New....College Student....

Options name is Shanan Ryan. I am a 20 year old college student trying to lose around 60 pounds. I currently live in the dorms but I will be moving into an apartment here in a few months. I am currently an English major and a Political Science minor. Its hard to eat and be healthy while in college. Not only are there limited food options, loads of stress, and messed up sleep cycles. I also have hypothyroidism and a small problem remember to take my thyroid meds. My Aunt who has been on me about my weight (although I've been on myself about it also) reccomended this website to me after a nurse at her work started using it. So here I am....any tips, advice, and support would be very greatly appreciated.

Thanks Shanan Ryan


  • ShananLenoreRyan
    I also forgot to mention that yesterday I found out that at the age of 20 that I have higher than normal cholesterol and the potential for high blood pressure; problems not associated with my thyroid problem, just my weight problem....Its a scary thought for a just turned 20 year old to be worring about high cholesterol and blood pressure...when most people are telling her she should be worring about what classes shes going to take in the fall and what to write about in a blog to better market herself for a future internship. It doesn't seem right, but then again aren't I the one who seemed to let myself get this far in the first place?
  • dontstopnow
    dontstopnow Posts: 152
    ack! i know how that is, girl. i've had high blood pressure for a while now and i'm actually on medication for it.. and i'm only 20! it's taken me longer than it should have to turn my lifestyle around, but, i'm glad i'm here now.

    anyways! welcome to mfp, this place is so great, i love it! i'll send you a friend request so we can support/motivate each other!
  • TaraLW86
    TaraLW86 Posts: 4
    I can relate to your story. Although I don't live on campus, I am a full time college student and work 2 jobs. With working constantly changing hours and all the studying there is definitely a sucky sleep pattern. I'm 25 now but just like you, at age 20 I had a blood test done and was told that I had abnormally high cholesterol and was at risk for heart complications and diabetes. I know I need to make a change but its hard trying to do it alone. This past semester I enrolled in online classes at my school hoping it would leave me with more time to focus on diet and exercise however online classes require about 3 times the work of a normal class. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help support each other in our goals.

  • kerri62
    kerri62 Posts: 11
    Welcome to the site! I am a nurse, and have shared this site with many of my co-workers. I am old enough to be your Mom! But, that doesn't mean we can't be friends and be supportive of each other. I have a 19 year old daughter who is in college too. She struggles with her weight, and all of the same "issues" that you do with college life. Add me as a friend, and we will encourage each other!
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    UMMM... you are my twin! I'm adding you.

    I'm 21, want to lose 58 lbs.
    I'm an english major, used to minor in poli sci (changed to advertising)

    Oh and I have messed up sleep cycles as well.. I work nights.

    Welcome and you will do great!