I went to the doctor yesterday



  • skuta
    skuta Posts: 3
    I agree with everyone else - with how much progress you have made so far I would say you deserve a "treat" day! Then congratulate yourself on a great work in progress and keep moving towards your goal.
    In a world of averages being anywhere from 20-50 lbs overweight - I think you are heading in the right direction - KEEP GOING!
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    From personal experience, I can say that a lot if what is in your chart may not yet have been updated since your last visit. Think they do that after you leave.

    My visit last summer I was obese. Went back a few weeks ago and was only a few pounds from a healthy BMI. They wrote down new weight, but my classification won't change until it is entered in computer.

    Don't know your height, but doubt you still fall under the classification of obese.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Sounds like that not was based on your old numbers, not your new ones. Its not just your weight that's down, but your bp to. You've accomplished a lot and you should be proud of yourself. On a related note, its good that your doctor noticed, it means he's doing his job; when I was pregnant, my bp went way up... and no one really noticed, and that had some negative consequences.

    Don't worry about the one bad day; call it a cheat day, dust yourself off, and get back on your horse and enjoy yourself tomorrow.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I'm sorry that you were so badly upset by the notes on your chart. Please try to keep in mind that 'issues' are not 'current diagnoses'. They are problems that you've either had in your medical history or may be at risk of developing, so the medical staff wants to review them at each visit. It sounds as though in your case, these 'issues' are from your past. However, keep in mind that even though you've done a fantastic job at losing weight and improving your BP, any period of high BP has done damage to your body, so it's always going to be in your medical records because it could possibly be a factor in any problems you develop in the future and for determining any medication that may be prescribed for you.

    Just like if you had broken a bone or damaged your knee--those injuries might be healed now, but they could still play a role in future injuries and how they are treated.

    Congratulations on your weight loss and your great success in getting your BP back down to normal! Those are tremendous accomplishments and you should take pride in them!
  • !!!! 32lb drop is excellent work. I fall into the obese bracket too, but working my way down to overweight. You will be down there soon. Keep up the excellent work you have done so far. You must feel lots better in yourself, we should really make those our markers, not boxes that health department put us in

    Jo x
  • Nkauj_Lis
    Nkauj_Lis Posts: 70
    Thank you guys/girls so much for all your kind words and for being a friend. This morning, I woke up and feeling so much better. I have decided to make this a good day and put all behind me. I weigh and gain 2 pounds but I know it water weight because I barely have more than 2 cups the last 2 days and no way I over ate by 7000 calories.

    Again, thank you.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    148 is not Obese. I would have asked her WHY she wrote that on the chart. And then told her to change it!
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    OK so I HAVE to say this being from the medical field. Is it a paper chart or electronic?

    If it is a PAPER chart they print out notes and a Superbill (to record what procedures are done) days to WEEKS ahead of time and the things printed on them are your PREVIOUS conditions so that the Dr, Nurse and/or MA remember to check for these things while youre there. You have to realize the average Dr sees 40-60 patients A DAY there is NO way the nurses or MAs can remember your previouse conditions even if you were only there a week ago! Hence why they make chart notes.

    So brush it off, it was based on your old numbers and the next time you go in I HIGHLY doubt that will be on your chart unless someone forgot to remove them/delete them as conditions
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I don't know how 148 is obese!
  • ngwehner
    ngwehner Posts: 19
    You've done great! The only problem here is that the medical staff isn't bothering to actually look at things and update the chart. If your doctor didn't IMMEDIATELY congratulate you on your great progress when he/she walked in the door, its time to find a new doctor.
  • Marcus_E
    Marcus_E Posts: 124
    32lbs loss is a bloody amazing feat. You should be proud of that. To me it sounds like the comments written would have bene based on your previous figures, but also bear in mind that most BMI measurement classifications are out-dated, but still used today as a guide.
    Keep up the excellent work and path you're on and don't let it bug you too much - see as an additional driver and continue on your journey.. Congrats so far and good luck for the future as well...
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