depressed today

I was doing good for the last 1.5week,sticking to 1200 cal and working out 5-6 times a week.Yesterday was my son's birthday and I ended up eating a piece of cake,slice of pizza,pasta and lots of salad but I worked out for 40 min on the elliptical in the morning before going for the party.
Checked my weight this morning and I am 2lbs up.
Can one day of eating result in this?I lose all my motivation when i see this kinda results.


  • ltc1968
    ltc1968 Posts: 5
    One time indulgence is not an end all. It is possible to gain that quickly but I would be willing to bet that your foods were full of sodium and thus your retaining more water than usual. Fall back in line on the ating and keep working out...those 2lbs and more will peel away.
  • theresa122
    Don't lose motivation. Womens weight can change from 1-3 lbs daily. it can be as simple as salt or water weight. Just remember yesterday is over and today is a new day, begin again....
  • Jillong
    Jillong Posts: 61 Member
    Try to keep your chin up! Don't forget that what goes in, must come out again ... and that can take some time, depending your body. Rationalise your eating before you start beating yourself up. It was your son's birthday, which comes around once a year. Sod the healthy eating on such on occasion! If you don't eat pizza and cake all the rest of the year, why shouldn't you eat what your child wants on his/her day.

    Forgive yourself. Life is too short not to eat pizza and cake ... and drink good red wine. :drinker:
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I would say....don't weigh yourself right after you have a bad day....kills motivation real fast....wait a few days after you're back on your regular routine with eating and working out.....and drink lots of water b/c sodium is killer....
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    ITC is right. A lot of sodium can cause water weight. Try eating clean for a few days and check again. It's probably just water weight. Don't sweat just keep you eye on the prize. Good luck!
  • Achoooo
    Achoooo Posts: 130
    Keep doing what you are doing. It'll work off.
    Also, if you are weighing more than once a week you need to stop that. Fluctuations occur and you are going to continue to just get down, lose motivation and beat yourself up over it.
    If you weigh once a week, yes mid-week you could be up, but if you skip that you could be down at the end of the week and you'd never know.
    Don't focus too hard on the scale either but measure yourself too.
    The scale isn't worth getting depressed about.
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    I was doing good for the last 1.5week,sticking to 1200 cal and working out 5-6 times a week.Yesterday was my son's birthday and I ended up eating a piece of cake,slice of pizza,pasta and lots of salad but I worked out for 40 min on the elliptical in the morning before going for the party.
    Checked my weight this morning and I am 2lbs up.
    Can one day of eating result in this?I lose all my motivation when i see this kinda results.

    It happens, but don't let it discourage you. Two steps forward, one step back. It happens to us all, but remember to think about the bigger picture and promise yourself you will do better today. I've had many weeks like that and wonder how it is posible to gain that much weight in such a small span of time. Then I wonder why it takes (or at least feels like it does) forever to lose again. Just be positive and stick to your plan, you will see a difference, I promise you. Don't let it get you down!
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    It's not the end of the world to have a "bad eating day". Just don't let it be a reason to continue to do it on a regular basis. I have had the scale go up on me as much as 3 pounds after one day, but then I go back to doing the right things and it's come down the same 3 (or more) the next. There are many factors to take into consideration - water weight usually exacerbated by extra salt on a bad day, waste removal, etc. It's not a good idea to weight yourself right after a bad day anyway, unless you're just trying to see the effects of that day. Keep in mind that this is a journey and there are day to day fluctuations. It's teh end resutls that count. So, put the past behind you and rememeber that today is a new day.
  • flash53
    flash53 Posts: 46 Member
    I would eat clean today. and weigh yourself tommorow. The extra food might not be through your system yet.
  • flozick
    flozick Posts: 3 Member
    When I've experienced what happened to you, if I keep up the exercise and go back to you better eating, your weight goes back to normal in a couple of days. Just hang in there and go back to what you were doing before your son's birthday. And remember the positive outcome for next year because it might happen again and you'll be able to get through it again.
  • flozick
    flozick Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with flash53.
  • mon3011
    mon3011 Posts: 20
    Thank you friends for all your motivational replies.
    I will not give up and keep going...
  • shimila1101
    shimila1101 Posts: 119
    I'm in the same boat!! I went WAY over sodium yesterday and it showed as a 4.5 lb gain this morning. So, I'm eating clean today and I'll weigh myself tomorrow.

    Don't give up. One day isn't going to undo everything as long as it's just the one day and not one day for an entire week. :smile:
  • Rachael68
    Rachael68 Posts: 15
    Don't beat yourself up. You can splurge one day and, yes if you run to the scale, it is going to disappoint you. But if you give yourself a break, don't go to the scale, just make different choices for today. Drink lots of water and get busy again.... you will see it turn around. One day of high calories is not going to make or break you as long as you don't let it rule your thoughts and derail your efforts. Keep up the good work and you will see results long-term. friend me if you would like.....:happy:
  • lizabean89
    lizabean89 Posts: 33 Member
    I would say way to go on working out!!! Don't worry about one day off, just don't make it into two. You stuck to exercise, and we all have days you need to enjoy. Don't be too hard on yourself.