I need accountability!

I am having such a hard time staying committed. I have been a yoyo dieter for about 15 years. I get to where I want to be and I gain it all back! I did weight watchers a few times and did well, I think because I knew I had to get on the scale. It kept me accountable. Now I'm having a really hard time staying focused. I'll have a good few days and then blow it for a week. I'm so frustrated! I only have about 15 pounds to lose, but I can't fit into any of my clothes. I'm living in yoga pants and t shirts and it's making me depressed. I barely go anywhere now because I don't have anything that fits!

If anyone has any advice, I'm all ears. Feel free to add me as a friend.

Thank you!

32 yr old SAHM to 3 kids


  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    I would suggest getting a bunch of MFP friends (I just sent you an invite) and setting your diary to public (or at least open to friends). That way you have people to cheer you on and also to give you feedback on how you are doing. When you get into it, I find it really interesting to see what other people are doing/eating to either get some great ideas or learn from their mistakes.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    what you need is a lifelong commitment to make your changes permanent, I do that by constantly changing my goals, I had started at 198, with a goal of 175, hit that then changed it to 170, hit that now its 10% bodyfat or 158 pounds, whichever comes first. Once I have hit that goal then it is onto muscle building to get to a place that I like. Doing this is about perfecting yourself and making new challenges. I have formed a group and post weekly challenges on my blog, if that motivates you and makes you accountable then feel free to add me and join in.
  • redsoxy
    redsoxy Posts: 73 Member
    I joined here because of the very same reason. I need the acountability that this site give me....it has always been really easy to have one bad day then just give up, or to make excuses about the choices that I was making. I've been on MFP for 3+wks and am addicted!

    My only advice would be to get some supportive friends on here (feel free to add me if you'd like) and to log in EVERY DAY. Don't omit anything on your diary because you feel guilty about eating it or not exercising...remember this is for the acountability to yourself!! Good luck!
  • texasred1
    I just joined. I too yo-yo diet. Maybe we can do a small challange together like walking just 90 minutes that week or something. I just sent you a friend request. Let me know if you are interested in challenges, or anyone else who would like to.
  • mamato3inca
    mamato3inca Posts: 168 Member
    Thank you for all the advice so far! There were some great ideas. Thank you to everyone who added me as a friend, I'll take all the help I can get!
  • Pretty_n_Pink
    I have a hard time believing that a website such as this or WW or any other weight loss program can give you accountability. The definition of accountability is the willingness to accept responsibiltity for one's actions.

    I do believe that this website will give you the tools to help you succeed, lots of motivation as well as fitness tips, information, etc. But at the end of the day, you have free will, you make the choice to eat healthy or unhealthy. No one is going to stand there and force you to eat a candy bar or drink a soda and no one will force you to eat veggies, fresh fruit or healthy meats.

    In my opinion it's a matter of how bad do you want this. It's easy to sit around in yoga pants and big t-shirts, it's hard to get up and exercise and it's too easy to say I need accountability. When what we should be saying is I am accountable for my choices and actions.

    I don't mean any of this to be negative, just giving you my perspective/opinion. Good luck to you and I hope you find the success you strive for.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    well MFP does work well...it is essentially the same as WW just with cals instead of points...as far as the accountability goes...a few suggestions would be: to open your diary to public viewing, add as many friends as you can to watch what you are doing, and try to find a group or thread on here that asks for your weigh-ins every week...I am The New Me Club 2011 and we weigh-in every Saturday and post it no matter what!
  • jess_ellen
    I have also found that having friends on here has really helped me. I have just sent a request
  • MomofTeens
    MomofTeens Posts: 42 Member
    sounds just like me! Having 3 kids does make it hard to stay on track. Especially with "quick drive-thru" meals and having food around that is easy to snack on. But it can be done! :)
  • NowGoWorkout
    Some great advice so far. One point stands out. This website is a tool, and an excellent one at that. BUT, you will be alone. The calories will be lurking. The chocolate, pizza, (fill in your favorite fat builder here) are going to call your name. But only for a little while, you'll get past it.

    But, to be accountable, you've got to make changes deeper than this website. Why do you want to lose the weight and get in shape? I challenge you to go deeper than what you have listed on your profile page. You don't need to make them public, but go deeper. Why do you eat? I know I ate because it let me feel 'relaxed' and 'unstressed'. Or so I thought. I looked at myself more, and realized that was BS...I ate because it tasted good and gave me pleasure. Nothing more. I simply couldn't deal with delaying gratification...now I do. And why? Because I realized that what I received for delaying that gratification was 10x more powerful than the feeling of food going into my system.

    Go deeper. Eat clean. Teach your kids to eat cleanly. Yep, that's right. No twinkies. No cupcakes. Get rid of the processed stuff. Ditch the soda. It won't be easy, but it's worth it to you for your goals, and it will start them off right - and give them a fighting chance. Every notice severely overweight kids...what do their parents look like? It's not often you see two very fit parents with obese kids. Sure there are exceptions, but not many.

    So, dig deeper, make the changes, know why you're making the changes, and do it hardcore. But know that in the end, YOU are responsible. You've got no one else to blame for falling off the wagon...only you. Life gets tough, but that's not an excuse. Get in shape, add years to your life, and give your kids a shot, too. Best of luck, and for encouragement and information, find someone you trust. Not someone who will tell you what you want to hear, but someone who will kick you squarely in the *kitten* if you make excuses.

    There my blithering 2 cents worth. Now go workout.
  • Mkmassey3
    Mkmassey3 Posts: 214 Member
    Every last one of these responses have been exactly right on. You have to be the one to hold yourself accountable. We are here to support you and motivate you any way that we can. I was on here for at least 2 months before I "made friends" and I will say, now that I have them, it is true motivation. I never logged in for more than 5 days in a row. Weekends came and went and I didn't log a morsel. Having made my diary public and having encouraging words from friends has motivated me to log consistently for 15 days in a row. Best of luck on your journey. I will send you a friend request :flowerforyou:
  • hollypopp10
    hollypopp10 Posts: 68 Member
    I hear ya! I know how hard it is to stay committed and focused and also know what its like to not have clothes fit you quite the way you wish you would! I think you have gotten some great advice and would love to add you as a friend so that we can motivate each other!
  • paulmg1234
    paulmg1234 Posts: 37
    This is such good advice. :smile: