Glad to be on board

hi to all, I am glad to have found this site, I've been on mobile version for coming up for two week and it's going very well,can't believe how ignorant I have been meaning how many callories are in food, it's no wonder we have a problem with obesity, I have been over weight for much of my life and am looking forwed to getting fitter , feeling happier, living longer and enjoying my family/kids, I would like to wish you all the best of luck and good health.


  • new_me_9_67
    new_me_9_67 Posts: 369 Member
    Hello Dave and welcome to the MFP community. this is a great place My wife and I have been doing it for over 2 months and we are very happy with the results we have seen so far.

    Best of luck to you in this journey and feel free to add me if you'd like
  • Girl1Beagle4
    Girl1Beagle4 Posts: 78 Member
    Back at ya Dave! MFP is AWESOME and I have made some of the best friends here. We are all very supportive and helpful to each other. You can add me as a friend if you wish.
  • cain777
    cain777 Posts: 19
    good luck yourself sir!