Hello andHelp! not loosing anything :(

lydiarosef Posts: 3
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi guys I had my little boy 6 months ago and ballooned from 8stone to 13 stone.

I managed to loose 2 stone and go down to 11 stone from atkins (never again) and healthy eating no exercize.

For the past 2 months ive been eating well a few slip ups and doing zumba 2 hours a week.

And i cannot get past 10 stone 11ibs.

I weighed myself today and ive put on a pound from nothing :(

Im trying so so hard and im feeling very discorriged.

My typical day is.

Brek: Big bowl special k and strawberrys coffee with a tiny dash of semi skimmed milk and half a brown sugar.

Lunch:Oatcakes with light philli and ham salad.
wholemeal sandwitch with salad and low fat cheese.
Or somtimes nothing (yesterday i was so desperate i had 1 alpen bar!)

Dinner:Pasta with low fat sauce,quorn nuggets with low fat oven chips and salad or a WW meal.

I seem to be eating slightly to many carbs and too little calories.

I should be having around 1200 a day but im off that by 100 does this really matter?


  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member

    I'm no expert but I found that when I had a week where I ate under my daily calories by about 100-150 each day I actually gained 2lbs! My calorie allowance is quite high as I'm classed as morbidly obese, and thought that by cutting them down more than I could have I would lose weight quicker.... how wrong was I!

    I'm sure you'll soon find what suits you - MFP has really shown me where I'm going over on sugars etc, which is a great help. I was pleasantly surprised at how little cholesterol I take on board daily, which can surely only be good, although my cholesterol isn't a problem, nor am I diabetic.... just fat LOL!

    Good luck with your journey...... and remember, little steps make big miles!
  • swissmardi
    swissmardi Posts: 57 Member
    I don't have any experience with pregnancy, nursing, and weight loss myself, but I do know that my sister gained 60 pounds with her first kid, water weight. She lost most of it with the birth but the rest hung around until she stopped breast feeding. It drove her absolutely nuts! When she stopped nursing, the weight came off, slowly but she got out of her weight loss slump. Somehow her body needed the weight for her baby...
    You sound like you're doing the right thing. Birth is a huge upheaval for the body and it may just need time to adjust. Keep going on. You're doing the right thing. It WILL happen.
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    Hi Lydia. It sounds like you are not eating enough. When you don't eat enough your body kicks into starvation mode and holds on to all its fat as it thinks it will not have enough energy i.e. Calories coming in to live from. If the body gets enough calories it starts to then get rid of the fat as it sees it as being no longer useful. Makes sense really but being dieters we are renounned for thinking the more you eat the fatter you get when in actual reality it is the other was round provided what you eat is good for you and not crisps and chocolate!
  • helgamaria1
    helgamaria1 Posts: 10 Member
    Check your portion size, a BIG bowl of kellog's special K can go up in calories really quickly ( 4-500) But don't give up sometimes it's just a question of tweaking something really little, like switching to protein for breakfast!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Well done on your success so far.:drinker: :drinker:

    From what you've written it seems like you're having too many carbs, not enough protein, too much processed foods and possibly not enough fruits and vegetables.

    You say a 'large bowl' or cereal - could you reduce this, cut out the sugar and may be add in a piece of fruit?

    For lunch how about having either the oatcakes OR the bread and try adding in something like tuna and salad?

    It seems that like me you love carbs - me too LOL :happy: :happy: :laugh: :laugh: but by slowly reducing them and processed sugar I have been able to lose weight and inches. I am a very similar weight to you (10st 9lbs) and the weight loss at this stage is very slow because I don't have much to lose (I'm trying to get to 140lbs).

    It's really important that you eat enough too. When i was on 1200 cals I lost nothing, I increase to 1380 and it has made a difference and I'm not hungry at all.

    I'm not an expert, just sharing the things I've learned along the way
  • thanks everyone :)

    Im not nursing anymore so i dont think its that.

    Im just very stressed and frustrated i thought id be losing loads the way im eating,

    any ideas what i could eat to kick start things again? your right about the special k what could i have instead?

