Need exercise help

VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm reading the postings this morning and I feel soooo guilty about not exercising. Just started here and per doctors orders I have to get it moving. Going to try to make a plan today. Since being off work, I've spent more time at the computer than doing any walking or anything. Unemployed at this time and the computer stuff I do at home is to get a little extra income so I'm on my butt a lot. Plan on joining jazzercise to buddy it with my daughter but my cardiologist is having me wait until they do a stress echo in a few weeks.
Ok...enough of my boohooing...glad I have people here to support me.


  • jmijaressf
    jmijaressf Posts: 215
    Hey, just get up from the computer and head outside for a walk. One of the things that motivates me on a Saturday morning is that I hear the birds chirping outside my window. And I've made it in a point to head out the door and listen for new sounds.
  • If you could get out and walk 45 minutes to an hour each day, it would do a lot of good.
  • One of the things that motivates me on a Saturday morning is that I hear the birds chirping outside my window.

    When I go for my walks I love the listen to the birds and nature rather then listening to music!!
  • Lockdown23
    Lockdown23 Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for some help and some accountability? if anyone can help me out would appreciate it. sometimes so busy I don't take the time for me. Running here there and every wear with the kids
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    When I started exercising I weighed 238 lbs. I got myself a bike and started by going for a 15 minute bike ride every day. I could barely make it to the end of the street before being completely out of breath! Slowly but surely I started to set distance goals and increasing my time exercising.

    Today I can run 5km just for fun :bigsmile: I exercise 60-90 mins 6 days a week. I'm in the best shape of my adult life.... and all I did was start with a commitment to 15 mins of exercise 4 days a week.

    SO GO YOU!!! :heart:
  • jmijaressf
    jmijaressf Posts: 215
    Looking for some help and some accountability? if anyone can help me out would appreciate it. sometimes so busy I don't take the time for me. Running here there and every wear with the kids

    Where you live in the lower mainland, there must be some nice neighborhoods to walk in. Why not be a kid with your kids and take them to the park, toss a frisbee, chase them around. I don't have kids of my own, but I have little cousins who like running around and that keeps me active when I visit them.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Try to burn extra calories while you are working: stand up to work on your computer instead of sitting the whole time. By standing you burn about 50% more calories. Or, sit on a stability ball instead of a chair to burn some extra calories. Set an "alarm" on your computer to go off every hour then get up an move for at least five minutes (I do this at the office - when the alarm goes off, I go up and down the stairs to the 4th floor a few times). Try find additional little ways to get extra exercise into your normal day - park at the far end of the parking lot so you walk farther, use the restroom on another floor at work and take the stairs - there are lots of ways you can you can add extra movement. You can do it!!

    I did Jazzercise years ago and it was a lot of fun! There are a lot of folks on here doing Zumba, which is also supposed to be a blast! Good luck!

    Edited: sorry, just re-read your original post as saw you were working at home, so the stairs may not be an option! (oops!) You can still take breaks every hour and get in a good walk!
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