Hello, I'm new :)

Hi everyone, I am new here and very excited! Everyone one seems to be so helpful and positive! :)
I always seem to start these sort of things with the best intentions but then fall off the wagon... I'm hoping this will be different. I have found a new gym close to my home that i love! Yes i just said Love.. this is a VERY good start for me lol

Anyways, keep up the good work everyone :)


  • abeautifulvoice
    Welcome to MFP!! Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • CarolAmanda
    CarolAmanda Posts: 84 Member
    Hi! i'm new, too. I mostly workout at home, but I also teach a Turbo Kick class once a week. I've been off track lately with diet and exercise, so I'm trying to regroup. This does seem like a nice place!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome.you can do anything you set your mind too.go girl!!
  • teacherdeb
    teacherdeb Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome from a neighbour in Langley! Good for you - you've made a start :-) This site IS very friendly. Plan to log in every day to keep track of your food and exercise - that really seems to be key - it's been working for me. Also, check out all the posts in the community on here - there is a LOT of helpful info ... but be careful, it's easy to while away time on here too. Good luck!
  • chicone
    chicone Posts: 17
    Welcome and Good Luck!!! MFP is awesome!!!! Have fun!!
  • BigAL456
    BigAL456 Posts: 56
    God luck on your transformation