Week 3 of plateau - ahhhhhh

how do I stop it and go back to losing weight????


  • trecha
    trecha Posts: 23 Member
    I was at the same place, almost 3 wks without any loss, even a slight gain, So I changed my workouts and also increased water intake, and finally saw a small loss.
  • jmjones66
    jmjones66 Posts: 145 Member
    Try eating apples. I hear it helps to re-start your metabolism.
  • smpalmer85
    Trying something new is a great way to get past a plateau. If you normally go for a run then hit the gym and lift some weights. If you typically lift high reps then do very few at high intensity.

    If you don't already count calories be sure to watch those closely. You might be closer to your BMR than you realized.

    If nothing else works then common advice is to actually eat a lot more for a day or two. Particularly if you are running a pretty intense calorie deficit for some time now. You might have your body in a starvation type mode. Yes, you might put on 1/2 a pound but then when you start to cut again it should come right off and continue dropping.

    finally, make sure you're weighing yourself at the same time each day. Its easy to see similar weights through the week if you vary from a morning to evening weight. Anyway, that's all stuff I've gathered from fitness forums. I claim no expertise in any of it.

    Good luck!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    try swapping your exersice about(different sort) for about 3 weeks and swap again,drink more water...and even up the exersice and are you haveing enough cals?