my own little bargain

So I work part time at Caribou Coffee (for those of you not familiar with the midwest, think 'starbucks') and I have been very very good about not drinking anything but black coffee with an occasional splash of soy milk or sugar-free flavoring because i know whats in those drinks!!

Well our holiday drinks are out and we have a white-chocolate mint mocha that is absolutely to die for!! :bigsmile: except.... a medium is almost 500 calories and 60 grams of sugar!!! :sad: sooooo... I open the store at 5 am tomorrow and I have made a little bet with myself. :blushing:

If i get off my butt and go to the gym BEFORE work (that means 3 am!) I will let myself indulge in one of these delightful treasures. :-) even though I will probably make a "better" version by ditching the milk altogether and using less flavor syrups, its still a lot more than I would normally do... but lets see if I can go through with it. :wink:


  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    So I work part time at Caribou Coffee (for those of you not familiar with the midwest, think 'starbucks') and I have been very very good about not drinking anything but black coffee with an occasional splash of soy milk or sugar-free flavoring because i know whats in those drinks!!

    Well our holiday drinks are out and we have a white-chocolate mint mocha that is absolutely to die for!! :bigsmile: except.... a medium is almost 500 calories and 60 grams of sugar!!! :sad: sooooo... I open the store at 5 am tomorrow and I have made a little bet with myself. :blushing:

    If i get off my butt and go to the gym BEFORE work (that means 3 am!) I will let myself indulge in one of these delightful treasures. :-) even though I will probably make a "better" version by ditching the milk altogether and using less flavor syrups, its still a lot more than I would normally do... but lets see if I can go through with it. :wink:
  • amyalwaysonline6
    3am? Yikes, that must be a really good drink if you're willing to do that. Good luck
  • countrybee
    I did that myself this weekend. Had worked out, had enough calories left over, but still couldn't bring myself to me crazy.....but I want to see more movement in my scale. I have my mind set to do it this time!!!:flowerforyou:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    If you can stop at just one then I say go for it. Me, I know I'd have one and then being dying for one everyday until the promo is over :grumble:
  • BBCoachKel72
    BBCoachKel72 Posts: 67 Member
    OH MY GOODNESS! The peppermint mocha's are to die are right!
    There is a Starbucks 1/2 mile from my house and I'm such a good girl and hardly ever go there, but this time of year...YES so tempting! I have to admit I will have one occasionally on the weekend.
    My co-workers won't allow me to have caffeine (I tend to get very, okay even more chatty and a bit hipper LOL) :laugh: so that makes it easier to tell myself, NO and only have one from time to time on a Saturday!
    But I say, if you make a plan to earn it and work for it, have it! :bigsmile:
    Kelly :flowerforyou:
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I DID IT!! one whole hour of cardio at 3:30 am!! woo-hoo! AND I came up with a just-as-delicious-but-not-nearly-as-bad-for-you version! It still has 26 grams of sugar but for a once-in-a-while treat i figured it was OK. :wink: Here's my version if anyone cares to order it at their local coffee shop!

    Medium coffee with:
    1/2 shot of mint
    1/2 shot of white chocolate
    Splash of cold soy milk and
    candy cane sprinkles on top!

    Then I added a few splendas to sweeten it up a bit since I'm using less flavored syrups. It was delectable. I entered it into the system if anyone wants to use it in the future! only 134 calories! and 2 g fat!:bigsmile:
  • jalopes
    jalopes Posts: 20 Member
    i use the skim milk version, instead of soy milk, its even less calories.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I don't do dairy... hence the soy ;-)
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    ouch. I get up fairly early at times but if you think of the fact that those drinks(and starbucks is worse with cals and fat I worked there its as fattening as mcdonalds) have those 600 cals and you down that BEFORE breakfast, then thats motivation enough. Youy will NEVER EVER associate those as a meal cause to your brain they are just like juice. but go for it do it feel that motivation and think of the soy and sugar free!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I know your pain, luckily I no longer manage starbucks I work from home and have my own machine so I can make it just like I like it.

    Try nonfat, it took me awhile but I discovered if I actually reduced the syrup and did nonfat I liked it just as much (and this from a former breve lover!) I actually like coffee so I do more espresso and a pump or two less of the syrup.

    Good luck, I know how tempting it can be, especially those opens they make it hard to resist when you are tired :drinker: Experiment.....that's the bonus to working in the shop! :wink: