PUNISH ME or something! What is going on?!?!?!?!

I have been beyond lazy the past 3 weeks. Not eating right. Not working out. etc.
Well the scale isnt punishing me one bit. I have maintained my weight. I gained a few ounces (like 5 ounces) but that is it. This week is TOM so I know I am bloated from that. I've been drinking soda, and eating foods that have too much sodium in them...so I know I have water weight.

the way my brain is thinking is "taking these things into consideration- i've probably still lost SOMETHING-so no big deal, right?!"

*sigh* I hate this! my brain is going into "its not hurting me" mode...which i think is hurting me! It's letting me think that eating these things and being lazy is just fine!

the cookies. the ice cream. the pop, chips, constant snacking, the sitting on my *kitten* every day...none of it seems to be doing any "bad". WHY?!

I'm thankful I havent gained any weight from my laziness the past few weeks, but on the other hand part of me wishes I would! kind of a punishment to get me back on track. my body letting me know that its not happy with what im doing lately and i need to get my *kitten* back in gear.

what the hell....UGH! Maybe I need some kind of contest. Something that will force me to be accountable for what I'm eating and doing. I've seen them around in the past...

Anyone want to start one with me?


  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    If you are no longer losing, then you're consuming more than your net MFP calorie allowance - which is default set for weight loss (and which seems to be what you're saying in your post.) If you aren't gaining anything either, then you are probably netting a maintenance level of calories, which would be higher than your weight loss net allowance. This would allow you to eat more and exercise less (as you are describing) but still maintain your weight, at least for a little while. But you won't lose any weight this way, either. The more you increase those net calories over time, the more weight will creep back on. So you aren't being punished, but you aren't being rewarded, either. If you are happy with the weight you're at now, then keep doing what you're doing and don't feel bad about it! No punishment needed. :flowerforyou:
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Oh it will, I know too many people who were like this. It's just like putting random food in the garbage disposal without cleaning it. It will work for awhile then one day it will stop. Murphy's law will say it will fail when you need it the most.

    If you want you can add me, just if you want help I'd open your diary. Preventive maintenance is easier than corrective maintenance.
  • zeratul1080
    zeratul1080 Posts: 19 Member
    I agree with jenilla1 that you are eating "a maintenance level of calories."

    BUT... from the description of your recent diet and exercise activities, you may have lost a little bit of muscle.
    If you keep eating the same amounts of food, you may gradually put on weight because your metabolism is slowing down.

    Of course I'm just guessing, but from experience, for me, 3 weeks without weight training, I am noticeably weaker than where I left off. I believe any weight / resistance trainer will agree with me on this.
  • bs_price
    bs_price Posts: 12 Member
    i was doing the same thing up until last week when i gained 1.2lbs then it clicked how bad do i want this the answer is i want it bad and when i weighed this morning im down 7 lbs u just need to step back and reevaluate u can do it just get into that mind set make urself do it focus on what's important what do u want to lose weight for i'm thinking ur kids might be a good reason so u can play with them and run and jump so that they don't have one of those moms who's too out of shape to chase them and play and they will enjoy their childhood more with a mom who can play with them trust me they will remember that stuff when they get older above all do it for urself u will feel so much better good luck
  • reba971
    reba971 Posts: 80
    You need to watch your sodium too. I do the same thing, get lazy, crazy (pms) and eat like mad...I don't gain at all, but I tend to feel bigger, which is the sodium in fatty foods. Too much sodium leads to a ton of health problems, which will eventually scare you into eating right.
    You are letting your muscles weaken, which results in weight loss, which is why you probably didn't gain. Which in turn has slowed your metabolism down...ugh!
    So now you are a weak, bloated, slow lazy, crazy, bad eater! LOL How's that for punishment?
    If you want to start a challenge I will do it with you. I need that kind of thing to get me motivated, but I have no one close around that will do something like that with me.
    If you do keep it up, you know you will eventually gain weight. One day you will go put your jeans on and they will be uncomfortable all day and you will go weigh in and there will be 5 extra pounds, ugh time to start all over.
    I have a mini goal date..it is Memorial day weekend. We are going camping and boating and I want to look better in my bathing suit than I did in Feb. when we went to a indoor waterpark!
    It is 33 days till we leave, what do you think we can do in 33 days?
  • cmisty2001
    no what you mean, but it usually takes a couple of weeks for the damage to show up - hope you get back on track
  • ambermichk
    ambermichk Posts: 108 Member
    i also have to get back intot the game.....i am over 2 weeks of being a bum, hardly going to gym, eating anything and everything, even drinking soda.....i feel bad too........ got to get back on track....i would love a contest or something to motivate me to get moving in the right direction again