Shakeology and weight loss?

HI everyone I am just wondering if anyone on here has had success using shakeology for weight loss? I know a lot of ppl will offer but I don't need a coach, im just interested in finding some opinions on shakeology and weight loss.


  • bcklee
    bcklee Posts: 50 Member
    I am wondering the same thing. A friend of mine who is a coach is sending me some samples and I can't wait to try them. But I am wondering also what ppl put in the shakes. Is the weight loss drastic. I read on a similar post where the shakes also strengthen your immune system.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    Yep! I have, my girlfriend has, her mom has, and I've had several clients that have. Be it drinking it one meal a day, or rocking the cleanse.

    It's not a magic drink, however. You do need to eat a healthy diet and have some exercise. I know people that haven't lost a pound on it, but when I analyze their diet I see they drink it in the morning and have wings for lunch and pizza for dinner. >_<

    As for what to put in them, you can check my diary. My usual is a cup of almond milk, half a cup of water, some PB2, and some fruit. I also may throw in some Fat Free Organic Yogurt to thicken it up. The most calories I've gotten a shake up to is 400, which is great for people like me that are working out really hard 6 days a week.

    Weight loss won't be dramatic unless you do the cleanse. You should see probably 2lb a week if you stick to a good eating plan and exercise routine.
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    I have, my mother and my husband have all lost weight using it. I've been using it for about a year now and it has helped me feel more energized, more regular and I can't even remember when the last time I've gotten sick.
    I use both Chocolate and Greenberry, I give it to my 3 children and they love it. So it has really worked for us!
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Do you know what a healthy meal consists of? A full plate of healthy food that will actually get you losing weight if you include moderate exercise in your day? I do. Most of it is water. Water in the cells of complex carbs and protein. Water weighs a lot. Probably expensive to ship to someone's home.

    So dehydrate all those nutrients, flavor it, jack the price and sell it to people as the end all be all of health products because most people don't know about portion control or how to substitute their side of whole grain pasta for broccoli on days where lunch or breakfast may have been a bit too high in calories. It's simply a lazy way around learning how to feed yourself.

    And the Shake-people just charge your credit card every month knowing full-well that you're probably never going to take the time to learn how to eat. You're better off taking that money and going to an actual nutritionist and working out meal plans for a few weeks until you get the hang of it. Invest in educating yourself for life instead of investing in overpriced shake powder. After a while you'll get sick of drinking your meals (even if they taste awesome).

    400 calories for a meal is actually a *lot*! Do you know how much food I could put in you with 400 calories? Go to your food diary and play with these options: half a medium baked potato, asparagus, tilapia fillet (or some other fish or chicken breast) and heck - throw some salad greens topped with a couple tbsp of your favorite light dressing. That's a LOT of food. You'll be crawling from the table. :-D

    Breakfast? You can take 1/2 c rolled oats, 1/4 c frozen berries, a couple sweetener packets and a tbsp of dry milk and make "berries and cream" oatmeal for breakfast for 185 cals. The oats expand to make a REALLY decent sized bowl. And those berries? There's your antioxidants for the day. Don't get me started on the fabulous fiber this is packed with.

    Lunch? Berries, plain yogurt and sweetener for about 100 cals is great. You get your dairy right there. A green salad topped with low calorie protein (chicken/fish/egg) is a great idea. You could easily do a multi-grain pasta topped with some tomatoes and still be low on calories and completely full at least until an afternoon snack of an apple.

    Notice how NONE of these options that I gave include some exotic ingredient? And if you don't like the idea of unnatural sweetener then sacrifice the calories and use honey or agave instead. Honey is easier to find, but agave isn't too difficult to hunt down. :-)

    Learn to eat real foods instead of becoming dependent on gimmicky stuff. You'll save money and have a sense of independence knowing that you know how to feed yourself. :-)
  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248
    Shakeology helped jumpstart my weightloss after I hit a plateau. Well worth the money to me. I have more energy, my skin has cleared up, and my chocolate cravings are a thing of the past!
  • kongmeister
    I use it more for the energy. The greenberry takes some getting used to and for me I load it with Sunny D and that just adds too many calories. It's refreshing but not really a meal replacement. Now, the chocolate though - I use that as a meal replacement and as a treat at night on my "good days". I satisfies the chocolate cravings and is just as good as a milkshake. There tend to be alot of calories in my favorite blends but it's all healthy stuff. I use 1 medium banana, 1 tbs of peanut butter, 8-12 oz of soy or almond milk and oly 1/2 a scoop of Shakeology(it's expensive stuff). Add some ice, blend it up and tell me it's not as good as a McDonalds shake... pretty much "guilt free" too.