Do you burn more calories if you're tired from already exerc

This might sound stupid but I go to curves and then straight to zumba and sometimes even go swimming right after. I was just wondering if I burn more calories at zumba and then swimming because I'm already tired and already have a raised heart rate?


  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    Hard one.

    The best work out time is meant to be around 40 min, in your HRM zone, so thats where you will burn more.... i would say that you burn loads the fist 40 min or so then it will slow down.

    But its still a bloody good work out to do ! well done !
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Some of that depends on what type of workouts you are doing. Interval training, especially high-intensity interval training, can actually accelerate your metabolism for a very extended period of time AFTER your workout is finished. Google "tabata protocol." You may be able to shave some time off of your workouts and still get a seriously prolonged caloric burn and an excellent workout.
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    Basically to answer the question, "yes, but". If your heart rate is elevated when you start a work out, and everything else is equal, you will burn more calories during that work out. But, if you don't work out as intensively because you're tired, then you'll burn less. Only you can know if you're able to do zumba with the same vigour with our without the curves class.

    If you have time, the ideal option would be to do both with a decent break and something to eat in between, but that doesn't fit with most people's schedules.

    Not sure what an HRM zone is... I think you've confused that with something else., but "fat burning zone" and "cardio zone" are concepts to be ignored for reasons explained elsewhere on these message boards.
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    I don't know about calorie burn but I can tell you if you are lifting first (aka curves) and then going to cardio (zumba) you are more likely to spend more of your zumba class actually burning fat. If you lift weights you will burn up your glycogen or food stores from what you have consumed during the day first , if you are going straight to cardio afterward, the glycogen has already been burned off and your body will be ready to burn to fat. Just something to think about!
  • hellen72
    hellen72 Posts: 144 Member
    You may actually burn less as you are tired so not working as hard