New on here- I NEED MOTIVATION!!!!

misskate719 Posts: 92
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I'm Caitlin, I'm new in here- and I'm hoping to get some motivation and encouragement on here to lose these 20 lbs (which I can't seem to get rid if) I'm a comfort eater, and I just can't seem to stop these past few weeks/ if I keep up my eating habits, I'm going to be a whale!! A month ago I lost 5 lbs, but gained it all back. I can't seem to "stick" with my diet or workout. Any tips would help please!!!


  • Caite_S
    Caite_S Posts: 42
    this site is a great motivator! good luck reaching your weight loss goals. add me if you'd like!
  • JaycrazyRose
    JaycrazyRose Posts: 104 Member
    You and me both Kate, I live alone and do not have any kind of support or anyone to encourage me. I thought i would come here and see if I could possibly get some motivation and encouragement and maybe some self respect in the long run.
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    Why don't you join my challange. It is loose 20lbs by June 21st. It doesn't start till Monday
  • Stop looking at it as a diet first and start looking at it as a life change to have a healthier life style. Know what your triggers are for comfort eating and try to avoid if possible. also portion control is a must. once you have taught youself to eat healthier an dto watch portions you will find it easier to lose weight an dalsomaintain a health weight. hang in there you will get the hang of it. start recording everything you eat even a bite of this or a bite of that . and try to tart a simple exercise program like a 20-30 min walk, run, short aerobics work out etc... and then stick too it it will help get your body into a routine then as you build up add mins you CAN do this you just have to get the right mind set
  • Get the myfitnesspal app for your phone! I've found that it definitely helps me stay on track, and at the end of each day, it gives you a little "yay, keep going and you'll be X weight in 5 weeks" it's very user friendly, and it's free (at least it was for my motorola droid. Good luck!
  • kdonkin
    kdonkin Posts: 10
    I am also prone to comfort eating, and horrible cravings. A friend of mine taught me a trick that I actually used to quit smoking and it has doubled as a way to control my eating as well. It's just simply closing your eyes and concentrating just on your breathing for one minute. Nothing but your breath. Take deep, long, slow breaths. One minute.

    This little trick actually releases endorphins in your brain that help with stress, similarly to what nicotine does. It won't do much if you're starving because of a missed meal, but it WILL help conquer the urge to grab a bit when things get tough.
  • akh426
    akh426 Posts: 7
    You have to really want it! Not just think you want it, but really WANT to lose the weight! Logging everything I eat really helps me. I have tried not to and I end up not losing anything, and then the next week I track and I lose 2 lbs.. Be honest in your tracking, it will make you more accountable for what you put into your mouth! Good Luck! :smile:
  • JaycrazyRose
    JaycrazyRose Posts: 104 Member
    I really do not have a particular comfort food. It used to be ice cream but I switched from Ice cream to Frozen yogurt, and when I look for a bit of it I just take a few spoon fulls and that is it. Once in a while I look for a piece of chocolate but I only eat the dark chocolate which i know is healthier for you. I know that i do not eat enough for my weight loss but I find it hard to eat as much as they say that I should eat. I do not have an I-phone to put any kind of app on it. I just have a regular cell phone. I track everything that I eat here and i am honest in posting what i eat.
  • JaycrazyRose
    JaycrazyRose Posts: 104 Member
    it seems unreal that i burned that many calories. At work i am on my feet basically all day on Wednesday except when I go to lunch. But all day I walked 11,831 steps = 5.59 miles according to my pedometer. I spent all 8 hours on my feet today with it being the day that I change the grocery ad at work. No wonder I am worn out.... LOL.
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