Low carb/High Fat diet can reverse Kidney Disease!



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    All I can say is Carb / Fat Debate, Get ready to Duck.
  • BeachLife76
    BeachLife76 Posts: 78 Member
    Thank you for posting this! Now, it says for diabetic kidney disease, do you think it would help all kidney disease? I have Polycystic Kidney Disease. Thanks again for sharing!!
  • Siobhanmn
    This was the first I'd read of the diet - as my sister (who is living with us right now) has epilepsy-related migraines, the article prompted me to read more. The diet seems to be extremely beneficial for a high number of children with epileptic seizures. I couldn't find any research on its impact on migraines, although several sites for sufferers offered anecdotal evidence of its effectiveness. The Wikipedia page included information on the use of coconut oil and other oils containing medium chain fatty acids as enabling one to increase the combined amount of carbs and protein in the diet to 40%.

    I have two concerns, the first being that it would be extremely difficult to follow for long periods of time, unless, of course, one was experiencing benefits/relief related to a specific condition. The other is that for people who don't suffer from a medical condition that can be helped by the diet, am not sure that it would be worth it considering the difficulty one would have meeting all of one's nutritional requirements.

    On a more personal note, the couple of times I have tried an extremely low-carb diet, I had extreme difficulty sticking to it - primarily because of the lack of starches, which are necessary for brain function. Found it increasingly challenging to concentrate and experienced increased irritability and depression.
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    I don't trust anything these so called experts have to say, We have serious kidney disease in my family, My grandmother passed away and my aunt and dad is on dialysis for kidney disease now. I will do what's best for me and continue on with my lifestyle change the correct way lol.
  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member
    Don't you mean "87% fat/low protein and carb diet can reverse induced kidney disease in laboratory mice bred with types 1 and 2 diabetes"?
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Don't you mean "87% fat/low protein and carb diet can reverse induced kidney disease in laboratory mice bred with types 1 and 2 diabetes"?

    If you don't want to learn from studies, then don't . My sister who had a kidney transplant 25 yrs ago and gained weight from the meds they have her on (steroids) was put on Atkins to bring her diet into a healthy range for her height and age. The nephrologist said it was a good diet because it reduces dramatically the sugars and starches which raise insulin levels. He is more concerned about the onset of diabetes for future kidney health then any other factor overall. Kidney disease+ diabetes= slow death of all internal organs.