Hydroxycut Turbo

Has anyone tried the hydroxycut turbo? Its been 1 month and STILL not 1 lb of weight loss. I may need to try a supplement. A friend of mine had success with this new hydroxycut turbo so I was wondering if anyone else has.


  • adfranks
    adfranks Posts: 161 Member
    I took it for a while, but it just made me kinda sick at my stomach and not as hungry. It didn't seem worth the money to me.
  • Sunny_Lexie
    Sunny_Lexie Posts: 114
    def. not worth th money... two cups of coffee will do the same job.
  • laniackerman1
    I've also tried it and it didn't work at all! The only supplements that have worked for me have been USN's Phedracut (Uk: Xedracut) and another south african suppliment thats not available in the UK, it's called Aminoliq. A good one is Xenadrine so my boyfriend says, (he's a boxer so has tried these things).
    Good Luck!
    X o x o
  • workhardplayhard
    workhardplayhard Posts: 41 Member
    The idea behind the science is actually sound but this drug actually is pretty hard on the kidney's especially if you become dehydrated. What you can do instead is what I learned from a wrestling coach when trying to drop weight fast. Wake up and do cardio first thing, drink two to three cups of coffee per day and tons of water until about 5pm. Make sure to not eat within 3 hours of going to sleep.......and of course limit caloric intact as best you can. This way is less expensive as well. Good luck!
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    The majority of weight loss pills and fat burners really DO help you lose weight....

    ....Your wallet is that much lighter. :-)

    Seriously though....most are just caffiene derivatives and/or laxatives so the weight lost (besides in the bank account) is primarily water....and since there's no water content in fat....you're not losing anything.
  • chelsealjames
    chelsealjames Posts: 92 Member
    The idea behind the science is actually sound but this drug actually is pretty hard on the kidney's especially if you become dehydrated. What you can do instead is what I learned from a wrestling coach when trying to drop weight fast. Wake up and do cardio first thing, drink two to three cups of coffee per day and tons of water until about 5pm. Make sure to not eat within 3 hours of going to sleep.......and of course limit caloric intact as best you can. This way is less expensive as well. Good luck!

    The problem with getting up early in the am is that I'm already waking up at 5am to be at work/clinical at 6:45am (nursing). So if I get up earlier than that it'd have to be 4am and I just dont see myself doing that, haha.
  • laniackerman1
    I agree that although some of these supplement's do work there are side effects to worry about. For example Xedracut (phedracut) works but it interups your sleep, if you don't drink 2Litres of water per day you can damage your kidneys and as it effects your heart rate can cause heart pulpitations! It can also cause headaches if you don't drink enough water, your body will gets used to it in 2months so you will no longer see any benefits after that time. I have used Phedracut before, the benefits are the rapid weightloss and the huge amount of energy it gives you. But you have to make sure that your body would be able to cope with these pills before taking them. The natural way of diet and exercise is always best though! I am NOT using any supplements just training very hard and eating right and have already lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks.
    (p.s. something natural you can try that helps 'fight LDL cholestrol' (the bad one) and thus helps the weight loss process is CLA.)