Feeling Blah and all I want to do is EAT AND EAT and EAT!!!

I am sooo freakin blah!! I have been so stressed sense friday and I am surrounded by candy and starchy fatty food :sad: I know I should not eat these foods but it's extremely hard when that's all I am surrounded by. Ya I have some sugar free candy but it has 24g a carbs in it. I went over my carb and protien limit today BIG time. So annoyed with myself and I can't get out and exercise due to the fact that my little girl will freak out if she finds out that I left her without her knowing. I would take her with me but it's late and she is already in bed. Sounds like a bunch of lame excuses to me. I am just ready to get back in my healthy enviroment.


  • grumpy2032
    grumpy2032 Posts: 92 Member
    Keep strong and you can get through this !!!!!
  • JackieJ13
    JackieJ13 Posts: 93
    I've been surrounded by junk the past couple of days too and it's been extremely difficult to say no. In fact, I've not done that well at all. I've always dreaded going on a diet, but I'm shocked to realize that I can't wait to get back to being in more control of my food. Good luck with everything! I've vowed not to beat myself up and move on to tomorrow.
  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    Turn on some music and exercise in your living room, even if you just dance around to for thirty minutes it's better then nothing. I find if as long as I keep moving I do better then if I sit and mope.
  • 726kdbailey
    726kdbailey Posts: 8 Member
    Don't let it get you down we all have days like that. I know sometimes when I am down music tend to lift me up. So move that sofa over and put on some music and dance dance dance ( dancing burn alot of cal) and then laugh because you still got it! :) hope U feel better I just got finish doing Zumba and a shower is calling my name
  • krise31
    krise31 Posts: 53 Member
    Its a weird week def not a good week for me either the last 3 days. Oh well tomorrow is a new day :smile:
  • JRehrey
    JRehrey Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I know how you feel I eat as a way to deal with stress especially sweets, that is how I gained so much weight in the first place. I too have been struggling to avoid sweets and its been really hard since its almost Easter and candy is everywhere. When I do feel tempted I just remind myself of the hard work I have done and how upset I will feel after I eat the candy. It takes a lot of will power but I am sure you can do it and will feel great after. My other advice for you is when you get the craving for sweets turn to a small portion of fruit, this has sugar and is a healthy alternative to the candy. Good luck! I am sure you can do it and that you will meet your goals just keep strong.
  • boomsmom
    boomsmom Posts: 60 Member
    You are not alone. It has been a really tough week for me. Passover is a really hard Holiday for me with food. I love it all and it is all made with butter, eggs, matzo, chocolate, and then fruit and vegetables. I am at a plateau and wish I could get past it, but.... All you can do is try your best and know that tomorrow is another day. Don't beat yourself up. I just aim to do better the next day. We all have those days, weeks, as long as you don't give up. I find that my friends at MFP are the best.

    I too have a child that will often "freak" out if I leave, he's 4. I work out at home when he goes to sleep (usually - he likes to stay up way longer than he is supposed to.) Anyway, I have Wii fit and that helps a great deal as well as a bunch of other Wii workout games. I also have a pedometer on my iPod touch that I put in a pocket and jog inplace. You'd be suprized at how many calories you can burn jogging in place. In a half hourr I burnt a little over 300 calories.

    Friend me! We can be there for each other. Good luck!! :happy:
  • laneyb356
    laneyb356 Posts: 25
    Must be something in the air. Felt the same way yesterday. Had so much to do and very unmotivated. Managed to muddle through. Today was much better. Probably helped that we had sunshine (before rain hits back tomorrow Happy Easter) and I made me a new music CD to make me happy. Cranked it up. We had 2 birthday parties and a visit with family. Surprisingly enough I did great out of the house for once. So . . . tomorrow is another day. Just get through today and get some fresh air tomorrow (no matter what) :flowerforyou: Best of luck to you. Keep remembering how great it feels when some thing fits a little better or you go down a notch on the belt.
  • txjulie
    txjulie Posts: 190 Member
    I agree w/ the others. Turn on some music & dance or even jog in place (that's basically what you do on those Wii games). You can do situps, lunges, pushups in your home. You'll feel better about your situation if you get up & move. It might be hard to get going at first but you'll be glad you did.
  • Ty_1227
    Ty_1227 Posts: 40
    ^Agreed w/ everyone else! To me it sounds like you're due for something that is stress release first and foremost and if it can get your heart pumping a bit, even better!

    Pause a sec and first remind yourself that you're already rockin it with a great first step towards your goal weight! It takes a LOT of hard work and determination for that! Remind yourself how awesome this process has already been and will continue to be with the habits you're forming and how you're already a good ways down a road to being not only a healthier you, but also a healthier partner and mom!

    Next, even if you're over your limit today maybe take a moment to treat yourself to a very very small portion of whatever you're craving the most. If it's small those little amount of calories will be negligible in the grand scheme and you can savor a little treat and indulge even if it's not the most "ideal" treat.

    Last, do something to distract yourself for a bit. You can go the relaxing route and just stretch / meditate to mellow out but still get the blood flowing. Orrrrr my personal favorite is just be silly and move about a lil - grab the ipod, crank something with a beat, and just goof off and dance around a bit. Lunges, jogging in place, etc are all fine and well for a "work minded" solution but you sound like you need smiles more than reps and even just dancing around will get the blood and endorphins flowing. Remember, IT'S THE WEEKEND!
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    Thanks all!! I just listend to one of my favorite comideans and laughed so hard till I cryed. I am so thankful for all the kind words and positive renforcement. Tomorrow is a new day like many of you have said so there is no need to beat myself up.
  • travishein
    my favorite thing today: one of those running strollers. its actually the kind that is supposed to go behind a bike with a wheel jammed on it instead of the hitch thing. so its really terrible for running. but, it was FREE. neighbor giving it away / throwing it out. Picked it up last weekend from the curb. Hey. that means im also diverting landfill waste too.!

    So now I can take both the boys out myself to the local parks, or amusing thing like drainage ditches with rocks and frogs, small swamps, and other safe fun things like that. but the real thing is I can get out running when I would otherwise be parenting, and used to be just on the couch in front of the tele watching dora, or similar awful kid dvd type thing. But this way, they also get to have outdoor fun.

    The short version is I just walked about 10 miles today between six parks over about a 5 hour period. They had fun, burned off all that easter candies, so will go to bed good for me tonight (hopefully).. And I feel awesom, tired, but fully cleaned out.

    er, so that is to say , there is always some thing that can find itself into your lifestyle to get activity and distract from the snackiness. Sometimes it's even free!