Protein Supplements when not performing Weight Training

Hi Guys,

Currently weighing 157.4 lbs.
Height: 5' 7"

I have lost 12 lbs in past one month.
I am doing 1 round of Insanity program which was started on 14th March 2011. I am impressed with results so far.

I am also following book Burn the fat, feed the muscle by Tom Venuto. So I do calorie counting as part of my diet program.

Insanity as well as BFFM advises using WHEY PROTEIN powder as source for protein supplement to pack on muscle. BFFM book has diet plan along with weight training exercises. But my current workout program (Insanity) does not offer any weight training exercises.

So my question is whether to take PROTEIN SUPPLEMENT or not?
Is protein supplement effective when doing only cardio for weightloss?

My goal is to achieve Lean Ripped Body.

Just FYI:
I use Optimum Nutrition 100% WHEY Protein Vanilla Ice Cream
I take EGG WHITES for rest of protein needs with other sprouts.

Thanks in advance,


  • SarahJaneDeschamp
    SarahJaneDeschamp Posts: 359 Member
    BUMP, be great to know this ....
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Good question.

    Egg whites are the BEST source of protein but not alway convienent (did I spell that right). Whey Protein powders are an easy way to supplement your protein intake.
    As a man you want to eat 1-2 gms of protein per lb of body weight especially when doing lots of cardio. Cardio burns muscle and having that protein in your system will protect against muscle loss (catabolism).
    Eat 25-50 grams at each meal (much more that that you'll pee it out or store it as fat) and eat 4-6 meals a day.
    I hope this helps.
  • shumatet1982
    I only take proteins (shakes) after hard workouts, then complex more component proteins, combined with carbs and a little creatine.

    Besides that, I take Protein Shakes, when I am in a rush. A shake is made in 3 Minutes, and you can take it with you, if you are in a hurry.
  • RockyBoy2
    RockyBoy2 Posts: 21
    Thanks Guys!
  • Mayor_West
    Mayor_West Posts: 246 Member
    Whey protein can be thought of as simply another protein source, regardless of whether you're doing cardio, weight training, rest, or even no exercise at all. It's simply a way to help you get enough protein as part of your daily macro requirements. I wish I had the time and means to fire up a grill and cook some chicken breasts, but a lot of us simply don't have that much time, so I simply take my whey and shaker bottle with me so I can give myself the protein I need when I need it.