On crutches!

MrsT99 Posts: 148 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi All

Last night I put my foot down strangely stepping off some decking and went over my ankle. I have sprained the ankle itself and fractured the foot just below. I'm now on crutches and under strict instruction not to put any weight on it, at least until my fracture clinic appointment on the 3rd May. My wedding is in 9 weeks and after so much hard work I can't bear the thought of putting weight back on!

Has anyone had a similar experience and managed to continue to lose by lowering calories or any tips in this at all?



  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    there are probably still some excerzie sitting down
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    can you swim? Otherwise I'd suggest working your upper body by doing weights sitting or laying down on a bench. Also, you'll want to cut down your calories because you won't be burning as many now. I hope you feel better soon!
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    i have been away from the gym for over a month because i sprained my ankle twice in a week! I basically just really watched my food and stuck to this site and i still managed to lose weight without working out. Maybe not as much weight as i would have working out but its still possible!! good luck!!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Hi All

    Last night I put my foot down strangely stepping off some decking and went over my ankle. I have sprained the ankle itself and fractured the foot just below. I'm now on crutches and under strict instruction not to put any weight on it, at least until my fracture clinic appointment on the 3rd May. My wedding is in 9 weeks and after so much hard work I can't bear the thought of putting weight back on!

    Has anyone had a similar experience and managed to continue to lose by lowering calories or any tips in this at all?


    I'm also currently working with a sprained ankle, no fracture though thankfully.

    You can still do core workouts and upper body work... but remember that "walking" on crutches can burn a LOT more calories than just walking normally and also works quite a few upper body muscles.

    That said, you can lose weight just through a caloric deficit, that MFP builds in for you automatically.
  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    Well I wasn't trying to lose weight when I broke my foot but I can sympathize with you as my foot is still a bit sore after doing the same thing. Broke the 5th metatorsil when my ankle bent over. Initially misread the xray so I walked on it broken for a week and a half. By then orthopedist just let me wear a walking boot. No way I would have been able to do crutches. You may lose weight justvfrom that....hard work. Hope your better soon.
    Hopefully mine is not hurting soon so I can do better workouts.
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    when i sprained my ankle i did weights and abs
  • kdouglas11
    kdouglas11 Posts: 185 Member
    Hey... I'm still losing... I've been in bed for 3 weeks with 4 weeks to go!!!

    I'm doing strength training with my upper body and 'boxing' for cardio... also just using those crutches is a work out!!!
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    yes you can still do it!!!!

    making sure that your activity level is appropriate, I just changed mine for the next two weeks or so, no exercise and sedentary lifestyle and MFP calculated me a new calorie goal to continue to lose weight. I think the key will be in trying to eat as cleanly as possible.

    I am hoping to incorporate some upperbody exercises and movements for that added push as soon as I can sit haha.

    good luck to you,,,,I would imagine the biggest thing is to not stress over it, as that could end up being your biggest hurdle.

    congrats on getting married soon
  • MrsT99
    MrsT99 Posts: 148 Member
    AArgh I know what you all mean one day on them my arms are killing and I live on the 2nd floor with no lift so the stairs are tiring!

    Thanks everyone, I'll look into what upper body type stuff I can still do.

    I have just gone to goals and changed to zero exercise etc its still giving me the same target just means I have to be careful as I can't earn naughty things when I fancy something....
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    150 lb person... just as a baseline.

    Walking 2.0 mi/hr for 30 min = 85 calories burned
    Walking 4.0 mi/hr for 30 min = 170 calories burned
    Walking w/crutches for 30 min = 170 calories burned

    Figure that in... really.
    I have just gone to goals and changed to zero exercise etc its still giving me the same target just means I have to be careful as I can't earn naughty things when I fancy something....

    MFP does not figure in your exercise GOALS into your calorie allotment. That's just for you to see how you're meeting your goals. If you go anywhere on crutches, put it in as exercise and get your extra calories.
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