hows the best way to tighten my stomach again?

malx21989 Posts: 39 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I had a c-section a little over 6 months ago and I have been trying to flatten my stomach again, but nothing seems to work.

I have been counting calories, doing the treadmill, walking up and down stairs and other exercises. Does anyone have any advice??


  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    strength training. most weight lifting maneuvers involve ab work when you're doing proper form. squats, lunches, push ups, crunches. try doing compound moves such as lunges and a bicep curl at the same time. It's going to work your abs to be able to have form in those moves. also keep doing cardio as you won't see the definition under layers of adipose tissue.

    another thing is to make sure you portions are key. weight loss is 80% food and 20% exercise
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    diet and exercise. You need to lose all the weight everywhere so that you can lose the fat in your stomach (can't spot reduce). The exercises you need to do work your legs and arms (in order of importance). Notice abs are not there, that is because ab routines will not get you a flat stomach. If your abs are weak, ab workouts may help lose some inches by strengthening the muscles, but your abs can't go past flat.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Exercises that work your transverse abs (the deepest muscle layer) will tighten up your stomach muscles and will hold your organs in tighter. But you'll need to do cardio to work off any fat you may have.
  • I'm having the same problem. I had surgery over two years ago and my stomach hasn't been flat since. I'm hoping to walk/jog away the fat first then start toning by doing exercises that focus on the abs.
  • 1hotmama2b
    1hotmama2b Posts: 24 Member
    I've been trying the above suggestions, and I'm sure you have too. I had my section 8 months ago, and am finding the weight AND the tummy more problematic than either of the first 2 that were natural (And they were both HUGE- one over 10 lbs). I wonder if anyone has any idea how quickly you need to keep working before you see results..... So hard to keep motivated without seeing some sign of success....
  • Mickers36
    Mickers36 Posts: 84 Member
    I have had 2 c-sections 9 yrs apart and my stomach is a train wreck. I am trying to lose the fat as I have been hearing you can't spot reduce.....although I have been considering an at home "do it yourself" tummy tuck LOL. But what I have been seeing on here is just loooooots of cardio
  • 3 months after i had my c-section i started going to the gym 2 times a week with a personal trainer and doing cardio 5 out of 7 days a week for at least and hour. 2 1/2 months and 4 lbs later i gave up. now my baby is 15 months old and i changed my diet and eating habits and began working (grooming dogs which is a physically challenging job) again and ive lost 35 lbs in about 3 months. my suggestion is to change your eating habits before anything, get down to the weight you would like to be at, and then begin toning the muscles you want to strengthen or firm.
  • caharms
    caharms Posts: 2 Member
    Try Pilates and work on your core. You'll be surprised by the results. My posture improved weekly, I didn't ache, and I really felt energized leaving the studio even though I didn't feel like I had done a lot of work. I started noticing little changes after a couple of classes. My weight didn't change much but I did notice a huge difference in definition everywhere (NO bulky muscles at all) plus my pants were getting looser. I did 1 mat and 2 equipment classes a week for 3 months. When I had to stop due to job loss I couldn't wait to get back into it not just for the definition but the way it makes me feel, strong.
    Good luck
  • After my first, I got down to 15lbs lighter than my pre preggo weight by dieting, but my tummy was still poochier than before. It took two months of intense yoga twice a week and 4 ish days of walking or running, and I finally got back to where I was comfortable. During those two months, I only lost about 2 scale pounds, but I'm sure there was fat loss/muscle gain.
  • Bjornulf
    Bjornulf Posts: 29
    Unfortunately, the stomach is one of the first places the body deposits fat to store. My experiences with reduction in the stomach tend to tell me the body (at least MY body) works on a 'first in, last out' type of philosophy.

    This being said, I have only seen results in the abs from intense cardio coupled with strict carb and fat intake control. With an injury, scar, or wound (in my case I was stabbed in the gut with a bayonet) this makes a more effective place to store fats as there is now more surface area to contain the deposits.

    Just gotta stick with serious core and cardio training and keep a watch on your fats intake (too much and extra WILL be deposited) and carb intake (too much and they WILL be converted into fat for storage and possible later use).
  • Kimrenaud
    Kimrenaud Posts: 118 Member
    if someone has a good ab rountine to to with light hand weights, ball, floor Id love to hear it. 2 c-sections 16 and 10 years ago and I really need help after so many years.
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