Morbidly Obese and Pregnant?

Has anyone out that been over 250 pounds and gotten pregnant? What was your experience like? Any advice? Thanks in advance!


  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I was 260lbs when I had my last baby. I started at 200lbs. YUK!!! I'm now 7 months pregnant with baby #4 and I'm still working out!
  • RoxMyWorld
    RoxMyWorld Posts: 127 Member
    I was 289lbs when I got pregnant for baby #1 and I lost 35lbs during pregnancy just by eating healthy and taking care of myself.
  • cdthom
    cdthom Posts: 108 Member
    I was 270 when i got preg with my son hit 310 buy the end dont let it be a excuse for you to eat anything and everything you want No the baby does not need all those extra cals only about 200 more then what you would normaly need it was hard being that big and pregnant special the last month i got stuck on the floor at work and could get up lol new it was time for maternity leave then
  • mmcgille
    mmcgille Posts: 60 Member
    I was! I was 258 when I got pregnant (at 5'11"). I was so sick in the first trimester I ended up only gaining 15 lbs total. I didn't have any issues (other than the "morning" sickness). My biggest issues were finding maternity clothes that I liked that didn't fit like a muumuu. My son was born after the full 40 weeks very healthy. I exercised up until the 8th month and was craving fruits and veggies like crazy, so that helped, too. Good luck!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    When I found out I was pregnant with my first, I was 255 and weighed in at 280 when I had him. I got pregnant on the pill so I didn't find out I was pregnant till I was 14.5 weeks along. I obviously got pregnant very easily lol. I never had gest diabetes or high BP or any complications. I went back down to 245 after I had him.

    When I foung out I was pregnant with my second and last baby, I was 260ish and weighed 279 when I had her. I got pregnant within 1 cycle of going off the pill to try to get pregnant lol. Again got pregnant very easily. I never had gest diabetes or high BP or any complications with her either. This is where I stayed huge and weighed in at 298 by the time she was 6 months old.

    Both are extremely healthy kids. my first will be 6 on Wednesday and my baby is almost 3 and a half.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    I was 220 when I got pregnant with my son and I only gained 23 lbs the entire pregnancy, I actually lost the first 1.5 trimesters.

    Focus on healthy foods, fruits & veggies, lean meats, ect. It is highly unadvised to start a workout regimine while pregnant but if you were already walking as an excercsie this can be continued and will be very helpful your last trimester also.

    You may not gain at all while pregnant if you focus on eating healthy and portion control for the sweet cravings.

    Your biggest challenge will be avoiding gestational diabetes so focusing on a healthy diet is even more important for you.

    OH! And WATER WATER WATER ofcourse, reduce your juice intake, even if it is 100% fruit juice try to eliminate it.
  • Walt75
    Walt75 Posts: 182 Member
    Oh *kitten*!! I'm pregnant???!! That makes sense!
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    I have five chidren, 3 were conceived when I weighed more than 250 lbs.
    Athough I had some difficulty with my sciatic nerve, they were generally uneventful pregnancies and I delivered with midwives.
    If you have specific questions please feel free to message me.

    And friend me if you want...
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    I was morbidly obese with both my children. The pregnancies were fine even my OB/GYN were great bout it. Didn't develope any of the complications that you supposedly are suppose to get if you get pregnant and are obese. No Gestational Diabetes, nothing! Both babies were born healthy and at a healthy weight. My baby girl was 6lbs 12 oz and my boy was 7 lbs 4 ozs. They are both still healthy and average. Thank God no weirdness health wise.
    During both pregnancies I felt fine the last one I was tired all the time but he was born in October and being 7-9 months pregnant in the Florida summer can be an ordeal no matter what size you are! :laugh:
    I ate relatively healthy and I gained about 30 lbs with my first and only 20 with my second. I weighed 260 when I got pregnant with my first and I weighed 284 when I got pregnant with my second. Needless to say I was over 300 lbs towards the end of my last pregnancy!. I didn't have an epidural for the first but I did for the second. They gave me too much and I was sick to my stomach during most of my labor. If you have any questions just friend me and I'll try to answer the best I can.
    I'm not a health prfessional, but I hate it when they all state that if you get pregnant while obses you will suffer. I'm living proof that, that's not always the case!

    I hope this helps!
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I was 215 when i got preggo with my daughter and the day i went into labor i was 245. I am back down to my preggo weight. I had a great typical healthy pregnancy, if that is something your worried about i wouldnt let your weight concern you. I had a healthy pregnancy. My sister on the other hand who is a lot smaller than me had more complications. I think it is just your body and how it can handle pregnancy. I say concentrate on eating healthy and staying active. I have seen skinny people be lazier than I was. It got hard in the final weeks.
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I was 220 when I got pregnant, but I was so sick during the whole thing that I lost 20 pounds during the first 6 months but in the last 3 I gained about 40 because of fluid retention.. I had all day sickness during the whole pregnancy and I also got pregnancy induced carpal tunnel that never went away. If I hadn't been sick the whole time I think it would have been quite ok. I also walked about 4 miles a day at the time as I worked at an amusement park, but for the last couple of months the uniforms wouldn't fit me so I had to wear one of the jogging suits you can buy from August through October. He was high up so I started showing really early and it was the year we had the black out so I was boiling.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    My sister just had her baby, she was 230 when she go pregnant and was 265 by end of pregnancy. She said the hardest part for her was that her back was ALWAYS hurting, she could not walk for more than 5-10 minutes at a time. She had no complications though, and she delivered a BEAUTIFUL HANDSOME HEALTHY Little man.
  • kittychick1978
    I don't mean to steal your question away but I seen it posted and am curious if any mfp'ers who have/had PCOS and is severely overweight got pregnant without too many problems. Inbox me.
  • melly196804
    melly196804 Posts: 20 Member
    I was over 250 for all five pregnancies. I was fine for the first two and developed gestational diabetes for the rest. If you take care of yourself and eat right you should be fine. Watch your sugar intake and if you are working out you can continue to do so. I see pregnant woman at my gym all the time. You should be fine. Is this your first baby?
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    yes...I was morbidly obese (still am----for now) when I got pregnant with my son..gained 23 more lbs with him..Aside from the first four months of all-day --i mean morning sickness, my pregnancy was great...
  • captnesshowdy7
    Thanks for all the replies ladies. DH and I are trying for our first baby and like always, I read too much on the internet. I just get very worried about additional complications with weight. I don't know why I worried so much though because my OB said that if I wanted to get pregnant now, she wouldn't tell me it wasn't a good idea. I just like seeing others experiences.
  • nhlynn88
    Im 22 weeks and I've gained about 20lbs already. Im not eating all the time or anything I'm just gaining weight. I don't feel like I'm showing I just feel like I look more fat. And says my belly button is supposed to "pop out" but that's not happening either. I've read the message boards and most women are talking about how they lost weight while being pregnant. It makes me feel inadequate. I just want to know if what is happening to me is normal or should I be concerned?