Help, i was on a roll and now im stuck on the couch sick !!

For the last three weeks or so i have been on a roll with exercise, now im sick once again and unable to exercise.... how do i continue to loose weight if i cant get mooving ??? so gutted, but this is allways how i loose my motivation in the first place...i really dont want to loose it this time. At the moment i have asthma, i also have sleep apnea wich means there are times when i can hardley move with fatigue. I need to continue too loose weight during these times i cant exercise, as loosing weight is going too help me !!! any tips most welcome metally i am soo motivated pitty my body will not co-operate !!:sad:


  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 732 Member
    When I was starting out, I just walked -- 20 - 40 minutes per day. It burns calories and it's gentle on the body. It also didn't make me too hungry (intense exercise makes me very hungry), so I was able to focus on my diet.
  • goldenbutterfly
    my problem is when im sick i cant exercise at all. when im well i go for a 90 min or a 2 hr walk every secound day :) and have just started swimming once a week also.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    For the last three weeks or so i have been on a roll with exercise, now im sick once again and unable to exercise.... how do i continue to loose weight if i cant get mooving ??? so gutted, but this is allways how i loose my motivation in the first place...i really dont want to loose it this time. At the moment i have asthma, i also have sleep apnea wich means there are times when i can hardley move with fatigue. I need to continue too loose weight during these times i cant exercise, as loosing weight is going too help me !!! any tips most welcome metally i am soo motivated pitty my body will not co-operate !!:sad:

    The good news is that weight loss is primarily about your diet, not your exercise. Exercise can help you to preserve muscle mass and to reshape your body, but it's not the big part of the weight loss equation. So don't fret on that count.

    How are you treating the sleep apnea? Do you have a CPAP? Do you use it?

    I don't know what you've been doing up til this point, but if you've been exercising like a woman possessed and not eating and resting enough, this could be why you're getting sick. Overdoing it will lower your immunity and make you easy prey for any 'bug' that's going around. If you think you may have been pushing things too much, you may find that being more moderate in your exercise and calorie deficit will keep you healthier.
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    90 minutes every other day sounds a bit much to put your body through. Better to do less more often than more less often - esp given your asthma. Start looking for ways to up your activity level - park further away, make several rounds on your way to the kitchen, or other room, etc.

    It's a life style change which starts with the first step, the first pound....
  • goldenbutterfly
    speacilist is sorting out the problems wich contribute to the sleep apnea to figure out wich one is causeing it so in the process of elimination at the moment. thank god the year long problem of a sore throat has now been cured... i was starting to think it was all in my head but it wasnt. thanks for that i do frett and loose confidence in myself when i cant exercise... as i really enjoy the walks as well as it makes me feel really good.
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    For the last three weeks or so i have been on a roll with exercise, now im sick once again and unable to exercise.... how do i continue to loose weight if i cant get mooving ???

    You can lose weight without moving! Many people will say that dieting is 80% of weight loss and 20% exercise... and they are on the right track but the truth is that weight loss can be achieved with 100% dieting and no exercise.

    The reason is that even if you were in a coma you would still be expending energy (heart pumping, lungs breathing, digestion, etc). Your body has to get that energy somewhere. If it does not get it from the food you eat (or being fed to you from an IV drip or a feeding tube), your body will get it from your energy reserves (what we call "fat").

    Now there are disadvantages to losing weight by dieting alone. Your muscles may atrophy. If you are doing extreme dieting (starvation mode or fasting) your muscles may even be broken down to get the fuel it needs. In addition to burning more energy (and thus allowing you some extra calories of intake along the way), exercise strengthens the muscles. Having strong muscles burns more fat also, so strength training can help reduce your "body fat percentage".

    So if you are in a (hopefully temporary) situation where you can't exercise, pretend you are in a coma and eat less than what you need! Your body will do the rest (no pun intended). When you can exercise again, you can reverse any atrophy and then some.
  • goldenbutterfly
    Hey thanks heaps for that, will definatley have to start refining my diet !! :)
  • Hollie_downunder
    I feel your pain! i was sick last week with gastro and confined to the couch/bed/toilet! haha
    i'm trying to train to do my first run in 1 month, so not only was i upset about no being able to work out, but stressing that my training for my run will slip

    one good thing i guess when i sick was that i didn't WANT to eat (more in fear of it coming back up!)

    try not to slip into the junk food eating on the couch as you feel ill and don't want to cook
    still eating a wholesome nutritious meal will make you feel heaps better and also help your body to get better rather than going for the easy option of takeaway etc!

    i got back into my working out this week by taking it easy, was still very tired so didn't push myself and now i've got my motivation back :)
    (though i'm regretting the easter egg i just ate!) haha

    life throws lots of hurdles at you but don't let it get you off track!