
what is a good fast easy breakfast? I love cereal but I always eat like the kids sugary ones lol I need to eat something new and healthy. Most importantly it needs to taste good :)


  • RonieLisbeth
    a fast easy breakfast oatmeal with berries lol
    egg whites mixed with tomatoes and onions ilike dat
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Today I had a piece of wholegrain toast and a hard boiled egg. It is very filling and super quick if you boil a bunch of eggs the night before for use during the week.

    Peanut butter (natural kind) on a toasted wheat english muffin

    Omelet loaded with vegetables

    Oatmeal with a little brown sugar and raisins

    I like Kashi Go Lean Crunch when I get a cereal craving but the sugars are fairly high, though it is high in protein.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    I am a big believer in eating a healthy breakfast. Since my weight loss journey began almost five years ago, I have eaten oatmeal nearly every morning. Began with the instant flavored packets, and now use the quick cooking oats. I add a little bit of sugar (or a sweetener if you don't want the few calories sugar adds) and have recently begun adding a tablespoon of peanut butter. The PB makes it VERY filling.

    If I ate breakfast before I began eating better, it was a cup of coffee and a pop-tart in the car on the way to work.:ohwell: I do think that the switch to a healthy breakfast has helped not only with my weight loss, but I also think it has helped to keep my cholesterol and blood sugar in check too.
