Question about exercise and calories

So I set my daily activity to sedentary, so that i wasn't over estimating, but like today i worked for a little over eight hours. I work in fast food so i'm on my feet, running back and forth. I wasn't sure if I should record this sense it is obviously not sedentary. I tried looking, but the only thing i can find is walking, and even at the leisurely setting it says it burns a ridiculous amount like 1500 calories for the 7 hours of work. Anyways any suggestions would be great. Should I change my settings? I dont work everyday, in fact i'm only out of school for a month this summer so once school starts up i'm back to sitting and reading most of the time so for the most part sedentary is my activity level other than my workouts. I normally only work 2 or 3 times a week. So should i just not worry about trying to record it? lol. again, any suggestions


  • sweetie89207
    my suggestion is set it to light/ moderate activity and leave it at that...
  • michz
    michz Posts: 102
    I would suggest you don't count it in your daily lifestyle but definitely count it on days you work. You ARE burning calories and you need to account for them. (Sorry I don't know how many :embarassed: ) Also don't forget -when you go back to school - update your goals or change your lifestyle so that the suggested calorie intake matches who you are at that time! Great luck!
  • kdonkin
    kdonkin Posts: 10
    I work in a very busy retail environment that also includes handling shipping and receiving. Since I'm full time I set my activity level to lightly active. If you are working at least 30 hours a week, you might consider doing the same and just logging your exercise when you work out. Then when you start school up again, adjust the activity setting back down.
  • Deijeines
    Deijeines Posts: 3 Member
    I had that problem too, but i dont count it. They say that unless your heart rate is increasing it doesnt really count as exercise and it doesnt really burn calories, but it does tone you and keep u maintained. I say dont count it.. walking around for work is just work, not the gym..
  • thenewkarisa
    I would leave it at sedentary because that diet setting would be what you should get used to for when you start school again.... other wise if you get used to eating the amount of calories it takes while you work, you might have a hard time or even gain weight when you start school.... and starting school and changing your diet all at once would be a lot to work on during the semester... thats what I would do
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    I run after two kids and set my activity level to high. Simply skimping on calories is not the way to lose weight, because you're depriving your body of what you really need every day. Exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet at regular intervals throughout the day will yield great results. Be honest. If you're on your feet, you need to feed that kind of activity. Your body will thank you by burning fat more efficiently.

    Readjust your activity level when you return to school and the calories you require every day will decrease. This will be reflected in you MFP calorie goal.

    Best of luck!