What finally made you say "enough is ENOUGH!"?



  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I didn't like being big and tried many things to lose weight but I had the wrong answers. My breaking point was when I saw weight loss surgery as my last remaining option. I was scared of this option and I decided to give it one more (serious) go at it before going for surgery. I started researching online and came to another website similiar to MFP, then eventually gravitated to MFP. I am down 76 lbs with another 42 to go.. ALL WITHOUT SURGERY. I feel friggin great about myself. I will require surgery later on, but just to make a few little fixes like the extra skin on my tummy.
  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    When I saw a pic of me licking a brownie bowl with my son and I had a gut the size of a beach ball......
  • arieltheincredible
    arieltheincredible Posts: 114 Member
    I was getting ready for work and class one morning and just looked at myself in the mirror and started crying. I am at the heaviest I have ever been in my life and my belly is already showing over my boobs, and I have LARGE boobs lol. So i'm starting on my weight lose journey to first reach losing 50lbs and ultimately losee 100lbs I am hoping to get a little support for this site and keep track of myself as well :) wish me luck!
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    When my nurse weighed my TWICE because i was in disbelief that i weighed 401 LBS i have never been 400 lbs i was embarrased and ashamed with myself. I was beginning to have bad back pain, bending issues, etc i knew i had to do something fast. Yeah and it's not fun having little kids point at you and stare or say aloud in a store "why is that lady so fat?" Can we say embarrasing?
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    When my face got fat i knew i had to do something and getting winded rolling over in bed was a
    for sure a moment for me to realize i needed to get my act together.
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    Open heart surgery that saved my life. Got a second chance at life at sixty. Quit smoking right before the surgery when I was told there was something seriously wrong and was sent to the cardiologist. Was doing pretty well with food and exercise (mainly walking my newly adopted dog in August). Then in October my boss, who was a wonderful person died of a heart attack at 46 years old and the business closed. So I not only lost a job but a very good friend. So since then I went downhill with worse eating and no exercise. Now that my doctor sent me to this site I'm saying again..enough is enough and time to get serious again about my diet and health.
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    My sister taped her daughter's birth which I was present for. There were a few parts where I walked across camera & after watching it played back I noticed the HUGE round gut I had!!! I felt like I looked pregnant. I knew my tummy was my problem area but I didn't realize how large it was or how large I was. I never felt super unhealthy because I really didn't eat that unhealthily. Just sometimes with lots of snacking which added up. And I still worked out just about everyday at my heaviest. It's always been a struggle to manage my weight & it was then I realized I'd let it get out of hand. Finally decided I had no other choice but to commit myself to dieting & restricting my calories!
  • simplexserenity
    simplexserenity Posts: 116 Member
    I went to Six Flags with a group of friends & my ex boyfriend my freshman year in college. He & I went to get on a roller coaster
    and I didn't fit, it wouldn't come down all the way and buckle. I had to pretty much run off because I was humiliated. Never again.
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    I was just flat out tired of feeling miserable and not wanting to go out because of how awful I felt about myself. All of my unhealthy eating habits were physically and emotionally making me depressed. I refused to waste my life by always wanting to hide.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
  • ShannanLaNae
    ShannanLaNae Posts: 434 Member
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    Almost all my clothes got too tight. It was pretty clear I either had to spend a lot of money on a whole new "fat" wardrobe or lose the weight. Since I wasn't happy with my looks or fitness at that weight, the choice was clear.
  • beautylovetruth
    beautylovetruth Posts: 130 Member
    My first moment was when I realized my wedding dress was becoming a little tight (54 days left until the BIG DAY!!) so I started hot yoga, walking and eating better. Lost 8 pound in about two weeks. Then I got the medical news... I have been diagnosed with a kinked ureter and a borderline functioning kidney. What this means is that I had two choices the day I got the news, either continue on and not care about the loss of a kidney, or drink more water, eat LOTS of fruits, veggies and cut out huge portions of proteins.

    As you can read from my topic (here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/239276-just-diagnosed ) I have chosen the latter.

    I have been on this diet for 4 days now and I am feeling amazing. Granted I will be denied some minor luxuries at my wedding (drinking, BIG piece of cake, ribs, etc) but it will be worth it if I can help part of my body that has been suffering for years.

    It was a choice and then it was a more important choice. I can honestly say that my life has changed and I am VERY excited to continue on this path with the MFP family. :)

    Love and Peace,
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I was always "on the heavy side" meaning always at the top of "normal clothes" sizes. I never had to shop at a Plus Sized shop. I was nearing 50 years old, getting married soon, quitting my job as a nurse that included health insurance, would be working for my husband in our own small business with literally disaster only health insurance coverage, had gained up to 205 and noticed my arms getting increasingly shorter. I was breathless walking at altitudes with a slight upward slope, couldn't find any decent clothes to wear, reached size 16 and the Plus department with even more limited clothes and only old lady fashions, sick and fricking tired of one more big FAT summer! Plus I never held steady on my weight anymore, it just kept inching up pound by pound! I wasn't sure how fat I had intended to get, but I had gotten fat enough. There was no fairy god mother, no one to take me by the hand to feed me correctly, stop me when I started to indulge or exercise for me. I was it! The final straw was sitting in the beauty parlor waiting to get my hair done. I picked up a People Magazine and read about how they "Lost Half of their weight". I couldn't wait to find the secret product! I found it alright it was called: DO NOT GIVE UP EVER! I was furious with myself! I was a hospital nurse for 26 years and had disregarded everything I KNEW for the sake of eating crap! I was livid! I was not a stupid woman! No one knew more than me about losing weight! I could have written a book, I thought....just to darn lazy to follow my own advice! If another person had been responsible for this fat mess I was in I would have beat them to a bloody pulp right then and there! But I had only myself to thank. From that moment on when I walked out of that salon I was through being fat. I had it and I decided that right then and there I would never be FAT again! I would follow through to the end no matter if I died getting there. I didn't care how long it took or how fast it came off. I would study up, find the solutions, and do the fricking work for once in my life. Today, 4 1/2 years later I am 12 pounds away from my goal! I've hit a few bumps but know that I am in this for the long haul. I am doing it for life! It is a life sentence for me. After I meet my final goal it is maintenance all the way for me!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Open heart surgery that saved my life. Got a second chance at life at sixty. Quit smoking right before the surgery when I was told there was something seriously wrong and was sent to the cardiologist. Was doing pretty well with food and exercise (mainly walking my newly adopted dog in August). Then in October my boss, who was a wonderful person died of a heart attack at 46 years old and the business closed. So I not only lost a job but a very good friend. So since then I went downhill with worse eating and no exercise. Now that my doctor sent me to this site I'm saying again..enough is enough and time to get serious again about my diet and health.

    What a fantastic success story you are. One thing that has always struck me in my battle of the bulge is the doctors tell you to eat 1200 calories and lose weight. Walk. But beyond that there IS NO SUPPORT! Kudos for your smart, smart doctor! My sister who still struggles led me here. I thank God for it every day!