    Uk food.

    would cutting out carbs in the evening help?

    also what snacks could i have to up the calories intake?

  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'd look at your carbs - cereal for breakfast, sandwich for lunch and pasta for dinner is all carb based - try to switch one of those meals to something else. Eggs for breakfast, soup/ salad for lunch, lean protein with lots of veg for dinner. I'm not suggesting an Atkins approach - it doesn't have to be every meal, and good carbs are necessary! You should be able to find lots of high-protein snacks for under 100 calories to keep you going through the day.

    Congratulations on your little boy.
  • i agree i am definetlly a in denial carb addict! thats why atkins made me so ill!

    Im willing to try anything really to kick start things again.

    I really dislike eggs after the atkins diet for some reason, i used to love them.

    Im thinking fruit for breakfast,
    soup/salad or maybe a wholemeal bap for lunch.

    and veg/fish/meat or cassorole for dinner?

    to the person who said about it slowing down at this point because there not much to loose has anyone else had this?

    I want to get down to 10stone and go from there i dream of being 9 but it seems like its NEVER going to happen :(
    im 10stone 11iibs now so need to loose 11iibs how quickly could this happen if i cut out more carbs and carry on exercize?

    Sorry for all the questions!

  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    from what i've read on the forum, 1200 cals is the minimum-less than this and your body goes into starvation mode. Have you done the BMR on the website and seen what it says? Again, from the stories i read here -if you stick to that then you should lose the weight. (Some people find eating smaller, more regaular meals helps too)
    and check out the nutrional info on teh weight watcher meals(you may be suprised ) -i think any processed food is nasty tbh!
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    work on lowering your carbs and increasing the protein and complex carbs...veggies, etc. You don't have to go to the extreme of Atkins but from what you describe you are eating carbs almost exclusively. You don't have to do it all at once. Maybe start with one meal and go from there. small snacks in between would be helpful. A piece of fruit and a piece of cheese or something like that. Good luck to you.
  • dennypup
    dennypup Posts: 105 Member
    Loads of veggies helps me. I like to throw 2-3 cups of sliced mushrooms and a cut up zucchini in the microwave after I've spritzed them with olive oil cooking spray and added a sprinkle of seasoned salt. It's filling, low cal, high fiber and nutritious. Also I'm trying to stay away from so much processed food. Gina, at skinnytaste.com has lots of easy recipes that are low fat and nutritious, I use her site a lot and my kids love the dishes I make from it. Keep going, don't give up, you can do it!!!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    i agree i am definitely a in denial carb addict! thats why atkins made me so ill!

    Im willing to try anything really to kick start things again.

    I really dislike eggs after the atkins diet for some reason, i used to love them.

    Im thinking fruit for breakfast,
    soup/salad or maybe a wholemeal bap for lunch.

    and veg/fish/meat or cassorole for dinner?

    to the person who said about it slowing down at this point because there not much to loose has anyone else had this?

    I want to get down to 10stone and go from there i dream of being 9 but it seems like its NEVER going to happen :(
    im 10stone 11iibs now so need to loose 11iibs how quickly could this happen if i cut out more carbs and carry on exercize?

    Sorry for all the questions!


    As I said I'm trying to cut down the carbs too but I'm a very fussy eater so it really leaves me with a problem particularly for breakfasts. I used to have a multigrain bagel with tuna or turkey bacon for brekkie but I've recently changed to ryvita and tuna and then some fruit as I'm not really a fan of breakfast foods - I don't eat eggs or dairy.

    You have to eat little and often so try to have some thing every 3-3 and a half (ish) hrs. It's a real pain at first but seems to really work. Try to switch from white carbs to brown and then once you've managed that try to eliminate carbs from one of your meals each day.

    I think, if you stick to it you should be able to lose a pound a week - I think that's a realistic goal considering how little you have to lose (I'm in exactly the same position - 9lbs left)

    I'm in the UK too so feel free to message me if you need more info :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
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