Hello all! Goodbye weight!

Hi everyone!! So try to bear with me as I never post anything and normally just stalk other peoples posts for reassurances :happy: I joined MFP to try and lose about 60 lbs and in the past 10 days I have lost about 2 so I guess that is wonderful. I know that it is a slow process and I have to just "trust the system" but, sigh....Anyways back to happy land so I have started using MFP religiously and I am trying to get to the gym 5 days a week and walking when I can't. I know it will take a while but I have faith this time its going to work. It seems like there is a ton of support on here and I can use all I can get! I will try to post updates on my journey but like I said before I am pretty much a rookie at message boards so we shall see! OK well have a great day all I must get my butt to the gym!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Hello and welcome. You can do anything you put your mind too. Good luck on your journey and all of us will be here to help.
    Log on everyday and be honest with yourself and your diary. Stop the processed foods and try to eat as close to whole as you can. Whole Wheat, Lean Meats,Fresh fruits and veggies. Watch the fats and carbs. if you stay within your goals you'll do great. Again Good luck.
  • ravenlunatic76
    ravenlunatic76 Posts: 69 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race. Good luck - and STICK WITH IT. And once you finally reach your goal we'll all be here to congratulate you.
  • tracykym
    tracykym Posts: 5
    Keep with it!!! It will come and trust me you will begin to feel better!!!
  • bamboobee
    bamboobee Posts: 10
    Welcome! I also just started MFP and so far i love it! It lets you be accountable for everything you do.
    We all wish you well in your jouney. And REMEMBER drink LOTS OF WATER.....:drinker: