I am so frustrated!!

I do not know what is going on. I have been workin my butt off and have not lost a pound. I am ready to give up. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I eat 1200-1500 calories a day and I am working out 4-5 times a week for 40-50 min.

Need help!:cry:


  • JenniferMann24
    I do not know what is going on. I have been workin my butt off and have not lost a pound. I am ready to give up. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    I eat 1200-1500 calories a day and I am working out 4-5 times a week for 40-50 min.

    Need help!:cry:
  • njksharp
    njksharp Posts: 60 Member
    Does that 1200-1500 include your excercise calories? If not you may need to up your calories. If not your body t thinks it is starving and starts storing everything. Check out the links at the top of the general discussion page for a more thorough explanation and tips hope this helps.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    What does your BMR say?
    I know there is tons of controversy about eating that amount...but I found that I didn't lose til I ate that number DAILY (without exercise) and for me... I had to cut out exercise. Only then did I see weight come off. :flowerforyou:
  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    Are you drinking all of your water?? I know that on the days that I don't drink my water, I feel bloated and the scale shows it too! Keep up the good work, it sounds like you are doing it right! Your body will catch on - just don't give up! :wink:
  • tennisgal
    I do not know what is going on. I have been workin my butt off and have not lost a pound. I am ready to give up. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    I eat 1200-1500 calories a day and I am working out 4-5 times a week for 40-50 min.

    Need help!:cry:

    Just stick with it...sometimes the body needs time to adjust....how long have you been on this routine?
  • MollySue30
    MollySue30 Posts: 288 Member
    Don't give it up, just remember you didn't put it on over night and it won't fall off over night even though we want it to, just keep what you are doing and your body will get the idea of what you want it to do.

    Keep your head up.
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    You might be losing inches instead of weight as your body composition changes, what you're doing is healthy, don't give up just cuz' the scale won't move! Try not weighing for a week, but keep up the healthy lifestyly you've been leading.
  • JenniferMann24
    I do drink alot of water. I eat those calories with exercise and Ive been doing this for months 4-6 dont know how many exactly.

    Thanks everyone!:smile:
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    So many including myself felt this way. I have just been doing this since Oct. 6 but by reading and "practicing" the things the gals and guys here have taught me, I have now started "losing" weight. My biggest problem was NOT eating enough, believe it or not. Those extra calories we earn when we exercise??? Im a believer because now, I eat them all and then I started losing weight:) Yes, only 4 lbs so far but I feel like my whole life has changed ever since that first "one single lb"!!! It was so exciting because partly, it didn't come easy and partly because I know Im doing it the healthy way, not some fad diet that doesn't work. Also, yesterday I was talking to my walking buddy and the thought crossed my mind why things like Jenny Craig may not work for people. It's because Jenny is doing all the "figuring" for us. So when we eat "her" set amounts, we do great, but when we go back to cooking we haven't learned anything about how much or what as it is all done for us. This way, like on mfp, we see each day "exactly" what we eat and how many calories, we see what we burn, we see what nutrition we are getting or not. This is a wonderful site and I pray you stick with it and don't give up. Just keep posting and venting and asking and listening:) You have come to the right place:) denise in Sams Valley Oregon

    You might be losing inches instead of weight as your body composition changes, what you're doing is healthy, don't give up just cuz' the scale won't move! Try not weighing for a week, but keep up the healthy lifestyly you've been leading.
  • shkaki
    shkaki Posts: 234 Member
    and also try to keep in mind all of the good things that are coming from the nutrition and exercise, not just trying to lose weight, but trying to be a healthier person! Skinny doesnt equal healthy!!
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    The last time I got frustrated and thought I was doing all the right things, I did an honesty check and came to a few realizations. Before you jump on the wagon to make a change I would suggest that you really examine what you're doing:

    Are you recording ALL of your calories including little things like condiments, juice and drinks (a lot of people forget those) and are you doing an accurate measurement of your portion sizes. One thing I came to realize is that my "guestimate" of a single serving was off a little and it adds up.

    Next: how honest are you being about the intensity of your exercise. 40-50 minutes walking at 2.5 miles an hour is significantly different than walking up hill or on a steep incline at 3.5 miles an hour. I think a lot of people overestimate how intensely they are working.

    If you're being really glaringly honest about what you're doing then you need to experiment. Try backing off a couple hundred calories, or adding a couple hundred, change your workout routine to something that your body is not yet accustomed to; try cycling your calories by going over by about 300 one one day and then under the next (my trainer recommends a three day cycle where you steadily increase your calories--one day at your goal, one day below and one day above).

