
I had a baby about 6 months ago and gained about 70 lb..i have been working out since jan but always struggled with the food part. Since Jan I have lost almost 30 lb..thats not normal for me..pre baby if I did what I was doing now..I would have lost at least 40 or more by now..so I joined mfp last week and this week I weighed in and only lost 1lb..last week I lost 2lb and wasent following a good diet, but I started my period today (weigh in day) so to the women does your period affect the scale??? I'm frustrated..I work out 6 days a week and really trying. I hope next weeks weigh in is better


  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    Yes it does affect my weighins. I will go up a couple pounds sometimes even but it falls back off towards the end.

    Keep at it. It took 9 months to put it on but it may take a bit loger to get it off. My baby is 8 months old now And I am still trying to get off 15 of the 30 I put on, plus some extra!
  • LowCarbAmanda
    I gain 5 - 8 lbs of water weight every month between ovulation and the start of menses. That all drops off shortly after it starts, and I resume losing afterward. It definitely plays a role! :)
  • jess4ava
    jess4ava Posts: 7
    Thanks!!! I know..it feels like my metabolism or something really changed by having the baby..I've never been skinny and was always able to drop it fast now its the opposite, I am killing myself and barely losing...i'm not giving up though..I love mfp and the forums, its nice to talk to people with similar goals:))))
  • merrie_michelle
    Women retain water prior to their periods. This can add as much as 2.5kg or 5ish lbs to their weight. It is said to be associated with the amounts of estrogen and progesterone produced at this time.

  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    yes, your period will cause you to weigh in heavier.

    In my opinion, I you have done terrific to lose that much weight since January. I havent looked at your diary but, if your working out you need to make sure your eating back those calories ESPECIALLY if your breast feeding. Also, if you are breast feeding, you need to up your calories with that too. Make sure your body doesn't starve Breast feeding alone is a work out. You burn calories doing that. I am just throwing that out there of course, just to cover it, if it applies.

    Also, when I stopped breastfeeding I gained weight and had a hard time getting it off then as well.

    other than that....keep up the good work, make sure your giving your body proper nutrition and enjoy your new addition:))
  • jess4ava
    jess4ava Posts: 7
    Thanks and I'm no longer breastfeeding..but I had gained 90lb including baby..I was breastfeeding first couple of weeks and dropped 20lb immediatly..but the 70lb gain was all from eating throughout pregnancy. And I do eat back most of my workout cals but not all...u think I should eat all back even though I'm no longer bfeeding?
  • missygail
    missygail Posts: 30 Member
    Hey, hon... I've been going since January and I've lost less than you and I didn't JUST have a baby, my last was almost 9 years ago. Also, you've had a baby six months ago, don't be hard on yourself. Plus are you breast feeding?

    Breast feeding can help in shrinking the uterus, but I don't know about the weight loss.

  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I don't even have a period anymore (hysterectomy) and I STILL gain water weight during the time I would have my period... I know each month when it would be my time of the month... I guess because I still have my ovaries... Our (women) bodies are CRAZY!!! :noway: I will never cease to be amazed at the things that surprise and amaze me about our bodies...

    Stay encouraged! The older I get, I find that it's harder for me to lose weight... and you are also coming out of having all the preggo hormones gushing through your body... Hormones do CRAZY things to us (hence period weight and such)...
    Try not to gauge your success so much by the scale.. I've had to learn that...It's hard to do because we want a smaller number, but there are so many other successes you may be overlooking... Good luck!!!! congrats on your loss this far :drinker:
  • Simone1970
    For me, yes, I definitely gain weight during my period. I gain about 3 lbs in water weight so when it is that time for me, I skip weighing myself for that week because it really isn't an accurate assessment of my weight.