's a good visual for me to get back on track the next day.

    I also began running as exercise which seems to have jump started the weight loss again. I used a program called couch-to-5K (http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml). I started the Couch to 5K program in February and I will be running my first 5K on May 14. My goal is to finish not to set record time. I always said I wasn't a runner but once I started this program I have found I really enjoy my runs and I really miss them the days I can't run.

    Don't get discouraged, stick with it and you will find what works for you.
  • HOOKEM13
    HOOKEM13 Posts: 8 Member
    Don't get discouraged. Last night I was signing the same song. I have been doing MFP for about a month (ish) and lost 5, felt great about myself, and gained it back and have been so upset about why I don’t see more results. Well you aren’t gonna get results if you only put 50% effort in (not saying you are, just saying for me). I may have changed my eating but I was still “too tired” to get up and get active. Well now I am down to about 2 or 3 weeks to get fit and reach my goal. And instead of giving up and saying I’m not gonna achieve my goal anyway I’m gonna push myself even harder. We all plateau we all have off days/weeks or whatever. Just stick with it and you will feel so much better about yourself that you did.

    Also when you are at the point where you want to lose 10-15 pounds you need to watch measurements as much as weight. The scale might not be moving but you might be losing inches. Keep your head up. You got this!
  • awf2215
    awf2215 Posts: 17 Member
    I only measured myself for the first time a few days ago. My jeans are a little looser but not a whole size looser :(
  • CJC128
    CJC128 Posts: 18 Member
    Three words...Don't give up! I am on the same boat. I am trying to lose 12 pounds and after 4 weeks of hard core dieting, I hadn't lost anything. After getting some support and tips on here, people told me I was eating too few calories. I ate more calories this week and lost a pound! I am not starving myself anymore. I was also told to shake up my workouts, shock my body and not to get into a routine. One important thing I have learned-the scale does not tell all. I may have only lost a pound but I know I have moved around inches. My clothes fit better and mentally I feel great. Keep going and results will follow!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    First thing I noticed is you might want to bring them carbs down to under 50. And you might want to try and get more of the carbs you do eat from veggies, like carrots, sweet potato, leafy greens, squash, add in some berries too if you like. I would say you're headed in the right direction, just need to refine it some. Come on over to our support group and ask more questions we are always glad to help.
  • MichaelRLewis
    I would be glad to help in whatever way I can. I have lost 45lbs in 4 months
    Most before I found this program. You are welcome to visit my eating habits. Don't forget your body adapts and you do have to keep it guessing a little. Avoid eating later on the evening, especially carbs. You do need good carbs early for energy. Cardio, and lots of it. Try stairmaster and spinning classes ( if available to you) and do interval sessions. Change up and keep your body off guard. Lots of water and fruits and veggies to fill up on. Be encouraged. You will get there. It just doesn't happen exactly when we want it too. You have plenty of time. You will be in that bathing suit with those fancy colors. Let me know what I can do.
  • lorieras
    lorieras Posts: 1
    A few tips.

    Calories in, calories out. You are wanting to create a calorie deficiency.

    Set up your MFP and be honest with your daily activity level.

    Eat all your daily requirements and part of exercised calories. Record everything you eat in MFP. Too little calories and your body will think it is starving and hold on to everything you consume, too many calories and you will not lose weight.

    Feel good about what you are doing, see it as fun, not as an obligation. Imagine your new body and what you will be doing on your beach vacation in the new clothes you have to buy before you go.

    Only step on the scale once a week same day, same time. When you are down to the last few pounds it will not move as quickly so it can be discouraging if you step on the scale too often. Measure your body, inches are just as important to weight. Find a tight pair of jeans and try them on, then try them on each week and when they feel loser, get excited.

    Watch your sodium intake. One gallon of water weighs 8 lbs. Your body will hold water if you have too much salt. To combat excise salt, drink more water until it flushes it out.

    Here is my story for the past three months.

    I have lost 28 lbs and am down to the last 8. It is much slower now, but still losing about 1 lb a week. I did not exercise like crazy, but I did record gardening and light housework as calories burned. I recorded everything I ate right down to my coffee/creamer in MFP. My suggested calorie intake a day is 1200 calories to lose the weight I want. I hit that every day give or take a few calories. The days I do exercised I eat back half my calories. Days that I was super hunger I would take a Hoodie pill to help me stick to the required calorie intake and not what to eat everything in sight. I see this journey as something I wanted to do, not as an obligation I have to do. I feel happy and positive about the whole experience. I reward myself with new smaller clothes (can get kind of expensive, but oh so much fun)

    Simple, but effective. :smile:
  • daniellefreeman85
    Ihave the same problem I know I am doing everything I should be but I just dont see the change I think I should have. I joined a bootcamp it can get expensive but its a good resource since your in a group of people who are trying for the same thing you are. It also gives you a structured time and place to workout regurlary. And makes sure you are doing the correct things the right way so you get results and you dont get hurt. and hopefully the person running the camp is as great as the woman who runs the one i attend. she is a trainer she helps with diet specialized home workouts and really anything else you may need to help you on the way. You also have to remember that muscle weighs more than fat so if you have been doing muscle building thats going to be reflected in your weight. try taking measurements not just of your waist and hips but your thighs arms too. Oh and make sure you are getting enough sleep at night. that is one of my biggest problems, i only sleep 3-5 hours a night but apparently our bodies dont shed the fat like they should if your not sleeping enough .
  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    Welcome! I'm fairly new here myself. I'm sure you'll find the support you're looking for, this site is great!