    This is not an exact science and you have to fiddle with the program. Also, as you loose weight, the same activity burns less calories and, as you become more fit, the same activity, even if your weight stays the same, burns less calories.

    Don't get frustrated. We're all going through it together.
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    IMO the quality of your calories play a big part in weight loss results. Are you getting enough protein, carbs and fat daily with your current food? As others have said, really look at the food you are eating, you may be eating something (even if its healthy) that is causing water retention. All the macros should be the best quality and as close to natural as possible for hte best results.

    In regards to exercise, try doing a couple short (20-30mn) very intense cardio sessions in place of one or 2 of your longer sessions. Make these short sessions very intense, get out of your comfort zone, do intervals they really kick up the metabolism.

    And last of all do NOT give up. I know exactly how you feel, some days I think why do I even bother trying...but I keep on plugging away at it.
  • ranaelynn
    ranaelynn Posts: 115 Member
    Dont give up! It's there, its waiting, just under those extra pounds is a healthier you. I wont repeat what every one said about all of it above they are right on all accounts - check everything. And then Hey remember its a one day at a time each day is a new day to win day. Take a minute to write a journal entry to remind yourself WHY you started on this journey in the first place, if its for you then your on the journey for the right reason and you are worth it. And hey pat yourself on the back while your at it for the 11 lbs that are gone so far!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I do drink alot of water. I eat those calories with exercise and Ive been doing this for months 4-6 dont know how many exactly.

    Thanks everyone!:smile:

    I'm still not sure if you're eating your exercise calories or not--how many calories TOTAL a day do you eat normally?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    and also try to keep in mind all of the good things that are coming from the nutrition and exercise, not just trying to lose weight, but trying to be a healthier person! Skinny doesnt equal healthy!!

    Here Here!:drinker:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    The last time I got frustrated and thought I was doing all the right things, I did an honesty check and came to a few realizations. Before you jump on the wagon to make a change I would suggest that you really examine what you're doing:

    Are you recording ALL of your calories including little things like condiments, juice and drinks (a lot of people forget those) and are you doing an accurate measurement of your portion sizes. One thing I came to realize is that my "guestimate" of a single serving was off a little and it adds up.

    Next: how honest are you being about the intensity of your exercise. 40-50 minutes walking at 2.5 miles an hour is significantly different than walking up hill or on a steep incline at 3.5 miles an hour. I think a lot of people overestimate how intensely they are working.

    If you're being really glaringly honest about what you're doing then you need to experiment. Try backing off a couple hundred calories, or adding a couple hundred, change your workout routine to something that your body is not yet accustomed to; try cycling your calories by going over by about 300 one one day and then under the next (my trainer recommends a three day cycle where you steadily increase your calories--one day at your goal, one day below and one day above).

    This is not an exact science and you have to fiddle with the program. Also, as you loose weight, the same activity burns less calories and, as you become more fit, the same activity, even if your weight stays the same, burns less calories.

    Don't get frustrated. We're all going through it together.

    Ya know I really didnt like hearing this a few weeks ago, but it opened my eyes.

    I pretended I was brand new and weighed EVERYTHING.....Surprise! I was over on almost all my eyeballing!

    So now I am measuring and taking care to record everything. Ya figure a carrot here, tablespoon of ketchup there isnt much, but it can add up over a day!
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    Are you sure that you are eating enough? I know when I started back in Jan, I was allowed almost 1700 per day ( without the exercise calories). I have had my goals set for a 1 lb loss per week. 1200-1500 seems low.

    You may want to double check.....just a thought
  • JenniferMann24
    Not really sure if im eating the exercise calories or not. Not really sure of anything anymore. Ive got one doctor telling me to eat less one telling me to eat more. So confused:ohwell:
  • Vans
    Vans Posts: 388 Member
    I was feeling the same way as you...then changed my diet up....try restricting your diet for 7 days....What I mean is eat LOTS OF PROTEIN AND GREENS for 7 days and YOU WILL see a difference.....I did this and lost 6 punds in 7 days.
    after the 7 days slowly add fruit

    I personally stay away from breads, cereals etc because I know the minute I eat it my body holds onto it.......DONT GIVE UP......you are on a mission to BETTER LIVING AND BETTER HEALTH......

    and do not forget

    YOUR BODY BELIEVES EVERY WORD YOU SAY.....SO TALK NICE TO YOURSELF!!!:flowerforyou: here is some positivity I'm sending your way:heart::bigsmile:
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    A good book to read is the Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno. Lots of great info and cooler plans, some good recipes too!