No weight loss

gadawg1 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Started 2 months ago. Carefully watching caloric intake and exercising. No weight loss. Any suggestions?


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    If you open up your food diary I can take a look at your habits and offer suggestions.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Everyone's metabolism is different. I think this program is really good but the numbers don't work for everyone. Assuming that you are being completely honest with your logging, including carefully noting portion sizes, you might have to go back to your settings and change your activity level. This will automatically give you a lower calorie goal. I had to change mine from "moderate" to "sedentary" and even then I don't lose as much as the program predicts I will.
  • I was in the same position as you just stick with it! Good Luck!
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I agree open the food diary, plus you could be watching too carefully. And don't underestimate the benefits of exercise. I got my dad walking a few miles a day a few times a week when I went back home to visit last month and he lost a few pounds within a week (no diet change) just with that little change.
  • Lots of questions. How much are you trying to lose? What is your BMI? I kind of want to see your "diary" of what you're eating. I suggest (without any answers to the above questions) eating a more vegan-based diet. Cut any dairy addictions. Increase calories from raw fruit AND veggies. Try to make at least one meal per day vegan. You may want to try fasting to cleanse, as well. Stop eating any processed food and stick to the organic and health foods section of your grocery store.
    Taco Time has an amazing heathy menu if you eat out a lot.
    I've done this and went from 137 to 127 in 2 months. My goal is one vegan meal per day. (nothing drastic - Amy's does great frozen lunches I take to work with me that are vegan - about $3 per meal).
    Cut out any snacks unless it's a fruit (one apple, one banana, etc). Raw and alone.
    Make sure you're getting enough fiber. (I do one activia yogurt a day to keep...well, you know).
    REALLY look at your caloric intake from beverages...This is where my hidden calories were and I've cut out a lot of trips to starbucks.
    Good luck!
  • tekbro
    tekbro Posts: 7
    How are your goals set? I set for 2 pounds per week, and eight weeks later I am 15 pounds lighter. I have rarely gone over my 1550 cal target but often come in under, but its because I exercise a lot. I also shifted my diet from a lot of carbs from granola and rice to protein and good fat. Set routine: breakfast is chopped peppers or spinach in some olive oil and garlic salt with one egg scrambled. Lunch is a protein shake. Add an apple and nuts and I'm going into dinner with about 700-1000 calories to play with.
    Some days at dinner time I look at the numbers and decide to take the dog on another 30 minute walk so I can have a glass of wine. I think the keys are 1. don't eat up all your exercise calories, 2. no bread, potatoes or rice on a regular basis, 3. eat dinner early and go to bed a little hungry: some days when you are kinda tired just warm up some grilled chicken strips and throw them on a big bowl of spinach, eat that and go to bed--those spartan days make a huge difference if you are stuck on a plateau, 4. stick to fiberous fruits: avoid oranges and big sweet things, bananas OK in moderation because they have fiber: I only eat apples and bananas for fruit, and a couple handfuls of walnuts during the day.
    A good question is: have you gained any weight? If not, that's a good thing. Stick with it. It works.
  • gadawg1
    gadawg1 Posts: 3 Member
    Food diary is public
  • gadawg1
    gadawg1 Posts: 3 Member
    I have made my food diary public. I did weight today and the scale showed a 6 lb lost but this had taken more than 2 months. Now it will be interesting to see if the scales show a higher weight tomorrow. It seems I bounce around alot.
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