Just some tips really

district1986 Posts: 2
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there been to the doctors and need to lose weight asap just need to stick to 1200 a day, anyone got any tips to help the weight lose quicker


  • Work out - walk - just keep moving - empty your home of the unhealthy choices and be prepared - I keep celery in my fridge clean and in a container to just grab - also have discovered the "Wholly Guacamole" only 100 calories - I make that my tv time snack when I watch my favorite shows - better than chips or popcorn even -

    Another thing I do is plan my day and put in all my food in advance of eating it so I can see if there are areas I can and need to cut back - before I eat them -

    Good luck and please add me as a friend if you would like - we all need encouragement!

  • Nothing but the usual: make sure you drink enough water, never go under on your fiber or protein and do what ever exercise you are able to do. Good luck!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Hi there been to the doctors and need to lose weight asap just need to stick to 1200 a day, anyone got any tips to help the weight lose quicker

    It's a marathon, not a sprint. Eat healthy, get plenty of exercise, eat your exercise calories and drink lots of water. If you do all that, you will reach whatever goals you've got. Just remember, be patient. You didn't put weight on overnight so it won't come off overnight either.
  • Men might want to consume no less than 1800 cal daily. Also, trips to a gym aren't necessary unless your fixated with an 8th grade PE class POV. Walk a dog, walk a power mower, police your living area daily, stand and walk around the house while doing laundry, super-clean a room a day in your home, stuff like that. Drink LOTS of water, and beware of sneaky salt/sodium. :drinker:
  • AngieR45
    AngieR45 Posts: 21
    Hello, plan your meals for the day and don't have any high calorie junk food in the house. If it's there it's a temptation.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Hi there been to the doctors and need to lose weight asap just need to stick to 1200 a day, anyone got any tips to help the weight lose quicker

    If your doctor gave you a goal of 1200 per day, go in and manually set your calorie goal on MFP. If your doctor didn't give you a specific calorie goal, then I would not recommend aiming for 1200 calories.

    Try to avoid processed foods and empty calories like bread, pasta--anything that comes from refined flour. You're going to want to aim for at least 25 g of fiber a day to help you feel full, and you'll probably want to consume a fair amount of protein. If you try to eat that little while eating mainly simple carbs, you're going to be starving all the time.
  • SquishyVicki
    SquishyVicki Posts: 280 Member
    Hi - to loose weight in a positive and healthy way with less risk of putting it back on once you go back to 'normal' unfortunately there is no quick win. Just to eat less and do more.....yes I know - it sounds simple and obvious but as we all know is easier said than done!!!

    That means trying your best to stick to your calorie limit (which this site will help with recording) and trying to get as active as possible. Little things can make all the difference like each time you walk up stairs in your house; come back down and then walk back up again giving you triple the activity in one; this works especially well if like me your bathroom is upstairs!! :smile:

    For food try and fill up on plenty of veggies / salad etc in every meal to make sure you are not left still feeling hungry but you are filled with with filling, healthy, low calorie food instead of extra pasta / rice / bread!!

    Good luck!!! V
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    Just because something is low calorie, doesn't mean it's the best choice. Sometimes opting for a higher calorie (higher protein)food, keeps you fuller longer, reducing the need to snack...leaving more room for more satisfying foods throughout your day. You won't feel like you're having to deprive yourself.
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