Finding new problem of 'being ridiculed'~advice please



  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Usually, if people talk about my obsession with exercise and eating, I tell them about my Mother who was a healthy weight for her height but didn't exercise or eat right and died from a stroke at 53 years old. If they mouth off again, then I just mouth back with "Because I don't want to be a fat @$$ like you!" Shuts them right up. :laugh:
  • MrsGaff
    MrsGaff Posts: 42
    Hmmm, Id be more of the midset that they are guilty, not jealous. By making the right choices, youre exposing their wrong ones... and an attack is the best form of defending themselves.

    Youre doing whats best for you, and thats all that counts!
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Tell them to p*ss off! If you're not bringing it up, and they're just picking it up from your menu choices, then what difference does it make to them? Especially if you are still going out socilaising, and not saying that you'll miss a dinner out, as you're worried about the calories!

    At the end of the day, if you'd be happier carrying less lbs than you currently are, then do it - we all know our bodies, and how we feel most comfortable. If for you, thats at the bottom end of the healthy scale, rather than the top, then who is anyone else to comment. As long as you are careful, and dont actually go into the underweight range, then whats the problem?!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    The best thing I can say is who gives a f**** what other people think,you have to live for you and live for your own happiness.

    "We are all alone, born alone, die alone, and -- in spite of True Romance magazines -- we shall all someday look back on our lives and see that, in spite of our company, we were alone the whole way. I do not say lonely -- at least, not all the time -- but essentially, and finally, alone. This is what makes your self-respect so important, and I don't see how you can respect yourself if you must look in the hearts and minds of others for your happiness."
    — Hunter S. Thompson
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Just ignore them. If you know what you are doing and it is healthy, do what is good for you. However, sometimes when a person feels negative about others, body language and attitude allows that to come across. You did not speak very kindly about people you maybe consider friends/acquaintances. In fact in here you "ragged" on them, that may be coming across when you are with them and they may feel defensive.

    I was checking out your food diary and I truly do NOT believe that what you eat could ever make you a "snob." You must be one of those people who can eat anything they want and not gain a pound; Now folks would be jealous of that. My sister was like that, she could eat 3-5 pieces of chicken, steak, candy, pasta, chips, ice cream...and never gained a pound. I would almost starve to lose a pound...that changed as she got older.

    I don't ever talk about my health goals or my 'trying' new habits in front of others. I am just silently trying to make a change. So's nothing coming from a defensive stance. And no, actually, I can't eat whatever I want and not gain a pound. Hints why I'm on this site. I'm trying to make a change like everyone else! Like I said, I'm not over weight, nor underweight, and have my many reasons for wanting a healthier lifestyle change.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Jealousy. Good ol' green monster rearing it's ugly head!! Aren't other women fun? Blow it off! You're a gorgeous woman.

    Thank you! :) Most all of them are family too (probly reasoning behind little bit of the vent/raggin..haha). Which honestly feels like it makes it a little harder. :/
  • I have found that when people comment to me it is more their own guilt than anything. Them trying to explain away what they are eating when I choose something else....blah I'm not the food police lol

    I don't pay attention to much of any negative coments directed to me lol I'm coming up on my 3rd anniversary of starting my weight loss journey. I know what I'm doing by now and not starving myself :P
  • jeannas
    jeannas Posts: 109 Member

    There is a certain family member I want to read this!
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    I think this happens quite frequently with people who have been successful at losing weight. I think people have a hard time with seeing someone else be successful and make changes, because they themselves have not been able to do it, so they make negative comments.

    Lately, my husband has been getting comments that he is getting too skinny or needs to eat more, if they only knew *how* much he eats! He is at the high end of the healthy BMI range, he is by no means too skinny, but he is perceived that way just because of how much thinner he is compared to what he used to look like. It is a huge change that takes a while for people to come to terms with, I think.

    I usually do not talk to anyone about my goals or what I am doing. If someone asks, I keep it short and sweet and try to change the subject!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    ...Lately, my husband has been getting comments that he is getting too skinny or needs to eat more, if they only knew *how* much he eats! He is at the high end of the healthy BMI range, he is by no means too skinny, but he is perceived that way just because of how much thinner he is compared to what he used to look like. It is a huge change that takes a while for people to come to terms with, I think...

    I've been getting that a lot lately as well. Usually from the ladies at work, concerned that I am not eating enough. I tell them I probably eat more calories for breakfast than they do all day long, lol. Then I quiz them on how and what *they* eat every day. Conversation is usually changed pretty quick at that point :D
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